Chapter 622

Mu Wan was startled, feeling a little flustered, clutching the packet of medicine powder tightly in her hands, and nodded silently.

Zhou Yunting and Rong Qin didn't dare to stay for too long, fearing that Mo Li would find out, so they ordered a few words and left Fengluan Palace.

Not long after they left, Mo Li came to see her.

Seeing the girl sitting by the bed looking like she had lost her soul, Mo Li's lips curled slightly, she stepped closer, sat on the bed, raised her hand to stroke her lips, and said with a smile, "Girl, I have some good news for you. The queen is not dead."

Hearing this, the girl who looked like a puppet reacted only when her eyes moved. She was very excited, grabbed his clothes, and said, "Is it true? You didn't lie to me?"

The man chuckled, "I won't lie to you. Didn't I promise you that you wouldn't hurt his life? I never break my promise."

He showed mercy, intending to kill that kid, but he was very fateful, extremely smart, and knew how to take precautions, so he saved his life.

Mu Wan's eyes flashed darkly, and she said, "You promised me the resurrection of Rong Che, when will you fulfill it?"

Mo Li looked at the girl, squinted her phoenix eyes, raised her hand to touch her soft lips with her chin, and said with a smile, "This requires your cooperation, as long as you obey me obediently, you will naturally be able to Resurrect your imperial concubine, his body is in the ice room of the State Teacher's Mansion, frozen, there will be no damage, no matter how many years, as long as I get what I want, I can resurrect him at any time. "

It was strange that he didn't feel disgusted when he touched her.

Are these eyes somewhat similar to that woman's wish cause?
I have seen so many heirs of the blood of the phoenix, but this girl is the most surprising and unexpected.

Maybe just using her blood sacrifice can restore him to the true blood of the phoenix.

Mu Wan secretly seized power, suppressed her anger, and said, "Then I ask you, how do you resurrect the dead?"

Mo Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and didn't want to tell her too much, just asked with a smile, "You are not from this world, tell me, are you from the fairy world, the demon world, or the seabed?"

Mu Wan: "..."

I don't want him to ask that.

It seems that she has been suspected for a long time.

Mu Wan smiled and said, "What about you, the national teacher? Are you from the demon world, the fairy world, or the seabed?"

Mo Li looked at the girl, suddenly smiled, in a good mood, and said, "Guess?"

"Hmph, then you can guess too!"

"Well, this seat guesses that you must be from the fairy world, a little fairy with no rank and extremely weak cultivation."

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines, and she said angrily, "Then I guess, you must be a heinous big devil, the devil king of the devil world!!"

"Ha ha…"

After hearing this, Mo Li laughed happily, as if nothing had made him laugh so heartily for a long time.

He smiled for a while, looked at the girl, and said, "Well, smart, let me tell you the truth, this seat is indeed a demon king from the devil world, and my real body is the divine bird Phoenix."

Pooh!You are the one who returns Phoenix!Not a black scorpion?

Mu Wan immediately cast a contemptuous look.

The man was not angry when he saw it, he just smiled and said, "Don't you believe it?"

Mu Wan squeezed out a smile and said, "Xin, this is your territory, you have the final say."

Mo Li smiled brightly, stood up and said, "Then you should tell me your real body."

Mu Wan curled her lips secretly, "I am the God of Flowing Light in the fairy world."

She made a fuss about this.

But Mo Li was surprised, he already knew a Liu Guang Shangshen.

"Are you really the God of Flowing Light?"

Liu Guang Shangshen is a man, and that guy actually followed, but why is it a girl?
Mu Wan secretly wiped her sweat, not wanting to have such a high hit rate, so she could only continue to talk nonsense, and said, "In the first place, the god is a soul wearer, which is more unlucky, possessing a little human girl."

"Haha... Liu Guang, Liu Guang, you have today too?"

"However, what I'm curious about is that there are cannons, bombs, pearl milk tea, and hot pot in Immortal World?"

Mo Li looked at the girl with meaningful eyes, but he didn't quite believe her words.

"Hmph, you're not from the fairy world, what a fart, isn't that invented by the god himself? Besides, since the god possessed human beings, his soul has been injured and his memory has been lost. You ask me, I don't know, anyway, it just popped out of my mind, so I'm smarter than you, can't I?"

The girl scolded him confidently.

Mo Li was stunned by the yelling, and couldn't help being dubious, and finally stopped pursuing it. After all, everyone was unlucky, fell into this unlucky world, and was forced to become a weak human being.

"Okay, okay, I trust you, you and I have special identities, so let's get along with our current identities in the future."

Thinking that she is Liu Guang, with a girl's body and a man's soul, and that she will marry her and enter the bridal chamber, Mo Li suddenly feels uncomfortable, even disgusted, and psychologically unacceptable.

Mu Wan was keenly aware of his resistance, she frowned, and immediately thought about it, and said, "I heard that Lord Mojun intends to marry me?"

Mo Li's expression changed, and he gave a faint "hmm".

Mu Wan immediately looked at him with strange eyes, "Unexpectedly, the majestic Demon Lord is such a person, are you Duanxiu?"

Mo Li's face was livid, and she said in a deep voice, "You are a woman now."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pulled the girl in front of him, pinching her chin, "I don't care who you are, don't try to provoke me, it won't do you any good to provoke me."

Mu Wan looked at him with gloomy and cold eyes, and boldly broke ground on Tai Sui's head, slapped his hand off, pushed him away, and said, "To be honest, if I don't like the national teacher, I hate you even more. I hope that the national teacher will not force me, if he pushes me too fast, at worst, we will die together and go to hell together."

Seeing the girl showing her true nature, Mo Li couldn't help but curl her lips. This is the Empress of the Kingdom of Jun he knew. Well, yes, she is so rebellious, cold and arrogant, which is very admirable.

Seeing the girl's expression, even though she had a very bad attitude, the man smiled instead of getting angry, and said, "That's up to you, I, Mo Li, have never been unable to do what I want to do, you'd better take good care of yourself, I will marry you in a few days. You will give birth to a child for me. Then I will let you go back to the kingdom. You can continue to be your emperor, and you can resurrect your imperial concubine. I will give you a few days consider."

After finishing speaking, he walked away from Fengluan Hall.

When he walked to the screen, he heard the sound of the girl throwing the teacup angrily.

He glanced back, smiled, and only left a sentence, "Serve me well, and if there is any mistake, I will be buried with you!"


At the gate of Xiqi capital, a group of people disguised themselves and sneaked into the capital.

Anwei said, "My lord, is it safe for us to rush to Xiqi Prince's Mansion?"

The leader, a young man in black, looked sharply and said, "I can go alone, you can find a place to hide first, and wait for the King of Chu and others to come to meet you on the outskirts of the capital."

He believed that Chu Bei and the others would come soon.

Although the dark guard was not at ease, he still nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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