The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 483 Be an Emperor, Just Be a Bandit

Chapter 483 Be an Emperor, Just Be a Bandit

Suddenly talking about the Ning family, the topic of the national teacher is too jumpy!
Aren't you talking about Prince Xiqi and the giant python?

He was guided to mention the Ning family well.

Mu Wan's eyes darkened, and she knew that the perverted national teacher hadn't let the Ning family go. Could it be that he still wanted to find a girl with the Phoenix flower birthmark among the Ning family's descendants?

Because of this thought, why didn't the Ning family be completely killed back then?
Thinking of this, she subconsciously clenched her five fingers, her expression cold.


At this time, Ning Xintong, who was sitting in a corner with Luo Zichen, turned pale and trembled unknowingly.

Neither she nor Yaoyao inherited this special birthmark.

But they are all from the Ning family, and their blood is hereditary, and they will definitely give birth to children with the birthmark of the phoenix flower in the future.

If this national teacher has always been immortal, then, if he still has that thought, wouldn't their children not be able to escape his clutches in the future?
Luo Zichen held her hand tightly, stared at Mo Li with cold eyes, and secretly vowed to get rid of this person.


Everyone looked at the Empress, and it was no secret that the Ning family had a special birthmark inherited from the Ning family.

Everyone in the capital knew that in each generation of the Ning family, a girl would inherit this birthmark.

It grows between the forehead and is very unique, a bit like a flame, and a bit like a phoenix feather tail.

Concubine Ning had it back then, because the birthmark was very special and she was very beautiful. With this birthmark, it felt like an extraordinary fairy descending to earth.

Every girl from the Ning family with such a birthmark died a tragic death, and her fate was very miserable. Inheriting such a birthmark is not a good thing.

It is considered by many people to be the lone star of the evil spirit, and the disaster star came to the world.

No matter how beautiful she is, no one dares to come to ask for marriage.

The Ning family, however, regarded her as a treasure, protecting her like pearls and eyeballs.

It wasn't until later that Emperor Xiandi and Xiqi Guoshi successively fell in love with Concubine Ning, who admired Concubine Ning, and came to ask to marry her, but the Ning family didn't agree, and finally Mo Li mobilized the power of the whole country to try to grab her.


Speaking of this, the atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

Thinking about the Ning family, misfortunes never come singly, very unfortunate.

Now all of the Ning family died tragically on the frontier, leaving only one orphan girl.

Fortunately, that birthmark was not inherited.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be another big war.

Seeing that everyone is silent, the atmosphere is not very good.

Mo Li's eyes flickered, looked at the empress, and said with a smile, "The big snake Lan Mei in Qiantui Lake was raised by our Mo family and is the patron saint of Xiqi. If the emperor doesn't believe it, he can ask Master Chen, and he can testify. Now that he is killed by the Queen of the Kingdom, I don't know how the Emperor plans to pay for the throne."

Empress Fan's fault was naturally paid by the emperor.

He will only settle accounts with her for this matter.

Seeing the girl's face turned blue, he changed the subject and said softly, "Why don't you let my three disciples who are not up to date go, and I won't pursue Lan Mei's matter, how about it?"

Mu Wan sneered, "National Master Xiqi speaks so loudly, your pet has lived in the Jun Kingdom for 300 years, it's fine if it doesn't pay the rent, and dares to harm the people of the Jun Kingdom everywhere, why is it wrong for me to send the Queen to kill it? "

"Also, this is the first time I've heard that the giant python in Qiantui Lake was raised by your family. Since it was raised by your family, why don't you take good care of it? For more than 300 years, your Mo family has allowed the patron saint to go to the kingdom to harm the people of the kingdom? Its crime is punishable, and it almost swallowed me back then. I just wanted to kill it to avenge and eliminate harm for the people, and you still want me to pay? Heh~ Then I will be extra merciful and allow you Xiqi to be the patron saint. Bring back your ashes!"

Mo Li: "..."

He could be said to be stunned, he didn't expect this woman to talk to him like this.

It's ridiculous that he still can't refute it! !
Mu Wan stared at him coldly, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, trying to exchange a dead snake for Prince Xiqi's three lives, but there was no way.

The minister of the monarchy watched the empress frightened and wiped off his cold sweat frequently.

The envoys of Nanliang and Beiming shook their heads secretly, thinking that the young emperor is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Secretly sweating for her.

The national teacher of Xiqi, although he looks like a 16-year-old boy, he is actually an old monster.

The appearance of a teenager, the mind of a hundred years old.

No one has ever dared to disobey him.

Those who dare to do so will have grass growing on their graves.


Looking at Mo Li, Mu Wan was basically sure that he came from another world. Maybe he was the supreme powerhouse in the world he lived in, so he still felt good about himself.

She doesn't believe it.

Even the gods have their spirits, and their souls are scattered.

What's more, he is human now.

Mu Wan's eyes flickered, and she suddenly thought of something, he was so determined to get the woman with the Phoenix flower birthmark, maybe it was the secret of his immortality?

After careful calculation, sixteen years ago, it is said that every generation of the Ning family who inherited the birthmark of the phoenix flower would die tragically at the age of 16.

Miss Ning Si, 16 years old, was taken away by him and died tragically.

Concubine Ning was 16 years old. He forced her into a forced marriage. At that time, the Ning family did not agree. He came to the Jun Kingdom to rob her, but was injured by Master Liaochen, which shows that he was very weak at that time.

Now she is 16 years old...

Mo Li came to the kingdom again.

I'm afraid this time it's also to find a woman with a birthmark of the phoenix flower.

Otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence.

He arrested Mr. Ning, firstly for punishment, and secondly for interrogation.

Thinking of this, Mu Wan's expression turned ugly.

Chu Bei stretched out his hand to hold her hand tightly, and he also thought of her.

He looked at Mo Li with ice-cold eyes, revealing a cold and murderous look.


Faced with many stinging gazes, Mo Li still remained unchanged, calm and calm, and said with a smile, "Since you disagree, what do you want Xiqi to do to let the prince and others go?"

Mu Wan and Chu Bei's eyes met, and they were not polite to him, "300 million taels of gold, Xiqi used the money to redeem, I will let them go and let them go."

After the words fell, the surrounding air seemed to fall into an eerie silence, and the people in the entire hall were holding their breath, almost a needle could be heard.

Mo Li's eyes were getting colder, and his white jade face was faintly blue.

After a while, the envoy of Xiqi raised his head angrily, "Why don't you go grab it, Emperor?"

Three million taels of gold! !
What kind of emperor would she be, she might as well be a robber.

It costs 300 million taels of gold for one bite, and Xiqi might not be able to gather such a huge sum of money even if he gave her the national treasury.

She is also an emperor, don't you know that a country looks rich, but in fact the treasury is full of moonlight people every month.

There is not so much spare money piled up in the treasury.

The piles are full at the beginning of the month, and they must be emptied at the end of the month. The imperial court has to pay salaries, military salaries, pensions and other expenses, as well as food and clothing in the harem, all of which are piled up with precious gold. The emperor usually rewards ministers, concubines and others. It all costs money.

In a large country, it is good that expenditure and income can be directly proportional.

But it is difficult to take out 300 million taels of gold at once. The imperial court has gold mines, but mining takes time, and it cannot be mined casually. When fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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