Chapter 495 The problem boy

After the court, the empress and queen came to Guangling Palace.

Concubine Yun was indeed injured, and Fu Si looked better after being treated.

Mu Wan sat down and looked at him, and asked, "What's going on? How dare you leave the palace without permission?"

Concubines in the harem, except Chu Bei, Situ Mo, Xiao Ci, and Xia Houjin, are not allowed to leave the palace privately, because they do not have that privilege.

And he not only left the palace privately, but what's even more strange is that he saved Ning Xinyao. This couldn't be such a coincidence, unless he knew that Ning Xinyao was killed, so he stopped and rescued her on the way.

Facing the fierce gaze of the empress, the young man dodged his eyes a little, and pretended to be wronged, "I... just want to go back to visit my mother when I leave the palace... I don't want to meet someone who arrests Miss Ning, and I can't just leave the palace alone."

Mu Wan narrowed her eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "You want to go back home to visit your mother, why didn't you tell the queen in advance? Or come and tell me?"

The young man's slender eyebrows drooped slightly, and he raised his eyes to look at Chu Bei, his eyes flashed coldly, and then he smiled wryly, "The queen doesn't like me, so I will definitely not approve it if I ask him, do you know that I didn't look for you, Your Majesty?" Over you? It was the emperor who refused to see the minister...I had no choice but to sneak out of the palace."

Mu Wan and Chu Bei: "..."

Ning Xinyao looked at the Empress scolding Concubine Yun, felt a little sorry, and said, "Cousin, thanks to Concubine Yun for saving me this time, otherwise I would never see you again, so it's better to make up the merits and demerits."

Concubine Yun finally saved her, and the little girl thought she should repay her kindness.

Mu Wan looked at her and shook her head secretly, thinking that the little girl was too innocent. If she wasn't the empress' cousin, how could Zhou Yunting save her?And it seems to be a special trip to rescue.

It was obvious that he was using her...but she didn't know it.

Mu Wan never believed Zhou Yunting, because he was lying and had an ulterior secret.

But no matter what, he did save Ning Xinyao... It's not fair that his merits and demerits even outweighed his demerits.

"I allow you to go out of the palace and return to the mansion once a month."

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

"Also, don't mess around in the future. If something happens to my concubine, I don't know how to explain to Mrs. Zhou that my concubine must take care of her health."

Hearing this, the young man raised his eyes, his eyes flickered slightly, and said with a smile, "If the emperor can occasionally come to accompany the minister to have a meal, the minister will naturally be in good health. The imperial doctor said that the minister's health is always bad because he is in a bad mood. I'm in a bad mood because I never see the emperor."

Mu Wan: "..."

It's all about fighting for favor.

Chu Bei's cold eyes gradually darkened, and he knew that this kid was treacherous and ruthless, and he didn't know how he knew that Ning Xinyao would be killed. The purpose of all his efforts to save people was to ask Wanwan to visit him frequently.

Hmph, don't try to succeed! !

Zhou Yunting raised his eyes and looked at Chu Bei, with a smile that was not a smile, "However, I dare not ask too much, because the empress is always domineering, and the emperor is not allowed to dote on other concubines. The emperor dotes on the empress most, and he does not want to hurt his heart. I don't even want to take a look at the minister, and I can only be envious, anyway, the minister will not live for a few years, and the emperor will not feel sorry for the dead... There is nothing extravagant to ask for."

As he spoke, his expression showed a touch of sadness, as if he had no regrets in his life, and his tone still had this sadness.

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines, and she said with a headache, "Don't talk nonsense, I will ask Fu Si to recuperate your body."

In the past, Imperial Physician Chen was in charge of conditioning his body, but now it is a small compensation for him to be replaced by Fu Si.

He saved Ning Xinyao, so Fu Si naturally would not owe him a favor, so he immediately nodded and promised that he would live ten more years.

Zhou Yunting's eyes flashed with pain, and suddenly he was a little excited, and said, "I don't want these, I just want Jiuer... to accompany me once in a while."

