The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 494 Yaoyao was kidnapped and taken away

Chapter 494 Yaoyao was kidnapped and taken away

This night is destined to be an uneasy night.

In the middle of the night, in the Empress' bedroom, Mu Wan suddenly woke up from a nightmare.


"I'm having a nightmare..."

Mu Wan leaned against Chu Bei's arms, still trembling.

In the dream, she seemed to have fallen into a terrible hell, being roasted on an oil pan by that perverted national teacher Mo Li.

He has a hideous face, like a devil.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a nightmare, I'm here."

Mu Wan nestled in his arms, feeling his warmth, and then gradually calmed down, slowly closing her eyes...


When the sky was gray and it was about to dawn, Ning Xinyao got up early and planned to go to the imperial dining room to make some pastries for the old Guzhu.

The old valley owner has been in a bad mood recently because of Zhou Ruolan.

But I learned that Fu Si had taken in a young apprentice, who was very talented and could cook good dishes.

The little girl is clever and well-behaved, innocent, kind and pleasant.

It was quickly approved by the old valley owner.

The old man especially likes to eat the peach blossom cakes made by Ning Xinyao, and there are many new things in the capital recently.

What hot pot, pearl milk tea, cake, barbecue, and the pure and sweet daughter red, so the old valley owner fell in love with the delicious food in the capital, and he planned not to leave, and now lives in Fu's mansion.

When I have nothing to do, I play chess, develop some strange poisons, or go to the palace to teach my disciples, and my life is like a wild crane.


The old valley owner liked the peach blossom cakes she made, and Ning Xinyao was very happy, so he got up before the emperor and empress got up to go to court.

She wanted to send it to Fu's residence earlier, and also planned to make crystal dumplings for the Empress.

After changing clothes, go to the imperial dining room with Xiao Taohong.

Before dawn, a young eunuch came over with a palace lantern, "I've seen Miss Ning, the frost is heavy, where are you going? Why don't I see you off."

This little eunuch looked a little strange.

And don't know where he came from.

Ning Xinyao became vigilant unconsciously, "No need, thank you, father-in-law."

As he spoke, he pulled Xiao Taohong to quicken his pace.

The little eunuch's eyes flashed coldly, and he stood still, "Miss Ning, you lost your purse."

Hearing this, Ning Xinyao looked back, but she didn't know that the little eunuch flashed in front of her in the blink of an eye, knocked Xiao Taohong unconscious with a wave of his hand, grabbed her neck, and held Ning Xinyao with one hand, and said coldly, "I don't want the little girl to die When you land, just obediently follow our house."

Ning Xinyao's face was pale, and she said with some fear, "Don't hurt Xiao Taohong, I'll go with you."

The little eunuch's eyes were as cold as a knife, and he said in a deep voice, "Then there will be Miss Laoning."

Seeing the patrolling guards in his eyes, he supported Xiao Taohong, took a few steps back, and said respectfully, "Miss Ning, sister Taohong is a little dizzy, I will help you to help her go down and rest."

Ning Xinyao's lips twitched slightly, "Okay, I'll go with you too."

Just follow along.

Until the remote and deserted Leng Gong, the little eunuch threw Xiao Taohong away, knocked Ning Xinyao unconscious, picked her up and quickly climbed over the wall and left.


At dawn, the emperor got up, dressed neatly, and was ready to go to court.

At this time, Xiao Lizi walked in anxiously, "I report to the emperor that Master Fu has something to see."

Mu Wan and Chu Bei looked at each other, followed out, and saw Fu Si who was a little anxious, frowned slightly, "What's wrong?"

Fu Si hurriedly said, "Yaoyao was taken away."

When the hidden guard found out, he chased after him, but it was a pity that the little eunuch was too good at qinggong, so he didn't catch up.

Mu Wan's face changed slightly, the first thing she thought of was Mo Li, then her eyes flashed darkly, and she said angrily, "Send people to surround the palace immediately."

Fu Si still didn't know about the grievances between the Ning family and the Mo family.

