Chapter 565

Mu Wan's apricot eyes were full of surprise, and she looked at him in surprise, but she didn't lose her temper with her?
Chu Bei raised his eyes to look at her, pinched her cheek lightly, and said with a smile, "This king is planning to meet King Zhenxi, and the emperor wants to go back early, do you understand, huh?!"

Mu Wan broke into a cold sweat and said, "Has the Zhenxi Wang family arrived in the capital?"

"Well, it's almost here, we're almost at the outskirts of the capital."

Mu Wan waved her hand and said, "Then there's no need for the queen to condescend to pick them up, no, you don't need to go, just ask Lin Han to go."

Chu Bei narrowed his brows and smiled, "The emperor wanted to greet her in person, but the weather is extremely cold and the weather is so cold that I am afraid that the emperor will be frozen, and besides, the emperor wants to visit Concubine Yun, so I have no choice but to go. "


The last sentence is the key! !

Chu Bei pinched her tender and smooth cheeks again and smiled, "Your Majesty should know that the Rong family has guarded the Northwest for generations. They have made great achievements in military affairs, and their contributions are indispensable. They are the door gods of the monarchy. They only return to the capital once a year. The emperors of all dynasties attach great importance to it." The Rong family, you can't be negligent."

Mu Wan slapped his hand off a little depressed, and pouted slightly, "Does the Rong family support me?"

"It can be said yes, or it can be said no."

"Because the Rong family has always been loyal to the strong."

Chu Bei's eyebrows and eyes were like mountains, and his eyes were not sharp.

In other words, if the current emperor does not have the ability to stand on his own, if someone seizes the throne, and another emperor ascends the throne, they will be loyal to the Rong family, and the Rong family will only be loyal to the strong man who can sit on the throne.

Mu Wan stroked her chin and smiled, "It means that the Rong family's belief is to be loyal to the monarchy only, and to the strong."

Chu Bei looked at it and nodded, "Not bad."

In a sense, the Rong family often thought that the generals were outside, and the emperor's orders were not accepted. They sat on the mountain in the northwest and became kings.

Mu Wan frowned slightly, "So, he has signs of rebellion?"

Holding military power, ignoring the emperor, occupying land and becoming king, this ambition is not small.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, "It's hard to say, I don't know if they didn't show any signs of this, whether they have this intention, but the Rong family are very low-key, cautious in their words, rarely make mistakes, and can't find any flaws."

Mu Wan thought for a while, and said, "Then we'll talk about it when we get back. I'll try it out."

If the old ones can't be tested, start with the young ones.

This time, all six members of the Rong family returned to Beijing. The three sons and one daughter were not married yet.

Chu Bei's eyes darkened, "The emperor doesn't want to take the son of the Rong family into the palace!!"

Mu Wan paused, looked up a little depressed, "How is it possible, the Rong family won't agree, right? The Rong family is similar to your four major families, and they rarely send their daughters into the palace."

Chu Beidao, "It was there at the beginning of the founding of the country, but because of the battle for the crown prince, the four major families had internal struggles. With the lessons of blood, the next four major families negotiated an agreement and asked for the emperor's grace. In the future, the four major families The daughters of the family no longer enter the palace as concubines, and the Rong family also asked for grace."

But the late emperor couldn't stand it and insisted on choosing a princess to inherit the throne. This was the first time that the four major families sent their sons into the palace as concubines.

Such a precedent has been set, so if she wants to marry the son of the Rong family, will the Rong family dare to disagree?
Their Rong family is extremely smart, and they will not disobey the emperor easily.

Otherwise, it is impossible to guard the northwest all the time and hold military power.

Mu Wan secretly wiped her sweat, "Is it okay not to talk about these things? The harem is under your control, and I will listen to you."

Chu Bei looked at her, panicked inexplicably, threw her down without saying a word, and blocked her mouth, not wanting to hear these words, this woman obviously wanted to accept the concubine, but refused to admit it, he endured it for a long time up.