Can he do this just to beg her to have a meal with him?

How many people were a little surprised and lost their temper?

I felt that this young man was not normal, he changed his face as soon as he said it, and suddenly lost his temper without warning, and he was so stubborn that he couldn't pull back a hundred cows.

Did Zhou Yunting have such a personality?
Although they didn't like the former Zhou Yunting, everyone was in the capital, and they heard about him. He was a personable person in the capital, with a gentle and cheerful personality, and was very popular. Ruyu, the elegant young type, has no shortage of admirers.

But since he was seriously injured and entered the palace, he seems to have changed. Is it because he knew that he didn't have many years to live, so he gave up on himself, worried about gains and losses, and his temperament changed drastically?

Chu Bei and the others may not know what kind of disease it is.

But Mu Wan knew that this was a typical sickness, paranoia, psychological distortion, and even split personality. Although it was not serious, it was a mild type, but if left unchecked, it would be serious.

Mu Wan looked at the young man, her brows were slightly frowned, her eyes were complicated, she had a headache, and she was even a little irritable, and said, "I named you a noble concubine... No, imperial concubine, please give me peace of mind."

There was a bit of fierce coldness in the boy's eyes, and he said paranoidly, "I don't want it, I just want you to accompany me to have a meal."

Now, even if she made him queen, he didn't want it.

If she can't be favored by her, what can she do if she is a queen?
He is already a person who has died once, and this false name, glory and wealth, has long been looked down upon.

He came back just for her.

Without her, what's the point of his life?

This time, Mu Wan and the others were all shocked. They didn't even want the imperial concubine. Didn't he also want to fight for this position before?
Fu Si and Chu Bei looked at each other secretly. Could it be that they were playing hard to get to attract the Empress' attention?

I have to say that his move is ruthless enough.

The Empress really softened her heart.

I just heard her say, "Okay, I will stay and have dinner with you."

Concubine Yun's eyes lit up, "Jiu'er, are you really going to stay with me?"


Mu Wan's face was slightly stiff, her scalp was numb, and she didn't dare to look at Chu Bei's face, "Queen, you should step back first, I will look for you later..."

Chu Bei was annoyed for a while, thinking that she was not firm enough, and she softened her heart by pretending to be pitiful in front of these men. Today is with Concubine Yun, but tomorrow will it be Concubine Yu, Concubine Sheng, Concubine Mei... Thinking of this, his handsome face seemed to be enveloped Covered by a layer of ice, breathing heavily, he said, "I'm going to the barracks, I don't plan to go back to the palace today, the emperor should accompany Concubine Yun well."

After speaking, he walked away from Guangling Palace without looking back, with a cold face all the way, to the gate of the palace, got on his horse and went straight to the barracks.


Ning Xinyao secretly wiped off her cold sweat, and left Guangling Palace with a sad face, a little bit of self-blame, feeling that she was responsible for all this, if she hadn't been taken away, there wouldn't be so many troubles.

Fu Si couldn't see that she was depressed, so he said, "This is none of your business, Yaoyao doesn't need to blame herself, let her solve the matter caused by the emperor."

In the final analysis, it was all the fault of the Empress, since she had Chu Bei in her heart, she shouldn't be messing around.

Ning Xinyao shook her head and said in disapproval, "How can this be all my cousin's fault, she can't help herself, the queen is not generous enough..." She quickly covered her mouth.

Fu Si's eyes darkened, "Then what do you mean, the empress should happily let the emperor favor other men?"

"No, that's not what I meant. Cousin didn't say that she wanted to spoil Concubine Yun. Didn't you see that Concubine Yun was too emotional today? Cousin was trying to appease him? And I think he loves Cousin deeply. The Queen is not as good as Yun Yun in this respect. Concubine."

Ning Xinyao shrank her neck, although she was a little afraid of her master's anger, she still couldn't help complaining for her cousin.

In the past, Chu Bei and the others often bullied the Empress.

As a concubine, she thinks Concubine Yun is the most qualified!

(End of this chapter)

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