The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 498 I don't allow anyone to touch him

Chapter 498 I don't allow anyone to touch him

"You two ladies, you came just in time. Your Prince Li ran to the palace to assassinate our crown prince. Now that the crown prince is dying, we want the emperor to give an explanation!"

The Xiqi envoy said angrily.

Then Prince Li will go into the palace to talk to the Empress.

And Xiqi Guoshi sat in front of the flower hall and drank tea leisurely.

Situ Mo and the others stopped Xiqi's envoy and went to see Prince Xiqi first.

After seeing Prince Xiqi, both of them were startled, and thought it was a trick of flesh and blood, but they didn't expect that Prince Xiqi was really seriously injured. His face was as pale as paper, and he was stabbed in the chest, bleeding profusely.

"Hurry up, pass on to Miracle Doctor Fu."


Outside, the envoys of Xiqi angrily escorted Prince Li to enter the palace.

There was no way for the two of them to follow into the palace first.

From the beginning to the end, Mo Li didn't say a word, and the two felt strange, but this matter can only be entered by the representative of the Xiqi envoy, and they hurriedly left the palace without asking more questions.


Inside the room, Prince Xiqi suddenly opened his eyes, his face was pale, his eyes were dark and full of anger, he got up with difficulty, and said, "Help me to see Mo Li..."

What the hell is this old monster trying to do?
So is Jun Mubai, that idiot, why did he come to the palace... He is so stupid, how can he be the opponent of the old monster.

Prince Xiqi was anxious, worried that something would happen to Prince Li.

Prince Jin frowned tightly, "Brother Prince, don't move around, are you dying?"

He was about to cry, Mo Li was really vicious.

In order to plot against Prince Li, he cruelly attacked the prince's elder brother.

He has already suffered a serious internal injury, and if he is not healed in time, even the gods will not be able to save him.

Pei Han's eyes were faintly blue, and he supported him, feeling guilty, blaming himself, and said sadly, "He won't see you."

It's useless to see it.

Mo Li was determined to punish them this time.

Mo Li is the devil, he only punished the prince, made them watch helplessly, made them feel uncomfortable, and forced them to attack his brother.

This knife...

Pei Han's eyes were slightly red, "I'm sorry, Prince, I..."

Prince Xiqi was as angry as a thread, and said angrily, "If you really feel sorry for me, then go and show me Prince Li... I don't allow anyone to touch him."

Prince Jin wiped away his tears, and said dissatisfied, "Why, he didn't help you, why did you save him? Did Brother Crown Prince be fooled by Mo Li's beating!"

Pei Han also felt that there was no need to care about Prince Li's life and death. After all, this was a situation set up by Mo Li, and if he recklessly sabotaged them, he would definitely kill them.

Prince Xiqi's eyes were ruthless, and he said faintly, "He is from my can people from this be bullied?"

Not even Moli.

Prince Jin and Pei Han opened their eyes wide: "!!!"

What time has he still missed the beauty? ?
And... is that Jun Mubai the prince's male favourite?

There was a black line between the two, and they were speechless to Prince Xiqi, "You are confused, ridiculous!!!"

Even the Prince of the Kingdom dares to move, he must be crazy!
What beauty does he not have?If you want to miss the Queen of the Kingdom, and now you have actually raped the Prince of the Kingdom, if the Empress finds out, she must cut him off.

Prince Xiqi didn't care about this at all, he lay on the bed and ordered, " two go quickly."

That damned girl Jun Muwan longed to get rid of the princes. This time Jun Mubai was bullied by Mo Li and sent to her door for nothing. She was so vicious that she must have killed Prince Li with a knife.

Jun Mubai is his man, how can his man be killed, even if he wants to kill him, he should do it himself...

The two secretly rubbed their foreheads, knowing the prince's temper very well, the kind of lunatic who is romantic, loves beauties, and desperate for life, expecting to persuade him to give up is nothing short of idiotic nonsense.