She said that she didn't like the concubines in the harem, but she always stared at them. When she had dinner with them, she didn't know how happy she was.

He knew very well in his heart that she cared about those concubines in private.

This woman is very kind to everyone, very gentle to everyone, promiscuous and promiscuous everywhere.

Even if she doesn't touch her concubine, she still spoils her.

It was agreed to act on the occasion, but in his eyes, he didn't know why she always felt that she showed her true feelings. He didn't like her being nice to others, and hated her smiling at others, especially those men in the harem.

From his point of view, her nature is hard to change, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot.

Relying on being an empress, with a noble status, it is only natural for her to have beautiful men in the world. Today he must let her understand that this king is not so easy to bully, and he will not let her do whatever she wants. From now on, she will not be allowed to see any of those men , don't look! !

The man suddenly became jealous, and Mu Wan couldn't help it.


There was a lot of movement in the imperial study room, Xiao Lizi ran out quickly, and the guards standing at the door blushed, thinking to himself, the Empress is really, it's ridiculous.


It was already evening when Mu Wan woke up, she felt like she was about to fall apart as soon as she got up, she looked at Qingxue with a little dizziness and said, "What time is it? Where's the Queen?"

Qingxue put a coat on her silently, and said, "Go back to the emperor, the empress has gone out of the palace to meet King Zhenxi."

Mu Wan stretched her waist, didn't care too much, walked to the table, picked up the pastry and ate it. She was very hungry, tired and hungry, and her legs were still a little weak.

Qingxue hurriedly helped her to sit down, "Your Majesty, do you want to pass on the meal?"

Mu Wan bit the pastry and said, "Well, I want to eat hot pot, let Yaoyao come and eat hot pot with me."

Qingxue paused slightly, and said, "Go back to the emperor, Miss Ning has left the palace to go to Fu's residence."

For safety's sake, Qingge went with her.

Now that the Ning family has been enshrined as Marquis of Dongqing, Ning Xinyao originally wanted to go back to live in the marquis' mansion, but she wanted to study medicine with Fu Si in the pharmacy, and it was convenient to live in the palace, so she didn't move out.

The empress did not agree to let her move out of Xuanwu Hall.

"Oh, forget it, who came to see me today?"

Qingxue hesitated for a moment and said, "Princess Ling, there are still kneeling outside the palace."

She didn't listen to what she said, and refused to leave, so she let her kneel down.

Mu Wan frowned slightly, and said with a headache, "It's freezing, let her in."

Qingxue blessed her body and withdrew.

Outside, Biyue and Nanny Tan were still trying to persuade her, so they ordered someone to escort her back.

At this time Qingxue came out and said, "Mommy, the emperor is awake, please let Princess Ling in."


Nanny Tan had someone take her down to change her clothes, drank ginger soup to warm her body, and then took her to see the Empress.

At this time, the empress really had a meal, so she asked her to sit down and eat together.

Concubine Ling was a little apprehensive, she quickly shook her head and said, "This concubine deserves to die, for disturbing the emperor's meal, this concubine..."

Mu Wan raised her eyes to look at her, and said, "Sister-in-law Sihuang, sit down first, I won't listen to you if you don't eat."

Princess Ling paused slightly, her eyes were reddish, and then she said, "My concubine obeys the order."

After they sat down, Mu Wan didn't bother her much, picked up the chopsticks and started eating. She was hungry, and she was no more elegant than Princess Ling who counted rice.

Concubine Ling looked at her with the bowl and chopsticks, a little dumbfounded, is this the way an emperor should eat?
She doesn't even know how to describe her.

Mu Wan was eating this meal, and Princess Ling watched her eat.

Seeing the empress put down her chopsticks, she immediately put them down.

Mu Wan looked at her, took the handkerchief and wiped her mouth, and said with a smile, "I'm full, Si Huangsao eats it slowly, there are no outsiders here, so you don't have to be cautious."

(End of this chapter)

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