The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 629 Starting from Chapter 1...

Chapter 629 Go home together...

Mo Li rushed over, and when he saw Gong Jue and Hei Ying, he calmed down immediately, straightened his clothes, and resumed his usual cold and elegant posture, with gloomy eyes, he said, "Say, what's the matter?"

Hei Ying cupped his hands and said, "Report to the national teacher, His Royal Highness and others are asking to see you, and talk about discussing the wedding tomorrow."

Gong Jue cupped his hands and said, "Report to the national teacher, I'm here to deliver medicine to the emperor, and I plan to ask the emperor for a safe pulse, in case something goes wrong tomorrow."

The two bowed slightly together, and Mu Wan was still hiding behind Gong Jue, looking at the pale-faced national teacher with sweat profusely, and said, "Since the national teacher has something to do, please go to the official business quickly .”

Mo Lijun's face seemed to be shrouded in frost, he glanced at her coldly, and said unhappily, "I will send someone to send you a wedding dress later, you'd better try it on me honestly, if you dare to play tricks, I will It will break your leg."

Mu Wan sneered, "Unless you promise to revive Rong Che, otherwise I won't pay homage to you honestly."

Mo Li looked at her, narrowed her phoenix eyes, and said with a smile, "Okay, I will fulfill this promise tomorrow, and I hope the Emperor will not lie to me, otherwise you cannot afford the price."

Mu Wan frowned. I don't know why he suddenly changed his mind. Didn't he say that he wanted to have a baby with her and use the blood of the child to resurrect Rong Che?

tomorrow?Can she give him a baby tomorrow?

Mu Wan thought for a while, but didn't understand.

At this moment, Mo Li flicked his sleeves and left, and then Hei Ying followed him closely.

Gong Jue stayed behind with a drug boy.

Mu Wan didn't pay attention to the drug boy.

He only looked at Zhou Yunting, but he said to Yaotong, "You, go in and ask the emperor for pulse."

Yaotong nodded slightly, "Yes."

Hearing this voice, Mu Wan froze all over, raised her eyes and stared at the medicine boy, the corners of her lips trembled slightly, her eyes turned red, "You..."

Yaotong also looked at her, his eyes flickering, he shook his head secretly, signaling her to keep quiet, this is Moli's territory and he dare not take it lightly.

In the sleeping hall, when Mo Li said that he wanted to stay in Fengluan Palace, the dark guards withdrew immediately, not daring to approach at will.

I'm afraid of disturbing the good things of the national teacher.

So they have a chance to take advantage of this gap to see each other.

Zhou Yunting stood guard outside, and would give a reminder once he noticed that the hidden guard had returned.

Mu Wan led Yaotong in, and hugged him uncontrollably, "Chu Bei..."

It's that familiar smell.

It's him, that's right.

Warm body temperature, strong heartbeat, he really didn't die, he stood alive in front of her.

Chu Bei also hugged her tightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Sorry, I'm late."

Mu Wan buried her head in front of his chest and shook her head, "I don't blame you." As long as he can live, everything else is no longer important.

The moment he fell off the cliff, she was really terrified.

She can't live without this man.

After hugging for a while, Mu Wan raised her head and looked into his eyes, "Mo Li said that Rong Che will be resurrected tomorrow, and I don't know what he is going to do."

Chu Beidao, "We don't know, that altar is heavily guarded, you can't get in at all, and Mo Li will only take you in tomorrow, and this king will lead people to kill directly. Before that, you must protect yourself well. "

As he said that, he stuffed her with a dagger that cut iron like mud, and held her hand tightly.

Very sad, but he had to leave.

Mu Wan looked at him turning to leave, clenched the dagger tightly, ran over quickly, pulled him back and kissed him deeply, then raised her eyes to look at him, and said with a smile, "I won't die, so you can't die either."

Chu Bei's heart tightened, he hugged her tightly and kissed her back before letting go, "Okay, let's go home together."


Not long after the two left, a girl sent her a wedding dress for her to try on.

In fact, I tried it a few days ago, but she has lost a lot of weight recently, so she has to take it back and change it.

Mu Wan didn't reject and picky like the first time, but obediently let someone serve her to try on her wedding clothes.

