Chapter 499

The Xiqi envoy's eyes flickered slightly, and he sat down and said, "Your Majesty, you Prince Li are so brave that you dared to go to the palace to assassinate our crown prince. Give me an explanation, Xiqi will never give up."

The tone of several envoys was firm and aggressive.

Mu Wan cast a cold glance at the loudest one, and said in a deep voice to Prince Li, "How do you explain this matter, Prince Li?"

A Xiqi envoy said with a sneer, "I was caught by us, what is there to explain?"

Xiao Ci glanced over sharply, "My Majesty the Emperor is asking questions, and it's not your turn to intervene."

The Xiqi envoy tensed his back, looking at the empress's two concubines with inexplicable fear.

The eyes of the two were cold and chilling, and their faces were cold. They stood beside the empress on one side and the other on the left, which made people feel dreadful.

The envoy of Xiqi did not dare to meet the eyes of the two of them, so he pretended to hold the teacup and waited calmly for the empress to reply.

Standing in the main hall, Prince Li's eyes flickered darkly, as if a little hesitant, but in the end he raised his eyes and said without changing his expression, "Yes, Prince Xiqi has humiliated this king many times, and I will not be reconciled if I don't kill him."

Mu Wan raised her eyes and looked at Situ Mo. When he said "humiliating", he meant what happened that day in Yunxiang Pavilion?

It was indeed a shame for him all his life.

But that was his own fault.

"Brother Seventh Prince, have you thought about the consequences?"

Mu Wan still didn't believe that he would kill Prince Xiqi for this reason.

He has always been calm and calm, no matter how angry he is, he will not be so stupid as to go to the palace to assassinate Prince Xiqi at this time.

And if he was so angry that he wanted to kill Prince Xiqi, Yunxiang Pavilion would have done it the day after the incident, and he wouldn't wait until now.

Obviously he was lying.

Prince Li's eyes darkened, and he said coldly, "I don't care about that much, the mission is leaving today, so I sneaked into the palace early, but unfortunately he was so fateful that I didn't kill him with one blow, hmph!"

Mu Wan frowned, she didn't know why he did this, even if he wanted to collude with Mo Li and act in this play, there was no need to say so absolutely.

This clearly means death.

Isn't he afraid that Mo Li will kill him purely for the sake of scheming?

Mu Wan stared sharply, implying a warning, hoping that he would know his way back and stop being obsessed with his obsession. Mo Li was not something he could handle, so he cast a cold look at Xiqi's envoy and said, "Brother Qi Wang, I don't think this is right. Is someone threatening you for something like what you will do? You don’t have to worry, I’m here for everything, and I will never let Brother Qi Wang suffer innocent injustice.”

Prince Li was startled slightly, his eyes dodged a little, and he gritted his teeth secretly, "One person does things and one person is responsible. This king is going to kill Prince Xiqi. The emperor can hand over this king to Xiqi at his disposal. Whether it is life or death, this king will admit it." , if you still miss the brother-sister relationship, please forgive the other people in Prince Li's residence."

Mu Wan was a little annoyed, "You..."

"Concubine Li is just pregnant, if you are stubborn, have you thought about the consequences!?"

Prince Li closed his eyes, "This king has made a big mistake, it's too late to regret it, please take good care of your seventh sister-in-law."


At the critical moment, he knew how to play the emotional card with her.

Mu Wan was so angry that her forehead trembled, she said angrily, "In that case, come and arrest Prince Li and put him in prison, and wait for him to be punished."

The envoy of Xiqi was not satisfied with this result, but he didn't say anything, he just said, "Your Majesty, now our crown prince is assassinated by Prince Li, and he is seriously injured. Look after."

With this said, Mu Wan knew that Mo Li's purpose was not to leave the kingdom.

He also wanted to find a chance to catch Ning Xinyao.

He is really vicious. In order to achieve his goal, he is so cruel that he even kills his disciples. This kind of person has no humanity at all.