No way, the two nodded with difficulty, and turned around to see the medicine king Gu Fu came in with a medicine box.

Pei Han's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "Xiao Wu, you go, I'll stay and watch the prince."

Prince Jin nodded, sniffed, "Well, you have to watch out for Brother Prince."

Fu Si: "..."


Royal study.

Mu Wan felt irritable and wasn't in the mood to read the memorial, so she just covered her face with a book and fell asleep on the rocking chair.

I was thinking about how to coax Chu Fox back.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Xiao Lizi hurried in to report, "Your Majesty, it's not good, Prince Li ran to the palace to assassinate Prince Xiqi, but was caught by the Xiqi State Teacher, and now the Xiqi envoys are escorting him." When people enter the palace, they say they want the monarchy to give an explanation."

Hearing that, Mu Wan brought the memorial, her cold eyes gradually darkened, "What kind of trick is this again?"


Can't they find someone to assassinate?

Prince Li assassinated Prince Xiqi?

When she is a fool?
Mu Wan's face was faintly blue, she raised her hand and rubbed her eyebrows, and said coldly, "Take them to Hanyuan Hall first, and let Concubine Shu and Concubine De come in."


Situ Mo and Xiao Ci came in and explained everything first.

"Your Majesty, Prince Li admitted that he assassinated Prince Xiqi."

This is very strange, when they arrived now, Prince Li's expression and tone clearly said that Mo Li had plotted against him, he was very angry, but when he arrived in the palace, halfway, he suddenly admitted again.

Mu Wan thought for a while and said, "He didn't do it, but he admitted that he might be acting."

Situ Mo analyzed seriously, "In any case, if Prince Li confessed in front of Xiqi's envoys, Xiqi's envoys would hold on to them and demand an explanation from the monarchy. Xiqi meant that Prince Li would not let him go. Apologizing with death can appease Emperor Xiqi's anger."

Xiao Ci nodded, "I don't know what Xiqi Guoshi's plan is, it's better to be careful."

It could be seen that the empress was very angry. If Prince Li really teamed up with Mo Li to eat inside and out, she would wish to chop him off.

However, Prince Li is a prince after all, so he can't be killed at will. The Empress Dowager and Prince Li's party will definitely not agree.

Xiqi's envoys were aggressive, the empress dowager and others put pressure on them, and the court was turbulent, making it difficult for her to make decisions.

Is this what Moli wants?
I'm afraid not.

Mu Wan closed her eyes, "We must send someone to protect Yao'er and Qinglong Village."

Situ Mo and the two nodded, "Don't worry, the emperor, everything has been arranged, and nothing will happen to them."

"Well, let's go to Hanyuan Hall."

Speaking of which, the Empress got up and went directly to Hanyuan Hall.

The two teenagers behind looked at each other, wanting to ask, did she and Chu Bei have a fight?
Isn't Chu Bei in the palace?
Why did he go to the barracks, such a big thing happened, and he didn't come back.

Could it be that the two are in conflict again?
So many questions to ask.

But now, dealing with the matter of Prince Li's assassination of Prince Xiqi was so important that there was no chance to ask.

The two looked at each other and hurriedly followed.


In the Hanyuan Hall, several Xiqi envoys sat on the chairs of the Grand Master and drank tea while looking mockingly at the young Prince Junguo.

They looked down on the prince from the bottom of their hearts.

It's just so useless.

No wonder you can't be the emperor.

Prince Li's hands were tied, Xiqi's guards escorted him, and he stood proudly on the main hall, staring at these envoys of Xiqi who looked down on people with gloomy eyes, and sneered in his heart.

He will remember the faces of each of them, and one day, he will take their dog's head and let them know that he is a majestic prince, and not anyone can easily bully him!

"The Emperor is here!"

With a soft cry, the empress, dressed in a purple dragon robe, stepped in with dignity and dignity.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Mu Wan glanced coldly, sat down and said, "Envoy Xiqi, there is no need to be polite, please sit down."

(End of this chapter)

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