Chapter 590 The Truth
After all this is over, it's the banquet, Rong Che, as the bride, naturally has to stay in Yunxiao Palace and wait.


After the palace banquet, at night, the Empress followed the rules to visit Yunxiao Palace in person.

What Mu Wan didn't expect was that when he arrived at Yunxiao Palace, he had to take off his hijab and drink a cup of wine. It was just accepting a concubine, not marrying a queen, so it doesn't have to be so formal, right? ?

Seeing that she was puzzled, Tan Momo said, "Your Majesty, this is the rule."

Although the imperial concubine is not as noble as the empress, this is the royal family, and the concubines in the harem all have ranks, and there are certain rules for the promotion.

The rank of the imperial concubine is only inferior to the empress, and the entry standard is only slightly lower.

Taking off the red hijab and drinking Hebei wine are the basic rules.

Mu Wan slightly raised her eyebrows to show that she didn't understand these rules. She touched the tip of her nose, her eyes flashed slyly, and she quietly asked Tan Nanny, "It was like this when I married the queen? Take off the red hijab and have a cup of wine?"

Nanny Tan nodded, "It's more formal and grand than this."

Mu Wan narrowed her eyebrows and nodded frequently, she couldn't help but curl her lips. Unfortunately, it wasn't her at that time, and she really wanted to try what it felt like to lift Chu Fox's red hijab, so she could tease her a bit.

Cultivating her own brain, she couldn't help sniggering.

Nanny Tan and a group of palace people looked at her with smiles all over their faces, and their hearts were filled with joy, as if she liked this imperial concubine very much.

"The emperor's auspicious time has come, please take off the hijab."

Bi Yue handed her the happy scale.

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and glanced, then picked it up, and decisively lifted off Rong Che's red hijab.

Looking at the boy, her eyes lit up, and she subconsciously narrowed her eyes slightly.

Think of a word, the bride's face is delicate, bright and moving, so beautiful.

A smooth and fair face, delicate features, heroic brows, deep black eyes with an unusually bright luster, red lips and white teeth, heroic demeanor.

At this moment, Rong Che was also looking at the girl, and seeing that she was not nervous or shy looking at him, but looking at him unscrupulously, this simply subverted his perception of wedding flowers and candles.

After all, she is the empress, she is different.

She was dressed in a bright red dragon robe, beautiful and noble, noble and luxurious. Standing in front of him, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and her smile was like a bright crescent moon in the night sky.

Rong Che looked at her in a daze, his heart beat faster and he couldn't help being excited.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please have a drink at the Hebei Bar."

Mother Tan urged.

Mu Wan did as she did, walked to the wedding bed and sat next to the boy, picked up the wine glass, handed it to him, and said with a smile, "Aifei, please."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Rong Che took the wine glass without restraint, the two crossed their hands and drank the wine together.

After the cup of wine was finished, it was time for the bridal chamber to celebrate, so Mammy Tan and the others naturally stepped back.

Rong Che was a little nervous. In fact, he didn't know what to do to make her happy. After all, she was not an ordinary woman, but an empress. If he acted recklessly, would he anger her?

I can only tell myself that this matter has to be taken slowly, and it cannot be completely dominated by men like ordinary bridal chamber candles.

Everything needs to be based on her happiness and satisfaction.

After Tan Momo left, Mu Wan sat for a while and then got up.

At this time, Rong Che looked at his brows and frowned slightly, then stood up and put his hands on her shoulders naturally, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, I will wait for you to go to bed."

Mu Wan raised her eyes to look at him, her eyes flickered slightly, coughed lightly, and said, "Well, okay, but it's not convenient for me today, maybe I have to wrong my concubine."

Sleep on the floor.

Rong Che's hands froze, his head was covered with black lines, how could it be such a coincidence?When she met her monthly letter?
Since it is an election day, it will definitely avoid this situation.

Or did she do it on purpose?

Don't want him to touch at all?
Rong Che suddenly felt restless and flustered. He wanted to ask, but he didn't ask, because he was suddenly afraid to face this question for some reason.