"Miraculous doctor Fu has already gone to the palace, and he will save Prince Xiqi's life. I allow Prince Xiqi to stay in the kingdom to recover from his injuries. As for the others, they must leave the kingdom immediately."

The empress glanced sharply at several Xiqi envoys, and she could not refute.

The Xiqi envoy was a little apprehensive, and said, "The national teacher is worried about the prince's safety, and plans to stay and protect him personally."

"Heh... your Xiqi Kingdom was founded by your family? I don't want to say it again. Today, everyone except Prince Xiqi must get out of the Kingdom."

The envoy of Xiqi was slightly shocked, and his face was a little ugly. The empress used the word "roll", which shows that she will not agree, and she is very dissatisfied.

A few people didn't dare to contradict any more, so they cupped their hands and only said to go back and discuss it with the national teacher.


The news that Li Qin assassinated Prince Xiqi and was imprisoned quickly spread.

The Empress Dowager and others immediately came to her when they learned of this.

In front of the imperial study room, Zheng Guogong and others begged to see him, and even the empress dowager came to the imperial study room in person.

Mu Wan came from Hanyuan Hall, saw a group of people frowning, invited them in, and said, "Grandmother, I have to do this. Brother Qi assassinated Prince Xiqi and was caught by the secret guards of Xiqi. Brother Wang himself confessed again, Prince Xiqi’s life is at stake, and Xiqi’s envoys are aggressive, if I don’t do this, I won’t be able to explain to Xiqi.”

The old lady tapped the floor a few times with her crested cane, and said angrily, "How could Mu'er do this, he must have some difficulties, he was plotted against, the emperor, no matter what, he is brother Wang, Are you really going to kill him to appease Xiqi with his life?"

Mu Wan frowned slightly, "I'm just going to prison and waiting to be punished. I will make a decision after seeing how Prince Xiqi is injured. I also want to save Brother Seventh King, but it is related to the war between the two countries. If it is not handled properly, we will start a war. Brother Seventh King She is a sinner of the whole country, so the imperial grandmother can bear to watch Brother Seventh being accused?"

The old lady paused suddenly, and then said sadly, "Can't you be imprisoned in the palace? Do you have to go to prison?"

Mu Wan sat down and said a little irritatedly, "Prince Xiqi has not woken up yet, and the envoys of Xiqi have not left. If they are not imprisoned, should they be pardoned? Assassinating Prince Xiqi is not a trivial matter!"

"No, the Ai family disagrees."

The old lady's eyes were sharp and reddish, she slammed her cane and said angrily, if she doesn't listen to the Empress, she can't let Mu'er go to jail and suffer.

Mu Wan's eyes darkened slightly, feeling that the old lady was really messing around, and said coldly, "The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, come here, please return the Empress Dowager to Shoukang Palace!!"


The old lady was so angry that she almost fainted, Nanny Zhen hurriedly helped her up, and smoothed her hands over her chest to give her the air.

Everyone panicked for a while, for fear of making the old lady angry.

Zheng Guogong cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I feel that this matter is strange and needs to be investigated. We can't completely listen to the one-sided words of Xiqi's envoy."

Mu Wan raised her eyes and said, "You are in charge of investigating this matter."

The old lady let out a sigh of relief, her eyes were reddish and she couldn't help crying, "Emperor, your brother Seventh Prince has never been wronged like this since he was a child, and the Ai family hopes that you can visit and be imprisoned by the palace instead."

It's better to be in the palace than in prison.

Mu Wan: "..."

"Grandmother, no matter what happened to this matter, Brother Seventh Prince did not do it right. He shouldn't have provoked Prince Xiqi. I have made an order and there is absolutely no possibility of taking it back. Please go back."

Just sit in a prison.

Haven't ordered beheading yet!
So excited, if Prince Xiqi dies, Emperor Xiqi will take Prince Li's life to be buried with his son. At that time, she will have to order Prince Li to be executed. Isn't the old lady dying?

The old lady dotes on Prince Li too much, doesn't she?
If he made a mistake, he would naturally be punished, otherwise how could he have a long memory?
(End of this chapter)

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