The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 491 Did the queen eat tofu?

Chapter 491 Did the queen eat tofu?

Thinking about it, he lowered his head and sniffed, still smells!

He was in a hurry to eat with her, so he didn't bother to change clothes, he just threw away the cloak that the woman had touched, and hurried to Xuanwu Hall.

Mu Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, her face darkened, "Then why did Princess Qingsang go to the harem so well?"

"Say it's lost."

Before the banquet was over, he ran out for a walk by himself, until the evening, when the banquet was over, he still stayed in the palace.

Princess Qingsang of Beiming is the heir to the saintess of Beiming, and her own martial arts are not weak, so it is not difficult to sneak into the harem with the intention.

There are usually eight envoys, who are always protecting him every day.

But today, he suddenly placed an order and ran into the harem of the monarchy.

He didn't believe that she was lost, but she didn't know what her purpose was.

Mu Wan raised her eyes to look at him, squinted her eyes, her eyes were cold, and knocked the porcelain bowl on the table, "What else could there be, that woman is most likely here for you."


Chu Bei pursed his lips and kept silent, raising his eyebrows unconsciously, is that so?Why doesn't he feel that?
Seeing his disapproval, Mu Wan was a little annoyed. She thought Princess Qingsang was a good person, but she didn't expect it to be the second Zhou Ruolan.

Seeing her angry appearance, Chu Bei smiled and said, "The emperor calms down, please trust me, I only have the emperor in my heart."


Mu Wan's eyes darkened, why did this sound so familiar!
Every time he was jealous, the most she said was, "Trust me, I only have the queen in my heart..."

Is this Chi Guoguo's revenge?
"Tell them all to leave immediately tomorrow!"

"Okay, I will have someone drive them away tomorrow immediately. Don't be angry, your majesty, first drink a bowl of lotus root soup to warm up."

A certain fox narrowed his brows and eyes slightly, feeling inexplicably happy.

Mu Wan was so angry that she gritted her teeth secretly, "What lotus root soup do you drink? I'm already full of anger."

As he spoke, he was dragged up from the seat, dragged into the dormitory, thrown on the dragon bed, and jumped on him, "Has the queen been eaten tofu?"


I just got bumped, is it considered eating tofu?
Chu Bei shook his head helplessly, allowing her to "act wildly", and said with a smile, " was just an accident, she bumped into it by herself."

Mu Wan grabbed his collar, a little overwhelmed, and said, "The queen is so strong in martial arts, why can't she avoid it? You just gave her a chance on purpose, didn't you? Huh?!"


Seeing her bright red cheeks and fierce breasts, Chu Bei clasped her slender waist tightly, turned over, and said with a smile, "This king just thought that the emperor was too preoccupied, so he accidentally bumped into her..."

Mu Wan: "..."


It's night, Xinggong.

No matter what, the monarchy treated each other with courtesy, and settled the envoys of the Three Kingdoms in the palace.

The envoys of the Three Kingdoms were led to different residences.

Close the door, it is my family members who are discussing in secret.


First of all, the residence of the Beiming Mission.

Knowing that the prince of Beiming and Princess Qingsang are still unwilling to leave, the envoys of Beiming are the first and the second.

It's fine for the first prince of Beiming, but why is even Princess Qingsang unwilling to leave?

Is Junguo really that attractive?

Faced with the envoy's question, Princess Qingsang smiled and said, "My princess heard that a milk tea shop in Junguo will open in two days, and it is rare to come to Junguo. When encountering such an interesting event, this princess wants to see the excitement .”

Beiming envoy: "..."

Princess Qingsang ignored the envoys, raised her eyebrows and looked at the First Prince Beiming, "Brother Zhao, are you right?"

Bei Mingzhao glanced at her coldly, and said with a smile, "It's already here, so what does it matter if you leave two days later to let the princess broaden her horizons?"

Although he and Prince Liang's Mansion have always been at odds, he also has his own ideas. She is from the Snow Mountain Holy Palace, and she speaks more than him, so it's okay to cooperate.

