The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 591 Your Majesty, I am Rong Che!

Chapter 591 Your Majesty, I am Rong Che!
Rong Che also took off the brocade clothes outside, and lay down next to her, glanced at the beams, clenched his fists secretly, his eyes flashed coldly, his expression was cold and fierce, he raised his hand to turn off the light, and then slowly Closing his eyes, he kept his word and kept to himself all night, not crossing the line, let alone touching her.

But in the dark, a few hidden guards on the beams of the dormitory still watched closely all night.

Mu Wan was already tired, sleepy and tired, thinking to herself, there were hidden guards watching in the dark, so she relaxed her vigilance, fell asleep not long after lying down, and woke up until dawn.

The next day, in a half-asleep and half-awake state, I opened my sleepy eyes and found someone next to me. I didn't think much of it, and rushed over to hug him as usual, nestled on his chest, rubbed hard twice, and smiled. Said, "Queen... Good morning!"

Rong Che froze. He didn't expect that she would take the initiative to hug him, but he couldn't be happy at all. Hearing the name she yelled, his eyes darkened. He resisted a wave of anger, and said in a low and cold voice. , "Your Majesty, I am Rong Che."

A cold and displeased voice slammed down, and the girl in her arms woke up suddenly.

He hurriedly got up and opened his eyes wide, looking at him with an ugly expression, "Rong...Rong Che!!"

Not Chu Bei.

Mu Wan's face was a little pale, and she was in a cold sweat from shock. She never thought that a strange man would sleep next to her.

It's too unaccustomed.

She immediately got up and got out of bed, shouting, "Come on."

After the words fell, Qingge Qingxue led the maids in like a file.

I saw the empress standing on the cold floor with her bare feet.

Qingge Qingxue was startled, and hurriedly waited for her to wash and dress.

After getting dressed, Mu Wan stepped out from behind the screen, looked at the young man who was also dressed neatly, with a smile on her face, and said, "I still have something to do, so I won't have dinner with my concubine."

After speaking, he quickly left Yunxiao Palace.

Standing behind him, Rong Che looked at her leaving figure, his brows were cold and serious, his eyes were gloomy and flickering, and he was indescribably irritated. Things were not as simple and beautiful as he imagined.

Originally, he was mentally prepared when he entered the palace, knowing that it was impossible for her to have only one man.

He can accept all of these, as long as he has the opportunity to be with her, he can accept all of them.

But it turns out that he was too naive to understand her at all.

She has only one man, only one man.

All the concubines in the harem are decorations.

She only had Chu Bei in her heart.

She will not spoil other concubines, she is never romantic, she only loves one person wholeheartedly, and what others see is just a play on the spot, an illusion.

Ha ha!For the sake of the country, for the sake of the overall situation, for the sake of stabilizing the morale of the army in the Northwest, and for stabilizing their Rong family, she really worked hard enough!
Rong Che's slender eyebrows drooped, his eye sockets turned slightly red, he was angry and sad, and sneered in his heart, he is not stupid, after a night, he quickly analyzed and learned the whole truth.

This truth made him very angry, inexplicably jealous, and inexplicably blamed all the reasons on Chu Bei.

The harem is all under Chu Bei's world, what he said is true, he dared to let the hidden guards hide in the Yunxiao Palace bedroom to monitor him.


If he touches the Empress, is he planning to kill her?
The young man clenched his fists, his eyes were icy cold, his whole body was filled with gloomy and ruthless aura, and his murderous aura leaked out, he said to himself, good you Chu Bei, from now on I, Rong Che, will be at odds with you.


Mu Wan was restless all the way, and walked out of Yunxiao Palace in a hurry, heading straight for Suzaku Palace.

I didn't wait for "The Emperor is here" to finish singing.

With a touch of figure, he quickly walked into the hall.

In the hall, several teenagers were discussing and analyzing the deployment of the battle with a border map.

Mu Wan looked at this scene, seeing a certain fox so calm, she wiped her sweat secretly, didn't she know it? !

