The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 489 This king prefers you now...

Chapter 489 This king prefers you now...

And several princes had close contacts with Nanliang Regent.

Especially Prince Qi.

If the Ninth Princess of Nanliang wanted to ask for help, she would probably go to him.

Having said that, everyone looked at Prince Qi who was sitting on the side, and the envoys of Nanliang and others were already extremely suspicious that he had detained their princess.

The Prince Regent of Nanliang's face darkened, and he said coldly, "I wonder if Prince Qi has seen Rong Yue?"

Prince Qi's face changed slightly, and he sneered, "What does the regent mean? How could this king have met Princess Nine of Nanliang?"

The Regent of Nanliang's eyes were cold and sharp, "Rong Yue really hasn't looked for you?"

Prince Qi said without changing his expression, "No."

Anyway, what he saw was just a little beggar, not the Ninth Princess of Nanliang.

Also, he was not the one who took her away in the end.

Finally exposed, he also has a reason to excuse, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

The Prince Regent of Nanliang's eyes flickered slightly, and he felt that it was unlikely to be Prince Qi, he didn't have the guts to touch Rong Yue, if he dared to touch Rong Yue, he would have to skin him.

But who will take Rongyue away?
He glanced at every suspicious person in the temple.

Finally, his eyes fell on Prince Li, "I wonder if Prince Li has seen Rong Yue?"

Prince Li's eyes darkened, and he said directly, "I am not interested in your princess at all."

He felt that Zhao Shisan was a bit stupid to ask this question.

This is obviously a good thing that Prince Qi did.

He has always coveted the beauty of Princess Nine of Nanliang, didn't he have a clue?

Prince Li and Prince Qi have been fighting each other for many years, and they are also brothers. It can be said that they are the people who know him best.

Maybe the Ninth Princess of Nanliang is in his house, and she has been played to death by him long ago.

Being attacked by Prince Li, the Regent of Nanliang had an ugly face and was very unhappy. He didn't just suspect people casually. Prince Li asked him to cooperate many times before. If he didn't agree, he must have a grudge, so he took Rong Yue away and tried to threaten him.

But there is no evidence, so there is nothing he can do.

The Prince Regent of Nanliang pursed his lips and said nothing, his handsome face was cold.

Mu Wan raised her eyes and said, "Don't worry, the Regent, I believe that the Ninth Princess of Nanliang will surely turn danger into good fortune."

Zhao Shisan looked at her, his face softened a little, and he smiled, "Thank you for your concern, I hope the emperor will speak well and Rongyue will be safe and sound."

"Well, if someone is missing in the Jun Kingdom, I will do my best to help find the Ninth Princess of Nanliang."

After she finished speaking, she got up, quickly glanced at everyone, and left the banquet when she saw that there was nothing to do.

After returning to Xuanwu Hall, I went to the dragon bed, "I'm exhausted."

Chu Bei walked in after her, saw her like this, shook his head secretly, and went to help her take off her shoes and socks.

Holding her little feet with warm hands, Mu Wan instantly felt very comfortable.

Her hands and feet were cold and sore.

He is skillful, gently pressing and pinching, Mu Wan couldn't help humming comfortably, closing his eyes and enjoying it~
"Queen, what do you think of what happened today? I think that Mo Li is very dangerous."

She was lying on the bed, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, like a butterfly spreading its wings.

Chu Bei's eyes darkened, "That man is indeed dangerous, but don't worry, this king will find a way to get rid of him."

Mu Wan suddenly opened her eyes, got up and looked at him seriously, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Do you believe in past and present lives, resurrection from death, travel through time and space?"

Chu Bei didn't think much about it, he thought she was joking, and said, "I don't believe it."

As a soldier, he naturally didn't believe this.

What past and present lives, if there really are, then he would like to know if he and her were husband and wife in the previous life.

Hearing her asking this suddenly, she felt somewhat strange, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mu Wan's eyes flickered slightly, and she smiled, "It's nothing, I just think that Mo Li is a little perverted."

Perverted enough to make people think that he is not human.

He came from another world.

Same as her.

If you tell him these things, you still don’t believe them, so forget it.

Mu Wan lowered her eyes thoughtfully, and grabbed his long arm, "I'm going to ask the queen a question, do you prefer the me before I lost my memory, or the me now? I have to listen to the truth."

Speaking of which, she was inexplicably nervous.

Regarding this issue, he may be subconsciously afraid that the person he likes is the original owner, so he has been automatically ignoring this matter and burying it in his heart.

Thinking, she just needs to live in the present moment.

But if one day, he discovered his secret, what would happen?
This made her have to think about it and ask clearly.

If he doesn't like himself, should she tell her the truth?

Chu Bei was slightly stunned, the ears were slightly red, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he said, "This king likes you more now... But, no matter before or now, no matter how you become, this king likes you."

After the words fell, I felt my heart beating violently and my ears burning hot.

In fact, he doesn't like glib words very much, but there's no way he learned it from his father. He grew up watching his father coax his mother and knew that coaxing a woman's mouth is the most effective way. At first, he bullied her everywhere. After she lost her memory, she changed It was very big, which made her very upset, and she wanted to coax her back, so she had to put down her face to do so...

Mu Wan believed that he hadn't lied to her, and she was very happy when she heard this. It was rare for a girl to show her shyness. She leaned on his shoulder and smiled knowingly, "When I was young, I did so many things to you and hurt your young child Heart, does the Queen still hate me?"

Chu Bei put his arms around her, feeling funny in his heart, but pretended to be angry and smiled, "Remember, naturally hold grudges, this king is a stingy person."

All he could say was that he was angry at the time.

So when the first emperor forced him to become a concubine, he had a bit of revenge in mind, agreed to the marriage, married her, entered the palace as a queen, and intentionally humiliated her during the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Afterwards, she played a lot of pranks and bullied her.

This can be regarded as revenge!

Mu Wan gave him a cold look, and snorted softly, "You didn't bully me a lot, and you did too many things to me. You even threw me into ice water. I'm also a stingy person."


The woman's eyes had a fierce and fierce look.

If this continues, he will have to sleep on the floor again.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, he raised his face, and said unconvinced, "But this king is always the same, what about you! How many people have you liked? From this king, to Bei Mingzhao, Situ Mo, Xiahou Jin, Xiao Ci, Jiang Jingrui, Su have said you like the concubines in the harem, and even Fu Si you want to grab and occupy..."

If they hadn't all been skilled in martial arts, united as one, and shared the same hatred, she would have succeeded.

Recalling the days when the new emperor had just ascended the throne, it can be said that the harem was really crazy. She suffered a lot from their hands, but for some reason she just didn't give up.


Mu Wan's head is full of black lines, and this black history may not be erased in this lifetime, but the original owner is also amazing, she has liked so many people, she is really a scumbag.

But she was not convinced, and fought back confidently, "They are all my concubines, can't I like them?"

Chu Bei's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "Then now the emperor intends to enjoy both rain and dew? As long as you like it, you will be lucky, right!?"

The air suddenly became heavy and cold.

Mu Wan's back tightened, and she shook her head like a rattle, "With the empress here, I dare not..."

"Don't dare, I just want to, huh?!"

"No, no...this is something out of nothing, I will only favor the queen."_

Chu Bei panicked in his heart, immediately put the person under him, touched her lips with his fingertips, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Then, when does the emperor plan to abolish the harem?"

Mu Wan said depressedly, "I also want to abolish the harem, but abolishing the harem is a big project, so don't rush, empress, don't worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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