He didn't even think that it would be Xiqi Guoshi who did it. After learning about it, he panicked and said, "What is he doing to catch Yaoyao?"

Fu Si's face darkened, he knew who Mo Li was, when did Yaoyao provoke that man?
"I don't have time to explain to you in a while. I'm going to court. I'll leave this matter to the queen. You go save people first."

Fu Si's eyes froze, he looked at Chu Bei and nodded, "Okay..."

As they spoke, the three of them stepped out of Xuanwu Hall together.

But at this moment, Ning Xinyao came back safe and sound.

It was the guards beside Concubine Yun who sent her back.

"Wuhen has seen the emperor, empress empress."

Mu Wan frowned slightly and looked at him, "What's going on?"

Wuhen's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "This subordinate is just escorting Miss Ning back at the order of Concubine Yun."

Ning Xinyao stood beside Fu Si with some fear, "Concubine Yun saved me, cousin, he...he was injured..."

Mu Wan had too many questions in her mind, but there was no time for this meeting, "Master Fu, go to Guangling Palace to treat Concubine Yun, and I will go there again in the next court."


At this time, the little eunuch who kidnapped Ning Xinyao had died a tragic death because his mission failed.

Prince Li watched helplessly as Mo Li made people stand in front of him and kill his people.

His carefully cultivated eyeliner.

He chopped it in half with a knife, and the bright red blood splashed on his face. Before he died, the little eunuch looked at him in pain and begged, "My lord..."

The young man clenched his fists tightly, daring to be angry but not speaking out, fear overriding everything, he didn't even have a chance to intercede.

While speaking, a stream of blood splashed over, frightening the pores all over his body to stand up.

This Xiqi national teacher is really extremely cruel.

"you failed."

Thick sarcasm stained his cold brows and eyes, and his voice hit him with a gloomy and cold voice.

I thought Jun Yuanyi's son was so powerful, but that's all, no wonder he insisted on choosing a girl to be the emperor.

These princes are simply trash!
Catch someone, and the duck in hand flew away.

Trash, it feels like a waste of energy to ask someone to give him a knife.

Prince Li stood silently, his face turning blue.

The man continued to mock with a smile, "I've given you a chance, I won't support a useless waste, get lost!"

The boy's eyes flickered darkly, and he pursed his lips and said, "Prince Xiqi, how are you going to punish him?"

He also didn't want to have anything to do with this kind of monster.

At this time, he should breathe a sigh of relief and leave this man immediately.

However, when he thought of Prince Xiqi's pale face and angry appearance, he subconsciously blurted out.

Mo Li raised his eyes and looked at him coldly, feeling very ridiculous, "I am punishing my apprentice, do I need to explain to you?"

"The national teacher calm down... This king is just asking casually, after all, this king and the crown prince are also considered friends."

"Oh... Since we are friends, I'll allow you to visit me. It's good to meet up before you die..."

The boy's heart tightened, and he clenched his fists, "Thank you, Master Guo."


Inside the house, Prince Xiqi was lying on the bed, wearing a thin snow-white jacket, with his eyes closed, motionless, like a beauty carved from ice.

Prince Jin's son and Young Master Pei's eyes were slightly red, "Brother Prince... woo..."

"Ah Ze, don't cry, you will disturb the prince."

"Wow... the prince's brother is about to die, Pei Xiaowu, you are a cold-blooded animal!"

Pei Xiaowu: "..."

Prince Li who just walked in: "..."

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Prince Jin raised his eyes with tears in his eyes. Seeing that it was Prince Li of the Jun Kingdom, he immediately wiped away his tears, sniffed his nose, and said, "Why are you here? If you helped the prince brother early in the morning, The prince brother will not be punished by the national teacher, now that the prince brother is dying, you came to repent, it is too late!!"

Prince Li and Pei Han: "..."

He spoke as if Prince Xiqi had died, Prince Li looked at him with disgust, and didn't want to talk to such a mentally handicapped person.


(End of this chapter)

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