Chapter 612
The generals of the Three Kingdoms Qi Qi looked ashen, he didn't want the monarchy to be so shameless, they agreed to a three-day truce, but they attacked them in the middle of the night.

But they didn't have time to curse the monarchy, so they could only straighten out the army immediately and go out to fight.

On Xiqi's side, Prince Xiqi led the troops out of the city to fight.

On Beiming's side, Prince Beiming led the troops out of the city to fight.

And Nanliang is the regent king who personally led the troops out of the city to fight.

This time the monarchy sent out all the best of the younger generation, whether they were gods of war or famous generals, they were all experts, so we had to be careful, and only their chief generals would go out in person.

But when the Three Kingdoms opened the city gate, they were indeed bombarded by a bomb, which immediately blasted them with a sullen face and forced them to live without love.

He wanted to run back, but found that the city gate had been blown up, and he would end up being captured alive if he ran back.

After the bombardment, the army of the monarchy attacked the city gate in unison.

The main generals of the two sides fought for several rounds, and the victory or defeat was no longer important, because at this time, the battle flag of the Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms had already been planted on the tower of the Three Kingdoms.

In desperation, the Three Kingdoms could only quickly and decisively withdraw from the first defensive battle city with the remaining troops.

In this way, it took only one night for the monarchy to break through and occupy the first frontier defense battle city of the Three Kingdoms.

That night, the commander-in-chief of the Three Kingdoms led the army to retreat to the second border city to garrison.

And the army of the monarchy led the troops into the city.

The people in the three cities who were abandoned were so frightened that they hid in their beds and shivered, and some offered money and food, just begging not to hurt them.

The streets are covered with ice and snow, and there are still snowflakes falling at this moment, corpses are scattered all over the field outside the city gate, the flames of war are raging, gunpowder smoke fills the air, and the battle flags of the Three Kingdoms fall at the gate of the city, being trampled on wantonly, it is full of depression.

These monarch soldiers are like Shura Martial Gods who have returned from hell, full of murderous aura.

In the city, on both sides of the street, at the door of every house, there are quite a few ordinary people wearing thin clothes, hugging their children, and supporting the elderly to kneel in the snow, their eyes trembling with fear.

Looking up, I watched the army of these monarchies drive straight into their land.

The leading generals are all young and handsome teenagers, all dressed in armor and majestic, looking down on the world.

The soldiers of the kingdom held red-tasseled long spears and killed them coldly. When they walked, the armor on their bodies made a clanking sound, as if beating on the hearts of those weak people, making people panic and despair.

At this time, the hooves of war horses suddenly came from the city gate, and a sound cut through the gray sky, like a ray of starlight passing through the darkness, ushering in the dawn of dawn.

The three black armored cavalrymen separated, holding up the bright and yellow imperial decree, and shouted loudly at the gate of the city.

"The emperor has an order, do not burn or plunder, do not bully the people in the city, those who violate the order will be dealt with by military law, and will be killed without mercy!"

Those soldiers who were about to make a move immediately stopped their thoughts, did not dare to plunder the common people, did not dare to rob the famous women by force, and stood in line one by one, waiting for the orders of their superiors.

The common people in the city were shocked, and immediately knelt down, "Long live the kingdom, long live the emperor!"

These ordinary people don't care who is the emperor, whoever owns the world, as long as they can treat them well, it is their heaven.

The emperor not only ordered not to harm the people in the city, but also distributed food, winter clothes and other supplies to the people. The borders are poorer than most prosperous metropolises.

Some places lack water, some places lack food, most of the residents living in the border are nomadic for a living, and there are many ordinary people who have no food to eat.

Especially during the war, when the imperial court required food requisition, it was even more difficult for the people at the border to spend the winter.

Now it is the beginning of February, when winter is passing and spring is coming, the common people only hope that spring will come soon and the war will end soon.


The monarchy captured Beiming, Xiqi, and Nanliang at the same time, the first city of the Three Kingdoms, ushering in an overwhelming victory.

Immediately afterwards, the emperor issued a variety of benevolent government measures, quickly bought and attracted the people in the Three Kingdoms city, won the hearts of the people, avoided the riots of the people, and everything was carried out in an orderly manner.

Since then, the three city gates have been included in the territory of the monarchy.


The army of the Three Kingdoms retreated to the second defensive city to garrison. Since it would take time to deploy the whole country’s troops, they were not prepared before. They thought that the combined strength of one million troops from the Three Kingdoms would be enough to take down the Junguo.

I don't want the kingdom to hide its big move. The power of cannons and bombs was put on the battlefield, and it became overwhelmingly strong.

On the contrary, the empress of Junguo personally marched, brought magic weapons and many talented young generals, and became famous in the first battle, showing that Junguo is the strongest king of the four kingdoms.

The morale of the army is rising day by day, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo.

What made the Three Kingdoms even more unexpected was that immediately after noon on the second day, Jun Guo soldiers divided into three armies and approached their second defensive city together.

They are not given any chance to breathe.

Xiqi Barracks, Nanliang Barracks, and Beiming Barracks, the generals were all angry, "The emperor plans to destroy us in one go. I don't think we will lose a lot of cities before the Three Kingdoms mobilize their troops to reach the border."

The generals and ministers of the Three Kingdoms were furious. They had never seen the Three Kingdoms Alliance attack a country, and they were beaten to death.

"No way, today's monarchy is well-equipped with excellent weapons and talents. The young generals are brave and good at fighting, and they are both wise and brave. There are also older generals in the rear guarding the gates, sitting in town, and making suggestions. In addition, this emperor is another killer. A resolute emperor, although she doesn't know how to lead a big battle, she makes decisive decisions, trusts her subordinates, has one heart, and is good at leading the generals and ministers to stimulate their maximum potential."

She guards the whole army, is the spiritual pillar of the entire army of the monarchy, and is their belief.

If the emperor does not fall, it is impossible to defeat the army of the monarchy.

When Prince Beiming mentioned something, all the generals fell silent.

But how easy is it to shoot and kill the emperor?

Her concubines alone are difficult to deal with, and they all swear to support her, like a loyal dog, like an indestructible knight, whoever dares to touch her will be killed, not to mention the queen, the imperial concubine, and those few The concubine, isn't that a genius who is capable of writing and martial arts, brave and good at fighting?
He was appointed as a general and received great attention.

They really don't understand the emperor's ruling method, and the harems of all dynasties are not allowed to interfere in politics, but his monarchy is going against the road.

Emphasize the use of empresses and concubines, entrust them with important tasks, seal them as marquises and worship prime ministers, and hold military power in their hands.

It's unbelievable that the Empress of the Junguo can control everything, isn't she afraid that her queen and concubines will turn against her that day?

This is already beyond their comprehension and something they have to admire.

It can only be said that the Empress Junguo is indeed superior, and she is more capable than her father.

Everyone sighed in unison.

Let's not mention this matter for the time being, let's talk about her concubines, there are not only ruthless ones, but also ruthless ones, who kill people without blinking an eye.

All kinds of talents gathered in her harem, and they were only loyal to the Empress. For others, those who dared to hurt her were ruthless, ruthless, and even more terrifying when they became crazy.

Overtly and secretly, there were people who swore to protect her to the death.

It's not that the Three Kingdoms secretly sent someone to assassinate the Empress of the Kingdom of the Kingdom, but the secret guards sent to assassinate her were secretly executed before they even got close to her.

(End of this chapter)

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