The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 564 All I Want Is to Be King of the World

Chapter 564 All I Want Is to Be King of the World

The young man is a little confused, he doesn't understand what liking is, he doesn't lack women, he doesn't lack the admiration of others, he hasn't really liked anyone himself... so he doesn't understand what it feels like.

Thinking about raising her arms around the woman, she raised her hand slightly, "Yan'er, do you like me?"

A shy look appeared on the woman's face, "I like it, Yan'er likes Brother Mu the most, Brother Mu, you also said that you like me."

She has liked this man since she was a child, otherwise she would not hesitate to be a concubine to marry him?

It's because she likes him so much, and he also said that he likes himself!

Looking up at the man's eyebrows, the woman couldn't help but kissed him proactively.

Prince Li was shocked, his face changed slightly, he pushed her away subconsciously, the woman fell to the ground, raised her head and cried sadly, "Brother Mu, what's wrong with you? Do you hate Yan'er?"

"My king...this king didn't do it on purpose."

The boy suddenly raised his hand trembling, his heart was confused, panicked, and a little panicked.

He can't do this kind of thing as he used to... No matter how beautiful a woman stands in front of him now, she can't arouse any interest.

Because you don't like it?

Zheng Yan sensed something was wrong with him, wiped it off and didn't give up, and said with a smile, "It's my concubine's fault, my concubine has prepared wine and food, my lord, let's sit down and eat something first."

Usually the prince comes to her room the most, but he doesn't touch her.

She always thought it was instigated by that bitch Wang Hao.

So tonight she was well prepared.

Looking at the table of wine and food, and then at the woman, Prince Li heaved a sigh of relief, and finally walked over to sit down.

Concubine Zheng poured wine for him. He knew what she was thinking, but he didn't say anything. He just picked it up and drank it all. Now he also wants to get drunk, forget something, and return to his former self. .

After drinking it, he felt a little dizzy. He knew that some love drugs were added to the wine, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't get angry. He just hugged the woman and put him on the bed. A trouble that has plagued me for a long time.

No matter who he is, Prince Xiqi, what Prince Li wants is to rule the world, and no one can stop his ambition.


The next day, Shangguan Haoyun and Lin Han chased him all night, but to no avail.

King Ling has been taken to Xiqi.

The two came to the imperial study to plead guilty.

The Empress pinched her brows with a headache and said, "Go down first."

She didn't even know what Mo Li was going to do.

Now that he knew that King Ling was fooling him, why didn't he just kill him, but take him back?

Did he think a prince could threaten her?

Don't forget that she still has Miss Mo Family in her hand, could it be that he wants to exchange King Ling for Mo Xingwu?
is it possible?

Mo Li is cold-hearted and inhumane, how could he go to such great lengths to save Mo Xingwu?
She still doesn't know Mo Li well enough.

After Lin Han and Shangguan Haoyun retreated, Chu Bei stepped in. Seeing her agitated, his eyes flickered slightly, and said, "Your Majesty, King Ling has ulterior motives. Death is not a pity. You don't have to worry about this kind of person."

He suspected that Mo Li arrested King Ling because he wanted to learn about her from him.

Last night, the hidden guards of the Xiqi State Teacher's Mansion not only went to the Qiwang Mansion, but also went to the Luo Mansion on purpose. They didn't disturb anyone, and they didn't attack Ning Xintong, just to confirm whether she had a birthmark.

Mo Li probably knew that this game was designed by them.

Therefore, he suspected Mu Wan.

Taking King Ling away was a lesson, but he wanted to ask the king and the others to help him find out if there was a birthmark on Muwan's body.

If his guess is correct, Mo Li will make his next move soon.

Chu Bei was a little worried, wishing to send someone to secretly execute all those who knew that she had a birthmark.

But in this way, Mo Li became even more suspicious, and he had to handle this matter carefully.

Mu Wan leaned on the table with her forehead, and said, "What I'm worried about is that Mo Li won't be able to find the woman with the birthmark of the phoenix flower, and she will turn the kingdom upside down. With his character, he didn't kill King Ling, but turned people around." I don’t even know what he wants to do.”

Chu Bei walked up to her and sat down, "This king thinks that he wants to know something from King Ling, or that he wants to use King Ling to threaten King Qi and the others to do things for him."

Mu Wan frowned slightly, "You mean he doubted me?"

Chu Bei nodded, "You don't know Mo Li. I heard from my father that he is very smart and sensitive. It is difficult for anyone to fool him. This time the incident was exposed. Although he doubted King Ling, he He would even suspect that it was us. People from the Xiqi State Teacher's Mansion went to Luo Mansion last night. He knew that Ning Xinyao and Ning Xintong had no birthmarks on them. Now they are blood related to the Ning family, and the only ones who are of the same age are the only ones left. You, he is so smart, he will definitely guess."

Mu Wan's face changed slightly, "Then he took King Ling away to find out if I had a birthmark? Does King Ling know that I have a birthmark?"

Chu Bei held her hand, gently kneading her fingertips, lowered his eyes and shook his head and said, "I heard from my father, when you were born and saw that birthmark, the first emperor ordered everyone who entered the delivery room to be executed that day. Mother Tan is left behind."

When she was a child, Nanny Tan took care of her alone, so now the only people who know about the birthmark on her body are Nanny Tan and him, the late emperor.

As for the knowledge of the maids who served her before, he didn't know.

After all, he never knew that this birthmark would bring her death, so he didn't pay attention.

After she woke up from a serious illness, she lost her memory. Whoever served her close to her, and whether she saw this birthmark, she might not remember it.

Mu Wan was sweating coldly, nodded and said, "I don't know, but the birthmark on my body is in an inconspicuous place, so not many people should know it."

All along, Biyue, Qingxue, Qingge, and Bizhu waited on her to wear these things. After taking a bath, she put on her middle coat by herself, and then asked someone to come in and wait on her to put on the dragon robe.

But who knows, anyway, before taking a bath, there will be maids coming in to serve her.

Whether she saw it by accident or not, she couldn't be sure.

It was only later that she realized that this birthmark would provoke the big devil Mo, so she always kept it secret and never let anyone come close to serve her.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly. "Bizhu?"

"Well, aren't they all chosen by you?"

Chu Bei looked at her, "Did you forget that Xiao Anzi was also chosen by this king? The water in this palace is unfathomable, it's not as simple as you think."

Eyeliner in the dark, spies, you can't get rid of it if you want to.

Mu Wan swallowed a mouthful of water suddenly, raised her eyes and looked at him brightly, "Then what should we do now?"

If there is a big movement, it will be suspicious.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered coldly, and he said, "Don't worry, this king has ordered people to secretly monitor the entire Xuanwu Hall."

Once there is any movement, shoot to kill.

Mu Wan was startled by the murderous aura that suddenly emanated from him, leaned into his arms, and said, "Why don't I go to Concubine Yun to find out the news?"

Chu Bei raised his eyebrows slightly, pulled the corners of his lips, and gave a faint "hmm".

(End of this chapter)

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