When several teenagers saw her, they hurriedly got up and saluted.

Chu Bei raised his brows slightly, seeing her sweating profusely as she ran hurriedly as if being chased by a dog, he couldn't help but raised his lips, "What happened? The emperor runs so impatiently that he is not afraid of falling."

As he spoke, he came over to help her sit down, and offered her a cup of tea tenderly and considerately.

Mu Wan glanced at the teacup, looked up at him, a little depressed, and said, "I'm hungry, I want milk, not tea."

He didn't get angry for a long time.

It made her nervous for nothing.

"The emperor hasn't eaten yet?"

The teenagers paused slightly, a little surprised, at this moment, they thought she would stay in Yunxiao Palace to accompany the imperial concubine to eat.

He just entered the palace, he was the son of Prince Rong again, and now the northwest border is about to be fought, everything has to be relied on by Prince Rong to guard the border, in order to stabilize the morale of the army, and to show his love for Rong Che, it is natural to give more company and give him a different kind of love award.

Mu Wan's face froze, her eyes were slightly cold, and she said a little irritably, "No, staying in Yunxiao Palace is already a great favor."

Do you want to have dinner with him?

What a joke!
She already somewhat disliked this kind of flirting.

Some even felt angry at King Rong's self-respect and taking the opportunity to force her to marry Rong Che.

This feeling of being forced is unpleasant and irritating.

She was afraid that if she played a show that day, if she made a mistake, she would lose herself and spoil these concubines.

Although doing so has saved the country and stabilized the overall situation, she will lose a cherished relationship.

The relationship between her and Chu Bei must be broken. Even if he loves each other again, Chu Bei will not leave her, but there will be lumps in his heart.

Even if Chu Bei wouldn't have it, but she would, she couldn't accept it psychologically, because she wasn't the original owner, she wasn't the eldest princess, and she couldn't accept such things casually.

Suddenly found that for a certain purpose, she was required to sleep with all kinds of men she didn't like... She couldn't do it. Thinking of that scene, her face turned blue and purple, extremely disgusted and disgusted.

Seeing her bad face, the young men looked at each other, and couldn't help thinking, it must be Rong Che who bullied her!
Thinking of this, several people were startled, Chu Bei's handsome face was full of gloomyness, he went to the study without saying a word, and summoned the secret guard who was guarding Yunxiao Palace last night.

Looking at his leaving figure, Mu Wan frowned, got up and hurriedly followed.

But Situ Mo stopped her, with a serious expression on his face, and said, "Your Majesty, you should first tell us what happened in Yunxiao Palace last night, is it Rong Che..."

Mu Wan had a headache and felt that things were getting more and more complicated. She scratched her hair and said, "It's okay, don't think too much, don't make trouble for me."

Several teenagers watched the emperor and empress enter the study one after the other, their brows were slightly frowned, and they were worried, would something happen?
In the study room, the dark guard had already truthfully reported everything about Yunxiao Palace last night.

They just stayed overnight in the Yunxiao Palace bedroom. Although the empress and imperial concubine slept on the same bed, they didn't do anything extravagant.

It's just that when he woke up in the morning, the empress hugged the imperial concubine as a queen.

They saw this scene, but the empress was already awake, so she didn't show up and left Yunxiao Palace. They had to ask Qingxue Qingge about what happened after that.

After hearing this, Chu Bei frowned slightly, and then motioned for them to go down first.

At this moment, Mu Wan stepped in and looked at him, "Queen..."

Chu Bei got up and walked over, hugging her, obviously feeling her nervousness, he didn't say anything, didn't point or question, he just said, "Your Majesty has been wronged, don't worry, this king won't mind such things. "

He knew in his heart that she was not the kind of flirtatious, romantic woman.

All she did was for the sake of the country, and in order to stabilize the overall situation, she was forced to do what she didn't want to do.

It is already difficult for her to let a weak woman bear these burdens.

If he doesn't understand anymore, won't he push her into a desperate situation?

(End of this chapter)

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