Chapter 621 He Didn't Die

Xia Houjin lowered her eyes and remained silent. He didn't know if she could resurrect Rong Che. A dead person cannot be resurrected unless Mo Li is a god.

At this time Chu Bei woke up, looked at King Rong, and said, "Maybe it can be done, others can't do it, maybe Mo Li can."

Hearing that Wang Rong's sad eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope, he couldn't help asking, "Why did you say that?"

Chu Bei didn't know how to tell them that he saw Mo Li resurrect his beloved woman in his previous life.

But the price was too high, and it was paid for by sacrificing countless daughters of the Ning family.

It is the so-called girl with the blood of the phoenix.

In her previous life, Ning Xinyao was sacrificed by blood, and finally resurrected a woman in an ice coffin.

That is the woman Mo Li really misses.

Miss Hua Family, Hua Xiaofeng.

His eyes were full of despair, that is to say, if he wanted to revive Rong Che, Mu Wan would have to die, and he would have to sacrifice blood in the same way...

She is so stupid, she will definitely choose to die in order to revive Rong Che.

She doesn't like to owe others, and she doesn't like to exchange other lives for the happiness of the rest of her life.

She couldn't watch Rong Che die...

At this moment, Chu Bei's heart was bleeding, he wished he could fly to Xiqi Guoshi's mansion immediately, he wished he could find her.

But he couldn't move yet.

I just hope she doesn't do stupid things and must wait for him...

Dong Qinghou looked at the distraught and hopeless young man, couldn't bear it, and said, "Prince Rong, don't get excited, Bei'er is seriously injured, let him rest first."


At this time, Xiqi Guoshi Mansion.

Mo Li specially built a magnificent palace to imprison the Queen of the Kingdom.

It is called Fengluan hall.

It is even more luxurious and noble than her Xuanwu Palace.

The large and luxurious palace was built in just over a month.

When Mo Li came back from the border, he carried her directly to here, making it easy for him to take care of her.

It was already the third day when Mu Wan woke up. She was in a coma for three days and three nights, with a persistent high fever, and kept having the same nightmare.

The physical injury can be healed, but the heart can not bear the blow, leading to coma.

Mo Li ordered all the imperial physicians in Xiqi to go to the Imperial Teacher's Mansion to treat the Empress Junguo, and if they couldn't be cured, they would throw them to feed the black snake immediately. She would die every day without waking up.

On the third day she woke up.

The wound on his neck had already been treated, and he was wearing a thin snow-white jacket with black hair hanging down his head.

Moli was not seen.

In front of him was a strange palace and a strange girl.

When she opened her eyes, the scene of Xiao Lizi's tragic death, Rong Che falling from the sword, and Chu Bei falling off the cliff suddenly appeared in her mind. This scene suddenly awakened her muddled consciousness, her eyes were cold, and she lifted the brocade quilt After getting out of bed, he made a big noise and wanted to kill Mo Li.

The girls knelt down in fright, "Your Majesty, please calm down!"


The girl almost lost her mind, her eyes burst into anger, and she kicked the girl who was kneeling in front of her with one kick.

The girl screamed, fell down and got up again, knelt down and shook like a sieve.

Mu Wan's body was still a little weak, and she felt all strength within a few moments of excitement, she felt dizzy for a while, staggered a few times and fell to the ground.

"The emperor calms down..."

The girls were so frightened that they crawled over to help her up.

At this time, an old man over half a year old appeared at the screen, accompanied by a beautiful young girl.

He came in and glanced at the angry empress who was sitting on the ground, his eyes flashed quickly to wipe his heartache, and then he said to a group of girls, "Stay back, this old man is ordered by the national teacher to ask the emperor for pulse, and we will take care of you here." That's it."

The girl heard this, and hurriedly ran out like an amnesty.

Only the old man, the girl, and the emperor remained in the hall.

Mu Wan ignored them at all, got up, and pushed them away.

"Nine children..."

At this time, Zhou Yunting couldn't help but hugged her.

Gong Jue was killed by his and Rong Qin's joint design. Now Gong Jue is disguised by him. They originally wanted to kill Gong Jue and retreat, but suddenly got news that the Empress Jun Guo was captured by Mo Li, so they Only then did he plan to pretend to be the pharmacist of the National Teacher's Mansion and his newly favored "little apprentice" to lurk in the National Teacher's Mansion, secretly trying to save her.

Hearing the familiar voice, Mu Wan stared at her in a daze, and was startled, "You are, Zhou Yunting?"

Zhou Yunting immediately removed the human skin mask, revealing his handsome face, hugged her tightly and said, "Yes, it's me, don't be afraid Jiu'er, I will rescue you out."

Mu Wan looked at the young man, her nose was sore, she couldn't help hugging him and burst into tears, "Do you know that Xiao Lizi is dead, Rong Che is dead, and Chu Bei is also dead..."

The girl next to her looked at her and couldn't help crying. Her brother died, and she cried for a long time... her heart was pierced by a knife, and she still couldn't calm down.

Holding her in his arms, Zhou Yunting hurriedly said, "Chu Bei is not dead, he is not dead."

"You don't have to lie to me, he died, fell into the abyss, and his body was smashed to pieces, just like in the previous life, why I haven't died yet, I should die too."

The tragedy of the previous life has not changed. Chu Bei died, Rong Che died, and everyone around her will die.

"Really, I didn't lie to you. He has already made arrangements. There is someone under the cliff. He is not dead, he is saved, and he will come back to save you soon, so you can't give up."

At this time, the boy tried his best to comfort her.

Mu Wan paused, raised her eyes to look at him, tears hung on her face, tears kept streaming from her eyes, she suddenly thought that Chu Bei could dream about his previous life, he knew that there would be such an ending, and he would definitely be prepared.

So he didn't die.

She wiped her eyes, suddenly filled with hope, and immediately believed that Chu Bei was not dead.

Then she just needs to find a way to use Mo Li to revive Rong Che, and then wait for Chu Bei to pick her up.

Thinking of this, she was full of fighting spirit, ignited hope, quickly calmed down, grabbed Zhou Yunting's arms, and said, "You are right, I can't die, I want to resurrect Rong Che, and I want to kill Mo Li."

Zhou Yunting secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and helped her to sit on the side of the bed, "Well, I will help you, so you can't give up, you know."

Mu Wan sat down, her body was weak, she couldn't sit still and had to lean on his shoulder, and said, "Then what should we do now?"

Mo Li is so perverted, he killed the Holy Master Beiming with one move, and if he confronts him head-on, he will definitely die.

Zhou Yunting's eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "Mo Li plans to force you to marry him, and then give birth to a bloodline with him."

According to the information he extorted from Gong Jue, Mo Li just wanted to have a child with the empress with the blood of the phoenix, and then use the child's blood sacrifice to resurrect his beloved woman, let's resurrect Rong Che by the way.

Hearing that Mo Li was going to resurrect Rong Che with this method, Mu Wan's face turned pale, and she couldn't help vomiting, it was so disgusting and cruel.

With distressed eyes, Zhou Yunting raised his hand and patted her on the back, saying, "Heal your injury first, and find a way to talk to him."

As he spoke, he stuffed her with a pack of medicinal powder, and said in a cold voice, "Think of a way to poison him. If he dares to force you, just kill him and sacrifice his blood directly, and you can revive Rong Che as well."

(End of this chapter)

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