Chapter 488
The voice was melodious and melodious, like water like a song, just like a ray of dawn light, instantly dispelling the gloomy and oppressive atmosphere.

Everyone looked over, and saw a slim girl with a fairy temperament standing in the hall, wearing a sky blue dress, eyes as bright as water, with a veil, adding a mysterious beauty.

Looking at her, Mu Wan thought of a famous poet's "Beauty":
The sleeves are bare hands, the wrists are golden rings,
Gold hairpin on the head, emerald green Langgan on the waist.

A pearl is intertwined with a jade body, but a tree is difficult among corals.

Luo Yi is fluttering, and the light train returns with the wind.

Gu Pan left her brilliance, long howling and angry.

The future saint heir of Beiming Snow Mountain, the daughter of King Liang of Beiming, the owner of Qingsang County, Qingsang of Beiming, is a nobleman of Beiming Tianhuang, and she can be regarded as Beimingzhao's cousin.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. The Eldest Prince was caught in a dungeon by the Empress before, and he was inevitably upset. He was impulsive, and he offended the Empress. He didn't mean it. Please forgive me!"

"Emperor Master of the Junguo, Master Liaochen has been kind to the eldest prince. This time he came to the kingdom to express his gratitude. It is okay for Master Liaochen to retreat. This delays the time to return to Beiming. It is the eldest prince who broke into Lingyu Mountain privately. No, but because he was playing for a while, he heard that there was a hundred-year-old snake, so he couldn't hold back his curiosity and ran into the Thousand-year-old Pond, disturbing the empress and beheading it. I'm sorry, but I hope the Queen's Empress Haihan."

The girl's clear and melodious voice sounded in the hall.

She explained and apologized for the First Prince Beiming, and her attitude was so good that no one could find fault.

Mu Wan secretly admired, the cold-eyed Nanliang envoys and Xiqi envoys, the elders, were a little disgusted. Hearing what the little girl said, this is the demeanor that an envoy of a country should have. She is humble and polite, knows how to assess the situation, and knows what is appropriate to advance and retreat. She is a qualified envoy.

We are all female compatriots, and Princess Beiming Qingsang is so knowledgeable about current affairs, Mu Wan will naturally not embarrass her, give her face, and said with a smile, "So that's it, I don't know these things, now listen to the princess' explanation, I think it’s understandable and justifiable, it was a misunderstanding to imprison the Great Prince Beiming before, and since the misunderstanding is resolved, that’s good.”

Princess Qingsang blessed slightly, "Thank you, Emperor Haihan."

Then she raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at the handsome young man beside the empress, her eyes flickered slightly, she looked at him without blinking, her heart skipped a beat, but she quickly covered it up, and said softly, "Empress, the eldest prince didn't do it on purpose, please forgive him."

Although the Empress said it was understandable, she didn't signal the hidden guards to retreat.

It's all up to the Queen to decide.

Chu Bei stared at Bei Mingzhao coldly, his face was cold and he didn't make a sound, obviously unwilling to forgive.

He came here for his daughter-in-law and said so many high-sounding things, thinking that he would believe it?
Chu Bei ignored her, Princess Qingsang was embarrassed for a while, and looked at the Empress eagerly, "The emperor...this..."

Mu Wan looked at Chu Bei, secretly pulled his robe under the table, put it close to his ear, winked, and said, "It's almost done."

She also wants to do business.

Don't make too much noise.

Chu Bei lowered his eyes to stare at her small movements of pulling him, and he couldn't feel his lips curling up. The ice and snow melted on his icy face in an instant, and the flowers bloomed in the warmth of spring. The corners of his lips slightly curled up, accompanied by a low laugh: " Listen to the emperor."

His smile seemed to make the whole earth rejuvenate, which was stunning and distracting.

There is no shortage of beautiful men in the hall, and just one Mo Li Guoshi can instantly kill everyone.

But when the King of Chu smiled, the national teachers who were as beautiful as immortals were all compared.

Mo Li's beauty is only superficial, but Chu Wang has a beautiful skin and temperament, as if he thinks that this is the real Yujie and Qingxian.


Standing in the hall, Princess Qingsang was stunned for a moment. Under the veil, she looked like a shy girl with a spring heart.