The envoy of Beiming looked distressed, and said, "But the emperor issued an order to take the two of you back immediately tomorrow, and the emperor may not continue to entertain us to stay, your highness, the princess, why should you stay and suffer?" !"

The last time they were mercilessly driven out of the palace by the God of War of the monarchy, the envoys still remembered it vividly, and they were afraid, and they really didn't want to lose face again.

The envoy moved out of Beiminghuang, and the two of them couldn't say anything.

Bei Mingzhao didn't speak, it didn't matter to him whether he went back or not, after he went back, he could come back secretly.

Princess Qingsang is different. As a woman and a future saint, she will have to stay in the Snow Mountain Holy Palace for the rest of her life and cannot come out casually.

It was a rare opportunity to come out again, so naturally he was reluctant to part with the bustle and bustle outside.

He raised his eyes to look at Princess Qingsang, his eyes flickered slightly, and he said calmly, "I don't care."

Princess Qingsang smiled and said, "My lords, you don't have to worry about the emperor blaming me. My princess wanted to find out the whereabouts of the princess secretly because I found out that Princess Anyu had been exiled in the kingdom. The emperor blames it, you can tell the emperor truthfully."

Princess Anyu...

The Beiming envoy was stunned.

Bei Mingzhao's pupils trembled slightly, and his fist clenched, "Do you know An Yu's whereabouts? Where is she now?"

"Brother Zhao, don't be nervous. Qingsang just heard that he might be in Junguo, but he doesn't know where."

Seeing that Princess Qingsang believed what she said, the Beiming envoy nodded and said, "Yes, the princess was only four years old when she was lost, and no one knows what she looks like now."

Bei Mingzhao didn't speak, but thought of the one in the empress' harem, maybe he knew.

Before returning to Beiming, he had to find a way to ask him clearly.


At the Nanliang envoy's office.

The envoys of Nanliang are anxious about the whereabouts of the nine princesses of Nanliang.

It has been [-] miles to send the news back to Nanliang urgently, hoping that Nanliang Zhao Huang can send someone to support.

Nan Xiang looked at Zhao Shisan and said calmly, "I'm afraid the Empress Jun will not tolerate us staying on the Jun Kingdom's territory for a little longer. Tomorrow, no matter whether there is any whereabouts of the Ninth Princess, we have to go back."

He didn't want to be kicked out, shame on him.

Zhao Shisan raised his eyes, his eyes were cold, and he said, "Isn't Prime Minister Nan here to discuss further business matters with the monarchy? Does the emperor mean that you come to invite me back?"

Nan Xiang frowned slightly, "Since the lord knows the truth, why bother to tell the truth? The matter of trade can be left to Mr. Han, or the truth can be kept, but there are a lot of state affairs in Nanliang waiting for the lord to go back to deal with. The regent In charge of supervising the country, you have to go back as soon as possible."

During the time he was away now, many people in the court were ready to move. He didn't know what the empress dowager and the Nangong family were up to?

The Nangong family is ambitious, and the Empress Dowager wants to listen to the government behind the curtain and control the court.

If he doesn't go back, he is afraid that the sky will change in Nanliang.

Emperor Zhao was not their opponent at all, and he couldn't stand up to the mighty General Nangong.

That's why I hurriedly sent him over to ask him to return home.

Discussing trade matters is just an excuse.

Zhao Shisan's face was cold, and he said angrily, "It's useless!"

It is Zhao Xiaohuang who is being scolded here.

He was angry and disappointed.

Look at the emperor of other kingdoms, at the same age, he is still a girl.

His situation was not much better than his at the beginning, and he was very tormented, besieged on all sides, even worse than his situation at first, but now!

You see, the emperor is becoming more and more domineering, and more and more decent.

The Empress Jun also knows how to grow up slowly, step by step, keep a low profile, secretly strive to increase her strength, secretly cultivate her power, she doesn't see the queen who always depends on him.

However, Emperor Zhao relied on him for everything, he had no opinion, let alone the aura of an emperor.

When the regent was angry, the envoys were so frightened that their spines shivered, and they kept silent like cicadas.

(End of this chapter)

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