The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 492 This king told you to get out!

Chapter 492 This king told you to get out!
Nan Xiang's eyes moved slightly, and he complained a little for the little emperor, and said, "The female emperor of Junguo was cultivated by the former emperor of Junguo. In addition, she is talented and intelligent, so she is made to be an emperor, and Emperor Zhao was cultivated by you alone." , He has been unable to grow up and does not know how to make progress, so you can't blame him entirely, half of the responsibility is still on your regent."

It can be said that Zhao Huang was raised by him alone, because he felt guilty for the former prince, spoiled the child so much, and didn't let him do it from the beginning, and carefully cared for him when he grew up, so Zhao Huang relied on him for everything,

But Jun Nvdi is different, she has been in charge since she ascended the throne.

Although the God of War of the Kingdom invaded the government and the public, he did not stop her from doing anything, let alone stop her from growing up, and let her do it.

He even trained her personally, taught her, and helped her grow.

Respecting her decision and silently supporting her are completely different in nature.

Adversity makes people grow up. At the beginning, the empress did not know how many times she was assassinated by people. Even without the protection of the king of war gods, she was able to protect herself with her own ability. After escaping from death, she knew how to reflect and work hard.

And at a young age, he is resourceful, decisive in killing, unique in vision, extremely intelligent, and knows how to win people's hearts.

As for Zhao Huang, although he is full of economics and poetry, he is not good at martial arts... his decision-making ability is not good, he is too indecisive, and he has not suffered much, so it is difficult to achieve great things.

The Nanliang envoy secretly broke into a cold sweat. Only Nanxiang in the whole Nanliang dared to say such a thing.

Zhao Shisan: "..."

Although he didn't deny what Nan Xiang said, but he felt panicked, and after all, he just wanted to let him go back to sit in charge.

What an old fox!
"Okay, I will leave for Nanliang tomorrow."

When I go back, I must ask the emperor to follow the example of Jun and Empress and learn from her.

Nan Xiang nodded and got a satisfactory answer, so he planned to go back to rest.


At the Xiqi envoy's office.

Prince Xiqi, Prince Jin's son, and Prince Pei five knelt in front of the flower hall, their heads covered in cold sweat, their faces ashen ashes, and they did not dare to vent their breath.

The white-haired boy sitting on the grand teacher's chair took a sip from the teacup in his hand, looked up at the three of them, and said quietly, "Get up."

The three of them raised their heads and their eyes widened. It was an unspeakable accident. Didn't the old monster plan to punish them?

Prince Xiqi's eyes flickered slightly, he stood up quickly, and said with a smile, "Thank you for not killing the master."

Seeing that he stood up, the national teacher was not angry, and the other two teenagers dared to stand up and imitate, "Thank you, the national teacher... for not killing me."

The corners of Mo Li's lips twitched slightly, "Who said you won't kill him? I just don't want to get my hands dirty."

Prince Xiqi Pi said, "There is no need for the national teacher to do it himself, I can do it myself."

Mo Li's eyes turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, "Then why don't you wipe your neck with your hands?"

If you want to say which of the three he annoys the most, it belongs to him.

He is also the most thief among the children of the Li family, would be a pity to kill him.

Prince Xiqi touched the tip of his nose and said with a smile, "I feel that the national teacher still needs us. What do you need? I will go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire. I will not hesitate to kill anyone or take anything Man, if you open your mouth, it will be all merits and demerits, how about it?"

Mo Li raised his eyebrows slightly, nodded, and smiled with a gratified expression, "Yeah, yes, I came to the Kingdom, and I know how to be filial to me."

Prince Xiqi: "..."

The next moment, the voice turned cold, "This seat wants you to kill the Empress Junguo immediately, and then go and take her cousin Ning Xinyao to this seat. If you have done these two things well, this seat will not throw you in." Snake Nest, otherwise, when you go back, you will go to Snake Nest and stay with General Hei for a year and you are not allowed to come out."

Prince Xiqi's face changed, and he protested, "You asked me to assassinate the empress, didn't you mean to embarrass me? That dead girl has so many people around her to protect her, it's so easy to kill her!"

If he could kill that damn girl, he would have done it long ago. Do you need him to talk nonsense?
There is only a little girl kidnapped, so it is enough to call a hidden guard, and he, the crown prince, is needed to go out in person?

He was clearly looking for an excuse to punish him.

The longer Prince Xiqi grew, the more angry he was, he gritted his teeth without any fear, his eyes showed murderous aura, and he wanted to strangle him to death.

Mo Li's eyes turned cold, "Huh? Say it again."

Prince Xiqi's back tightened, and he said unwillingly, "I can't kill the empress for a day or two, but I can catch that Ning Xinyao."

No way, now he is not his opponent.

Mo Li's eyes were cold, and he was full of hostility and said, "Then hurry up, the seat will take her away tomorrow, and if this matter goes wrong, the seat will break your necks."

The three of them suddenly felt stabbing pains all over their bodies, as if his eyes could really kill people, and instantly felt their whole bodies were icy cold, nodded their heads hurriedly, and then ran out quickly.

After quietly leaving the palace, the three of them were lying on a roof with sad faces.

Xiao Shizi said in frustration, "Brother Prince, what should we do now?"

Mo Li asked to take Ning Xinyao to leave Junguo tomorrow.

Then they must act tonight and catch people before dawn.

They are not familiar with the Imperial Palace, what if they are caught by the Empress again?
Prince Jin and Prince Pei had their own fear of the water prison, and they didn't want to be imprisoned in it anymore. The more they thought about it, the more irritable they became, and they felt that life was full of despair, and they didn't want to live anymore.

Prince Xiqi looked at the two of them, but instead looked calm, and said, "You go to the inn to sleep first, and I will come as soon as I go."

He ignored them as he spoke, and disappeared into the night in a flash.

The two boys lying on the roof tilted their heads as they watched his disappearing back, a little puzzled.

"Xiao Wu, is the prince's elder brother going to sneak into the palace alone to arrest someone?"

"do not know…"


At this time, Prince Xiqi quietly climbed over the wall and entered Prince Li's mansion.


Prince Li was reading in the study, and soon realized that someone hit the blue and white porcelain on the antique shelf with a hidden weapon.


The best antiques were instantly shattered to pieces.

Prince Xiqi raised his eyebrows and looked at him, then slowly walked out from behind the Bogu stand, bent his lips, and said with a smile, "Prince Li, don't come here without any problems, do you miss me?"

Seeing the man dressed in black and red brocade clothes, slouching lazily on the antique rack, with a charming handsome face, slightly narrowed phoenix eyes, folded hands on his chest, and a flat face, Prince Li immediately rolled his eyes. Hei picked up the inkstone on the table and threw it over, "Get out, my lord."

Every time I failed to cooperate with him, he already planned not to cooperate with him.

Prince Xiqi swayed, his eyes were quick to catch the inkstone, but his black and red brocade clothes were still stained with ink, he looked down and said dissatisfiedly, "Your Majesty Li, you have to pay me for a piece of clothing, this is a private order I bought it for 5000 taels, it’s too expensive, and it’s my favorite set, so pay me quickly.”

Prince Li glanced coldly, and snorted arrogantly, "I won't pay you, you can get out, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Prince Xiqi narrowed his brows and eyes slightly, "It's okay if you don't pay, your bathing pool is borrowed from me, and you take me there, let's go..."

As he said that, the prince flashed to his side, grabbed the boy's arm and jumped out of the window.

Prince Li's face was gloomy, he pulled his hand desperately, and said angrily, "Let go, I said Li Jinyan, if you want to be ashamed, this king told you to get out!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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