The father said that the empress was not really a romantic woman.

But he had inquired that besides Chu Bei, she had favored other concubines.

Concubine Yu, Concubine Xian, and even Concubine Sheng have all served in bed before. Are these all fake?

Like him, the bridal chamber made him sleep on the floor? ?

Thinking of this, the young man was a little uneasy, his face was pale, and his breathing was a little heavy.

Shen Rui's eyes were fixed on the girl who offered to help him lay the floor, and he clenched his fists. If it was an ordinary lady, he would definitely throw her down and fulfill her husband's rights. Even if he couldn't touch her, he would kiss her and hug her. It's okay.

But she is the empress, if she hurts her or angers her, not only he, but also the Rong family will suffer, so he has to calm down.

The young man stood behind him, took a deep breath, and quickly calmed down, showing the cool-headedness unique to a general.

Mu Wan helped him make the bed, wiped off his sweat, looked back at him, and said with a smile, "Aifei, okay, come and go to bed, you are not used to sleeping, I can sleep on the floor as well."

Rong Che suppressed the coldness in his body, looked at her and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you don't have to be like this, just sleep on the bed with me, I won't touch you."


Mu Wan secretly wiped her sweat, but remained silent.

If he was not the son of the Rong family, and now he is fighting at the border, and needs to appease the Northwest Army, it is impossible for her to stay in Yunxiao Palace.

Although it is true that she is here today, she has a guarantee, but she has to share the bed with him, and it is not Chu Bei who is sleeping next to him. To be honest, she is not at ease.

"Today is the day of great joy for the minister and the emperor. The bridal chamber is decorated with candles, sleeping on the floor and sleeping in separate beds. The minister will feel very uncomfortable."

The young man calmed down for a while, and quickly figured it out, if you can't force it, then use softness.

She is not a tyrant, on the contrary she is kind-hearted, as long as she behaves weaker, like Concubine Yun, then she will definitely soften her heart.

Mu Wan looked at her head slightly lowered, her slender eyebrows showed a touch of sadness, and her face was sad and disappointed. The sad young man felt a little sorry in her heart, which made her look like a heartless person. She married someone and was irresponsible. Such a beautiful moment makes people stay alone in an empty room. This feeling of guilt is depressing.

However, she can't be soft-hearted and give people hope, but she can't do it after it's over. This is no different from a scumbag.

Mu Wan had a headache. It's hard to be an empress, and it's even more difficult to be an emotional empress.

"Aifei, come here first, I have something to tell you."

Let's make it clear.

She was going to sit down and have a good talk with him.

But Rong Che seemed to know what she was going to say, he felt a lot of resistance in his heart, he didn't want to listen, and said, "I'm tired, the emperor has something to say in another day, okay?"

As he spoke, he went to put away the floor coverings, sat by the bed, patted the brocade quilt embroidered with peonies and mandarin ducks playing in the water, and said with a smile, "Today is my bridal chamber festivities, please allow me to make this willful request, Your Majesty Don't worry, I will never dare to offend you."

Sleeping in separate beds can cultivate feelings.

Don't think of him as a careless man who only knows how to ride horses and archery, and doesn't understand the relationship between men and women at all.

There is a saying in the art of war, every step is a battalion.

The empress is the empress, unlike other women, he is not in a hurry, take his time, let her understand herself first, and then when she slowly falls in love with him, he will wait patiently and give her time to accept herself.

Mu Wan was a little bit hard to get off. She glanced at Nuo Da's wedding bed. It would be no problem to sleep four people. It should be no problem to sleep with the quilt separated.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally walked over. He was a little tired from the concubine ceremony and had no energy to deal with him.

Therefore, Rong Che took the initiative to take off her dragon robe and serve her, but he didn't stop him. After taking off his coat and only wearing a snow-white coat underneath, Mu Wan climbed into bed, wrapped himself in a quilt, and wrapped it tightly. Seriously, she looked up at him and said, "Since you're tired, go to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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