The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 628 Want to forget the past and start over

Chapter 628 Want to forget the past and start over

Mo Li himself knows medical skills, if there is any problem with the emperor, he can heal it himself, and he will not go to Gong Jue unless it is absolutely necessary.

After tonight, Mo Li plans to marry the Queen of the Kingdom, and the wedding will be held at a place called the altar.

Only Moli's confidant, Black Eagle, knows exactly where.

In his previous life, he had stayed in the National Teacher's Mansion for so long and had never seen any altar.

If he guessed correctly, it should be the place of the blood sacrifice.

Mo Li couldn't wait any longer, and planned to sacrifice the blood of the Empress directly to the altar.

Hearing what he said, Chu Bei was flustered for a while, and without showing it, he said in a cold tone, "Think of a way to let this king sneak into Fengluan Palace."

His tone was a strong command, not a request.

This made Zhou Yunting very upset.

But thinking of Mu Wan being imprisoned in the National Teacher's Mansion for so long, having to delay time with Mo Li Zhou Xuan, tense up every day, and missing Chu Bei, it must be a lot of pressure.

When I went to see her three days ago, I saw that she had lost a lot of weight. Zhou Yunting felt sorry for Mu Wan, so he nodded, "Okay, but everything must be arranged by me. Mo Li is now in Fengluan Palace. He leads away."

As he spoke, he gave Chu Bei a pass token from the National Teacher's Mansion.

Chu Bei nodded, and quickly transformed into a drug boy from Gongjue, and followed him to Fengluan Palace.


Fengluan Palace, where Mo Li forced Mu Wan to play chess with him.

I found that this person is a bit obsessive-compulsive, so I have to train her to be the best chess player in the world.

Mu Wan was annoyed by him and deliberately threw the chess pieces out of the window, unwilling to play.

Looking at her, Mo Li didn't get angry even though she was petty, and asked someone to send her back again, and said, "Sit down."

Mu Wan ignored him, turned around and went into the bedroom, "Mo Li!! You are so annoying, I can't stop talking, I hate playing chess!! I'm sleepy, I want to sleep."

When she arrived at the bedroom, she fell on the bed and slept.

Who knew that the man came in after him, stood beside the bed, and said with a smile, "Do you want to sleep? Well, I will accompany you."

Mu Wan's complexion changed, and she sat up abruptly, only to see that the man had already taken off his belt and coat, and looked at her intently, without any emotion.

"You...don't mess around."

She found that her teeth were chattering when she spoke, and she was creepy, nervous, scared, and restless.

Seeing her pale face and vigilant expression, Mo Li couldn't help saying, "What are you afraid of, you have to slowly cultivate your relationship."

"Accompany... What kind of relationship do you cultivate, you don't love Hua Xiaofeng anymore?"

Mo Li lowered her eyes and said nothing, her expression was a little silent, not because she didn't love her, but because she wanted to forget about that woman.

When she woke up, she still only had other men in her heart.

Thinking of this, he was suddenly afraid that the woman would wake up, with that resentful look in her eyes, clamoring to avenge Ning Wushuang and kill him... Thinking of it, his heart ached.

These days, he would have the same nightmare every day. He dreamed of Hua Xiaofeng's eyes of self-blame, regret, and finally resentment, anger, and eyes of wishing to kill him. The past scenes seemed to drive him to a dead end. He felt Very lonely and helpless, as if deep in a dark and cold abyss, without seeing the sun.

Only when he came to Fengluan Palace and was with this little girl, would he feel a little bit of warmth and relaxation.

Let him see the tiny light shining through the cracks in the darkness.

He was afraid that he would stay alone in the observation building, and the inexplicable loneliness made him very flustered, so he came to Fengluan Palace every day and refused to leave, forcing her to accompany him to play chess, force her to accompany him for dinner, and even force her to accompany him Chatting until very late, she was really sleepy, so she went back to the observation building.

These days, he heard her say a lot of strange ideas and concepts, so he thought about a lot of things, and then he made up his mind to help her resurrect Rong Che tomorrow, hoping that she would stay with him, he wanted someone to accompany him Slowly forget about the past and start over.

Leave that cold and hopeless place.

Hope someone picks him up...

Thinking about it, he looked at the pale girl, walked to the bed and sat down, lying beside her, looking at the golden silk dragon pattern palace tent, and said with a smile, "I am not interested in a little girl like you. "

300 years ago, he killed Ning Wushuang and forced Hua Xiaofeng.

Now he doesn't want her to be the second Hua Xiaofeng.

He just wanted her to be by his side.

Mu Wan frowned, hugged the quilt and curled up in the corner of the bed, secretly relieved to see that he hadn't messed around.

But why did you stay on her bed?And she found that this guy was very clingy recently, staying in Fengluan Palace almost every day, except for sleeping time, he was with her almost every day, but he was quite a gentleman and didn't force her.

Today, he stayed directly at Fengluan Palace.

How bad her reputation is when it spread like this!

She didn't want to have anything to do with the big devil, even fake ones.


Mu Wan couldn't help kicking him, "Mo Li, you are not allowed to sleep on my bed, you get up quickly, if you don't leave, I will leave."

As he spoke, he kicked him again.

Mo Li couldn't bear it anymore, got up suddenly with blue veins throbbing, grabbed her little feet and pulled her over, pressed her under him, with fierce eyes, said, "Go out and try, I will break your leg."

Mu Wan's eyes darkened, she was probably mad with anger, she was not afraid of his fierce eyes, she immediately grabbed his neck with both hands, "If you dare, I will strangle you to death!!"

Then the two started fighting on the bed. They didn't use martial arts, didn't use internal strength, it was pure fighting.

Mu Wan's martial arts internal strength has long been sealed by him, so he can't use it even if he wants to.

Mo Li was afraid that he might not control his strength well and accidentally beat someone to death, so he could not use his internal martial arts strength.

But he was very angry, there was no such a lawless and daring person in this world who dared to stand in front of Mo Li.

Well now, this girl is the first.

Sometimes he really wanted to strangle her.

But the fighting and bickering with her every day made him feel that he was living a fulfilling life without thinking about it.

It's rare to meet a person who is not afraid of himself, and he is a little bit reluctant for her to die so soon.

Mu Wan's violent temper can't be stopped. She's had enough these days. It doesn't depend on him intentionally letting herself go, so she took the opportunity to punch him in the mouth, and then kicked him in the stomach, wishing to kick him to death .

"National Division…"

When Gong Jue and Hei Ying brought people in together, they saw the scene where the empress kicked over the national teacher, then quickly jumped off the bed and ran away desperately.


Afraid of being caught by him, he ran sloppily, ran outside, there were girls and guards, and the national teacher dared not do anything to her because of his identity.

She jumped off the bed, and when she saw Zhou Yunting's disguised Gong Jue, she instinctively hid behind him as if seeing a savior.

Gong Jue and Hei Ying looked at the empress running with her bare feet and disregarding her appearance, and her hair was full of black lines, they didn't know what to say.

In short, they consciously moved their eyes away, not daring to look directly at them.

I thought to myself that the empress dared to beat the national teacher, she is really No.1 in the world, which is admirable.

When it was even more shocking, their aloof, cold and evil, cruel masters of the state, got up from the bed with a smear in the corners of their mouths and chased after them, angrily said, "Smelly girl, come here!! "

(End of this chapter)

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