Chapter 611
He turned around, and then two hidden guards suddenly appeared and knelt in front of him, "My lord, everything is ready and we can leave at any time."

Zhou Yunting gave a faint "hmm" and said, "Let's go immediately."

Then he turned his head and gave the woman a cold look, "Also, find a maid's costume for Miss Xiao Rong, and go with her."

Miss Xiaorong?

The dark guard paused, and looked up at the woman behind the young master.

Isn't this the little Princess Rong's mansion?

The young master was actually caught to be his maid?

The dark guard secretly wiped off his cold sweat, glanced at the leader beside him, Wuhen, is this really all right?
Rong Qin is not an ordinary girl, she is the daughter of King Zhenxi, and she is also an extremely favored little daughter. She has three older brothers and her father is not someone to be messed with.

If you are stabbed to the empress, son, I'm afraid you will be punished.

The son is not afraid of the sky, the earth is not afraid, but the empress is the most afraid!

As soon as the empress got angry, the young master faltered.

Wuhen felt a bit of a headache, it wasn't that he didn't want to persuade, it was just that the young master had such a temper, sometimes even the empress couldn't do anything about him.

Regardless of what happened to the dark guard, Zhou Yunting turned his head and glanced coldly at the woman who looked like a piece of wood. His eyes flashed coldly, and the corners of his lips curled up into a bright smile, and said, "Not yet."

With her being so unfeminine, her face alone cannot attract Old Man Gong.

Gong Jue's only good thing is women, the girls he spoils, there are eighty if not one hundred, and when they get tired of playing, they will use them to practice medicine and become poisonous people.

If she is unable to please Gong Jue, she will end up becoming a poisonous person.

The boy stroked his chin and looked at the girl. The more he looked, the more he felt that she was the fate of a poisonous person, and he couldn't help looking at her with pity.

Listening to his words, Rong Qin's ears felt hot, his fists clenched tightly, and he resignedly took the maid's outfit prepared by the hidden guard, a set of light blue dress, which was similar to that worn by the girls in the palace, but it seemed a little revealing, winter It's too bad for him to let himself dress like this.

After she finished changing in the carriage, she was a little embarrassed, opened the curtain and said with a red face, "My lord... I have changed."

The man said lightly, "Well, bring your clothes."

Rong Qin frowned slightly, a little puzzled, and then a female guard came over, took her clothes, after changing, she changed her appearance and came out, she suddenly realized, secretly gritted her teeth, it's really treacherous!
He planned to take her away secretly, so even if he died in Xiqi's father, they would not know about it, what a cruel man.

Zhou Yunting glanced at her angry expression, couldn't help but hooked his lips, feeling a little bit of fun, and said with a smile, "Hmph, there are no rules, why don't you roll down and help me up?"

It's really troublesome, I have to teach it from scratch, it's better to just buy a singer.


In the Junguo military camp, the Empress is discussing with several ministers about building a medical rescue camp and how to appease the wounded in a timely manner.

Everyone didn't understand why she did this. Now that the war is tense, there is no manpower and time and energy to arrange the retreat of the wounded. These things will be done after the war is over.

Now that there is a war and there is a shortage of men, as a soldier, even if he still has a breath, he is not allowed to leave the battlefield, and he must sacrifice his life for the country at any time.

Mu Wan became angry when she heard what some generals said, "Bastard! Soldiers are not human? Who stipulates that a good soldier must die for the country? General Zeng, as a general, you must know how to cherish your soldiers. Don't you understand such a simple truth?" Understand?"

General Zeng's complexion changed slightly, he hurriedly folded his fists and knelt down and said, "Your Majesty calm down, the general just thinks that our army is not strong enough, the barracks is not manned enough, and there is no one to escort the wounded back."

Several generals also supported General Zeng one after another. They thought in their hearts that the empress was a woman after all, so how could anyone survive in a war?They are used to seeing life and death, and their hearts are cold, so they don't understand her approach at all.

It's just that she is too soft-hearted to make a big deal.

Mu Wan looked at the generals kneeling on the ground, and said, "You can't win with a large number of people. Have you heard of the empty city strategy? An empty city has as many as 2000 troops, and only one person can suppress 10,000+ enemy troops and make them retreat. Have you ever heard of straw boats borrowing arrows? The wizard military division only borrowed a few straw boats to lure the enemy, and he borrowed more than [-] arrows from the enemy, and made great achievements. Is this because of the large number of people? They rely on their brains. The art of war, wisdom, if you don’t learn to use your brains, you just blindly kill the enemy bravely and charge forward, then you are just reckless, and you will only die.”

Several generals were said to be flushed with shame, and they were indeed only blindly fighting the enemy bravely in wars. They suffered the most injuries and killed the most subordinates.

Mu Wan sighed secretly, raised her eyes and said, "It's not that it's wrong for you to fight the enemy bravely, and it's wrong to charge into the battle. Defending the home and defending the country is indispensable to victory. But you are generals, and you hold the lives of many soldiers in your hands, so you should think more about what to do." Save your own life, if a person's life is gone, how can we defend the country? I hope that you can continue to grow, continue to spur yourself, and become wise and brave generals. This is the king, the general I need."

These people think differently from her. After all, they are ancient people. They can never get rid of the hierarchy in their concepts. They regard life as worthless.

But this is normal, who let this be a feudal dynasty, and even slavery existed.

She doesn't have such big ambitions, and she has no ability to change things. She can only leave it to time to baptize. All she can do is to spread her own ideas.

Whether it has any effect and whether it can change this era is beyond her control.

"Get up, there is no need to discuss this matter, I have made up my mind, the monarchy will not be defeated, everyone, don't panic, stay steady, firmly believe that we will win."

She understands the worries of the generals and ministers. This is the largest attack on the monarchy by the Three Kingdoms Alliance. At present, the three countries are mobilizing all troops from all over the country to go to the border.

At that time, nearly 300 million troops will come to the city, and the scene will be frightening to think about.

Don't blame them, she herself panicked.

But she couldn't show any signs of panic, fear, or retreat.

As an emperor, he was in a panic, so how can he boost morale and lead the three armies? !
Thinking about it, she got up, raised her eyes sharply, and said, "Send down the order to send troops to attack the city tonight."

Before the troops of the Three Kingdoms are mobilized, she must take the initiative to attack.

The meaning of Chu Bei and the others was the same. After passing the order, everyone began to take turns to rest, eat and sleep well.

At night, in the early hours of the morning, there was a sudden sound of war drums and horns.

There was a sudden panic in the army of the Three Kingdoms, "Report! The Junguo soldiers divide into three groups and attack us!"

In the Xiqi barracks, the sentinel reported: "Report to the general, the general of the monarchy's western expedition led 15 elite soldiers to the city."

Beiming Barracks, Sentinel reported: "Report to the General, the General of the Northern Expedition of the Kingdom of the Kingdom led 15 elite soldiers to the city."

At the Nanliang barracks, the sentinel reported: "I want to report to the lord, the general of the Southern Expedition of the Kingdom of the Kingdom led 15 elite soldiers to the city."

(End of this chapter)

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