Of course, it's not just her, it's a woman who will be attracted by his smile at this moment.


This smile was the only thing in Mu Wan's eyes, and it was automatically filtered out except for Chu Huhu. With his smile, it was clear that Chi Guoguo was teasing her.

But she still has to restrain herself in front of everyone, she is the emperor, she must be dignified and majestic, so she withdrew her nymphomaniac gaze, raised her hand, and the hidden guard withdrew his sword and retreated.

After sitting for a while, I don't want to stay any longer.

"I'm gone, all my dear friends, please entertain the envoys from all over the world."

As she spoke, she slowly got up from the dragon chair.

The emperor and empress have always been wives and husbands.

The empress withdrew from the table, and the queen naturally followed behind.

The two want to leave, but some people just don't let them do so.

When she got up, an envoy from Nanliang said, "Your Majesty, please stay. I, the Ninth Princess of Nanliang, is missing in the capital. Please send someone to help find her."

Hearing that, Mu Wan paused slightly, feeling depressed, and had to sit down again, "I have already sent someone to look for it, and I believe they will be found soon."

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang disappeared in the Jun Kingdom. If there is something good or bad, ten thousand mouths can't explain it clearly.


Prince Qi's eyes flickered, he picked up the wine glass and drank the wine calmly, feeling a little restless in his heart.

He was afraid that his capture of the Ninth Princess of Nanliang would be exposed.

The guard was knocked out that day, and the Ninth Princess of Nanliang was robbed by someone.

I hope that at this moment, she will be silenced, or bought into a ravine, and never come back.

Otherwise, when she comes back, he will definitely not be able to hide what he did.

Because of Nanliang's regent's temperament, he must turn against him.

Not only that, but he will also find the empress to seek justice for the nine princesses of Nanliang.

At that time, the Empress will definitely take advantage of this to punish him and weaken his power.

Thinking of this, Prince Qi regretted provoking that woman.

Why is he like the fourth child, who almost ruined a big event for a woman?

Damn it!
The man's eyes were faintly ruthless, his eyes flashed coldly, he had to find the Ninth Princess of Nanliang as soon as possible, and then silence him...

The Prince Regent of Nanliang was worried, "I haven't found it after searching for two days. Has the emperor sent someone to look for it outside the capital?"

Mu Wan looked at him, "She's here to save you, she can't go outside the capital, unless she meets a human trafficker."

When they heard about the traffickers, all the Nanliang envoys panicked, "What should we do!?"

That was the most beloved youngest daughter of the first emperor of Nanliang.

The favorite aunt of the little emperor of Nanliang.

If there is anything good or bad about a person, a group of their envoys have to be buried with him.

Frightened by a group of elders, their faces turned pale, and Mu Wan felt a little sorry, so she smiled, "I just said casually, the nine princesses of Nanliang's martial arts are world-class, so they shouldn't fall into the hands of traffickers!"

What kind of martial arts is unrivaled in the world, their princess can't even beat the empress who has lost all martial arts.

I said slap in the face.

The Nanliang envoy was embarrassed for a while.

They are still the same batch of envoys who came last time.

Last time, they still remembered the slap in the face.

The nine princesses of Nanliang's martial arts are good, but the world is so big, there are people outside the sky, if they meet someone with real martial arts masters, they will definitely die.

Moreover, she is a pampered princess, with a savage temper, capricious, pampered, impulsive, and easy to offend people.

Although the princess has a little bad intentions, in the end she is just a little girl who is ignorant of the world and the dangers of the world.

I'm afraid that she will encounter some villains with malicious intentions!

This time, when I came to an unfamiliar kingdom, I sneaked out of the mission by myself, without taking anyone with me, I even forgot the bank notes, and only brought a nephrite long whip.

God knows, how does she survive outside?

Maybe even food and lodging will become a problem.

The Nanliang envoys were worried.


Chu Bei thought for a while, "I searched all over the capital and couldn't find it, maybe she was detained. She is a princess who has never experienced hardships and has no acquaintances in the capital. If she wants to enter the palace to save people, she will definitely find a way to ask the dignitaries of the monarchy for help. "

(End of this chapter)

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