Chapter 613
Most recently, he was killed halfway by a group of men in black who didn't know where he came from. Many dead men were captured alive and turned into poisonous men. Those who were tortured were neither human nor ghost. Not living or dying, but being sent back to assassinate their master, they couldn't bear it, so they could only kill their carefully trained secret guards with their own hands.

Speaking of this, some people in Xiqi, Beiming, and Nanliang were so angry that they vomited blood, and secretly vowed to find out the person behind it and avenge the dead guard.

Mo Li was a little surprised, and said, "I don't think there are such gloomy and vicious men in the empress's harem?"

This method is comparable to that of the palace pharmacist in the other country's teacher's mansion!

"Everyone, don't be angry, and don't panic. The lost city will be regained sooner or later. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. The job of assassinating the empress will be taken over by our division. You should concentrate on dealing with the army of the monarchy."

Mo Li looked up at the crowd and narrowed their phoenix eyes slightly. He didn't know that these people were secretly planning to assassinate that girl.

It is still useful for him to keep her, how can he let her have any mistakes?

Bei Mingzhao looked at him and frowned slightly, "The current strength of the monarchy is probably due to the lack of manpower in the National Teacher's Office. Let me help the National Teacher's Office together."

He didn't know what Mo Li was up to, he didn't care about other people's life or death, but no one could touch Xiao Jiu.

The Regent of Nanliang's eyes flickered, and he said, "I think what Prince Beiming said makes sense. It is impossible for the three kingdoms to work together and fight alone, like a mess of loose sand. You can put aside the assassination of the Queen of the Kingdom. The most important thing now is how to resist the menacing monarchy army."

Now the Three Kingdoms have lost many cities in a row. The first line of defense has been breached, and the nearby cities have been captured by the monarchy one after another.

The second defensive city they retreated to was almost unable to defend.

When Mo Li heard this, he immediately had a headache and became irritable. He didn't want to worry about any cities or lands being captured. He just wanted to catch the Empress of the Kingdom as soon as possible.

But his purpose cannot be revealed, otherwise Prince Beiming and Nanliang Prince Regent will definitely turn against him.

If the three countries are not at peace, the alliance will collapse.

The war has already been provoked, and if the king is angered, the king may take the opportunity to destroy them one by one, annex the three kingdoms, and unify the world.

At that time, it will be even more difficult for him to catch Miss Jun.

Thinking about it, his face became ugly, and he said, "As soon as possible, mobilize the troops, and I will send reinforcements in two days."

In addition to the forces of the Three Kingdoms, what reinforcements are there?
Everyone didn't understand who the reinforcements he was talking about were, but they could only listen to him now.


After consecutive victories, the monarchy did not let up, and went all out to attack cities and lands without stopping. Before the reinforcements from the Three Kingdoms arrived at the border, they captured their second defensive city.

The Three Kingdoms lost half of their troops and had to retreat to the third defensive city.


On this day, the spring was warm and flowers were blooming, the ice and snow melted, and the earth rejuvenated. After many days of continuous fighting, the soldiers were also tired, so Mu Wan ordered to rest for a day.

Taking this opportunity, she also came to the Border Market to hang out and relax.

Although the fighting in the Three Kingdoms is in full swing, people still have to live, and the common people at the border, in order to survive, there are still many people who come out to do business.

So the market is still very lively.

Mu Wan changed into plain clothes, rare women's clothes, and Chu Bei gave her the invulnerable silkworm clothes, with a small bun on her head. The clothes were extremely simple, but luxurious and noble.

He wore half a mask on his face, and behind him were several teenagers who also wore masks, as well as Xiao Lizi and Bi Yue.

After finally going out, she naturally had to bring these two people who followed her from the beginning.

Compared with everyone's feelings, Mu Wan's feelings for Xiao Lizi and Bi Yue are the deepest, the kind of relatives who live and die together.

The two stayed together during her most difficult time, took care of her, and protected her with their meager strength.

"Hey, let's go over there and have a bowl of noodles."

Mu Wan is in a very good mood, and today she wants to bring Xiao Lizi and Bi Yue out to play with them.

A few people came to the noodle stall and ordered a few bowls of noodles. Xiao Lizi habitually took out a silver needle and pricked it before he dared to give it to Mu Wan.

Mu Wan couldn't laugh or cry, and said helplessly, "Sit down, didn't you agree, I'll invite you to eat, drink and have fun today? You don't need to wait, sit down, sit down quickly, and when I return to Beijing, I will take you to Yunxiang Pavilion to play."

Little Lizi and Biyue blushed, looked at the young man carrying something behind them, feeling a little panicked.

Let the queen, imperial concubine and other masters stand, and they sit and eat. To be honest, their hearts are trembling.

The emperor used to always say that she would take them out to eat, drink and have fun together, but when she started to go to court and her mind was on governing the country, she always couldn't make time, or the conditions were not allowed.

She didn't want to bring the two of them to the border to endure hardships during the expedition.

But the two of them wanted to follow, and in the end Mu Wan agreed, and she said before the expedition that she would take them to play at the border.

I didn't expect this day to really come.

Let a few distinguished teenagers escort them and act as bodyguards, they don't dare to believe it.

But thinking about it, the queen and the others came here because they wanted to protect her, they just happened by the way.

Not so much psychological pressure.

The two sat down together and began to eat noodles with the empress.

After taking a bite, Mu Wan couldn't finish it, because this noodle was so thick, it wasn't fine noodle, she was used to being pampered, and no matter how hard she was, she never ate this kind of coarse grain.

It's still a big bowl, she is very worried, if she doesn't finish it, it will be wasted.

She raised her eyes to look at Chu Bei, squinted her eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Xianggong..."

Chu Bei frowned when he heard her say "Xianggong", and his heart fluttered. Without waiting for her to speak, he sat down and picked up the bowl of noodles and ate them all.

Mu Wan: "..."

Rong Che was upset when he saw it, and secretly beat his chest and stamped his feet, blaming himself for being too slow, he is also her husband-in-law! !
He hurriedly remedied, "Wanwan, I'll take you to try the special snacks at the border. I'm most familiar with the border."

When he called "Wan Wan", Mu Wan and Chu Bei were both startled. This nickname was an intimate name between the two of them. Except for Chu Bei, she didn't remember anyone calling her that.

Mu Wan smiled and said, "Well, good."

After eating the noodles, the group followed Rong Che around and went to the northwest grassland he mentioned.

As he said, the scenery here is very beautiful, especially when spring comes, the green grass emerges from the ground, the blue sky and white clouds, the vast grassland, the flocks of cattle and sheep, and the simple and enthusiastic herdsmen, all of which make people feel relaxed and beautiful.

Standing on the open and vast grassland, she couldn't help shouting, running, and smiling carefree.

Everyone was laughing that day, so happy, so beautiful, so happy, she even thought that it would be great if it went on like this forever.

Rong Che, standing on the grassland, his smile is so real and beautiful, he should like this place very much.

"Your Majesty, this place is beautiful, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

The young man was dressed in a snow-blue armor brocade suit. In the breeze, his sleeves were fluttering, his ink hair was flying, and his bright smile was so dazzling, like a painting frozen in the blue sky and white clouds.

Hearing his voice, Mu Wan couldn't help but look at him more, and said happily, "Well, it's beautiful."

What she doesn't know is that this will be the last good memory she has with this boy...

Chu Bei and Rong Che walked over together and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

Mu Wan smiled and nodded, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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