There is no problem, the girl left the wedding dress in Fengluan Hall, and will put it on for her tomorrow morning.

The leading girl slightly blessed her body and said, "Your Majesty, please rest earlier."

After speaking, he left with a group of little girls.


The next day, at dawn, Mu Wan was woken up by someone, and a group of people waited on her to get dressed, put on makeup, and troubled her.

Mu Wan took a look, then continued to sleep in a daze with her eyes closed, and let them toss about it. After some time, she was woken up by someone shaking her.

The only person who dared to shake her was Mo Li.

Mo Li came in wearing a bright red wedding dress, pinched her cheeks, her face was a little dark, and said, "You, okay, you can sleep like this? Get up for me, and go with me."

After being woken up, Mu Wan slapped him fiercely, but Mo Li didn't have much patience, and directly picked him up and walked out of Fengluan Palace.

Outside, Prince Xiqi brought a group of civil and military officials from Xiqi to greet him and congratulate him.

Seeing the woman struggling in Mo Li's arms and daring to hit the national teacher, everyone broke out in cold sweat and their legs trembled in fright.

It is said that twisted melons are not sweet. The Empress of the Kingdom of Jun is not an ordinary woman. She is definitely not willing to force her to marry, and it is normal for her to resist.

"Mo Li, let me down, I have legs, I can go by myself."

Mu Wan really didn't like being hugged by him and appearing in public.

Mo Li glanced at her, then put her down, stretched out her hand, and said with a smile, "Well, then I'm holding you."

Mu Wan snorted coldly and ignored him, and walked towards the long and wide red carpet by herself.

Mo Li frowned, "Over here."

He intends to go directly to the altar.

The empress was dressed in a phoenix crown and Xiapei, she looked back charmingly and domineeringly, and said with a sneer, "Hmph, you lead the way."

Everyone stayed in the National Teacher's Mansion to drink the wedding wine by themselves.

Mo Li took the bride to the altar.

I have never seen people worshiping heaven and earth like this, but no one dares to talk about the national teacher, and the national teacher acts strangely, so he can do whatever he says.

There is food and drink, and it is a great joy for the national teacher not to get angry.

Prince Xiqi and others didn't care that much, and took them to the wedding banquet to drink wedding wine.

The National Teacher's Mansion is very large, bigger than the Xiqi Palace.

The altar was to pass through the woods behind an open meadow guarded by the black snake.

Mu Wan couldn't walk that far with the thick phoenix coronet on her shoulders.

So in the end, he had to compromise and let Mo Li carry her away.

Mo Li looked at the miserable woman, the corners of her lips curled up, walked over to pick her up, leaped directly into the woods with light work, and only let her go in front of a solemn palace.

Looking up, I saw the words "Shenfeng Palace" written on the golden plaque, and there were vivid phoenix carvings everywhere, carved beams and painted buildings, magnificent and magnificent.

Mu Wan asked curiously, "What kind of place is this?"

"This seat is in the Divine Phoenix Palace where the Demon Realm lives."

Mu Wan's eyes widened, "Your demon palace also fell into this world?"

"It was built by me, how about it, do you like it?"

The man suddenly smiled brightly and looked at her softly.


Mu Wan didn't answer.

Naturally, he didn't like it, but he didn't want to provoke him, so he chose to remain silent.

Mo Li smiled lightly, "When I recover the true blood of the Phoenix, I might be able to recover my mana, and then I will have a chance to return to the Demon Realm. If you like, I can take you back to the Demon Realm to see the real Phoenix Hall."

Mu Wan's face turned pale, no matter what the Phoenix Palace was, she said nervously, "How do you restore the true blood of the Phoenix? Are you going to dig my heart?"

According to what Zhou Yunting said, when he captured those girls from the Ning family, he just dug his heart out and took out the little bit of Phoenix blood.

He has been accumulating the so-called Phoenix true blood.

Killed more than 20 Ning family girls.

Only the last drop was on her body.

Mo Li looked at her, his eyes flickered slightly, and he said firmly, "No."

"Let's go, Rong Che is already inside."


(End of this chapter)

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