The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 630 It's Not Your Fault...

Chapter 630 It's Not Your Fault...

Hearing this, Mu Wan frowned, but didn't care so much, and quickly followed him in.

Inside the palace, there is an altar with a very strange formation on it, which she cannot understand.

There was also an ice coffin placed on top of it, and Rong Che was lying in it with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

Mu Wan looked at Mo Li, and asked involuntarily, "Where's Hua Xiaofeng? Aren't you going to resurrect her?"

Mo Li laughed, "Only one person can be resurrected."

His remaining phoenix true blood could only revive one person, and he was not as lucky as the first time, and it would completely hurt his life.

As he spoke, he handed her a dagger.

Mu Wan looked at him, panicked, her hands were shaking, "What are you doing..."

She had already vaguely guessed something in her heart.

Is this man planning to sacrifice his heart and blood to the altar to revive Rong Che?
It is said that he is immortal, but she still does not believe it.

If he could revive Hua Xiaofeng without dying, he would have done so long ago.

Doesn't he plan to restore the true Phoenix blood now, and just use half of his remaining true Phoenix blood to revive Rong Che?

Mu Wan held the dagger tightly and couldn't believe it, the corners of her lips trembled slightly, unable to release her hand.

The man's slender eyebrows smiled, and said, "Why, can't you do it? Don't you hate me very much? Now that I give you a chance, you dare not?"

Holding the dagger tightly, Mu Wan took a few steps back, looked at him and shook her head, "Why, is there no other way besides this method?"

Mo Li smiled and said, "Do you think this is the God Realm, or the Demon Realm? It has mana, magic elixir, and if you revive a person, you can revive another person?"

People cannot be resurrected after death, even the omnipotent God Realm, if they want to go against the sky, they will have to pay a price.

Mu Wan still didn't understand, "Then why did you do this..." Even so, only one person can be resurrected, and according to his nature, he should resurrect Hua Xiaofeng!
He has worked hard for more than 300 years, and spent more than 300 years, isn't it just for Hua Xiaofeng?

Why did you give up all of a sudden! !

"Because I'm tired, I want to try to forget the past and start over."

"I resurrected Rong Che, can you promise to stay by my side?"

His cold voice rang in his ears, Mu Wan closed her eyes and said with a heavy heart, "You know it's impossible, I won't agree."

Mo Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone was flat, as if he knew she would say that.

"Then kill me, not only can you revive Rong Che, but you can also get rid of me. At that time, you can leave here and return to the kingdom with your beloved queen to be your emperor."

Mu Wan's heart felt like a stone was pressed, "I..."

This is the best ending, she thought about killing him countless times and using him to revive Rong Che, but now she just couldn't do it with the dagger in her hand.

Mo Li looked at the girl's reddish eyes, and thought to herself, she is a kind girl after all, her heart is not cruel enough, she can deceive herself but not others.

"There is always a trade-off. My death is the best ending. I have been a human being for more than 300 years, and I have had enough of this boring, lonely, lonely life. This seat is heinous and murders without blinking an eye." , death is what you deserve, you don’t need to blame yourself, just take it as doing justice for the heavens.”

No one here really accepts and understands him.

So what if Hua Xiaofeng is revived?
She didn't have herself in her heart.

To return to the Demon Realm and restore her real body, she had to kill this girl, and her mana might not necessarily be restored.

He suddenly couldn't help himself, and couldn't make a move.

Seeing that she was still unable to take action, Mo Li smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't die so easily, Hua Xiaofeng didn't kill me with that ruthless stab, you only need to stab lightly, it will be fine. "

Mu Wan's eyes were a little sour, and she suddenly felt that this man was a bit distressing. She had already noticed that he was very disturbed recently. Seeing his current appearance, everything became clear, and she suddenly lowered her hand holding the dagger, "I don't think you should die It must be you Mo Li, it was Hua Xiaofeng who betrayed you first and hurt you... So there is no need for you to feel sorry for the massacre of Hua's family, and you don't need to feel sorry for that woman. It's your fault, it's not your fault, it's her, Hua Xiaofeng, who is too selfish." And he was too paranoid.

Looking up at the young man in the ice coffin, Mu Wan's heart seemed to be overwhelmed by a stone, and she was a little out of breath. After these days, she had slowly accepted the reality.

Rong Che is dead, and he will never come back.

People cannot be resurrected after death. If a living person has to die in exchange for Rong Che's resurrection, she can't do it. How is this different from killing another Rong Che?
Hearing this, Mo Li couldn't help being shocked, as if he suddenly understood why he was always afraid of facing Xiaofeng these days. It turned out that he cared about it in his heart, and he regretted it, regretting that he destroyed what Xiaofeng cherished in a fit of anger 300 years ago Everything caused her to lose relatives, friends, and lovers one after another, and finally forced her to death. She was afraid of facing her blame, afraid that she would hate herself when she woke up... Said "I'm sorry".

He never bowed his head because of face, and refused to admit that he was wrong.

But in my heart, I have always longed for Xiaofeng's forgiveness, for someone who can understand him.

this is not your fault…

He waited for this sentence for more than 300 years, but unfortunately it was not Xiaofeng who said it.

He wanted to revive Xiaofeng, but in fact he just wanted to say sorry to her...

But it doesn't matter anymore, he wants to let go, he wants Xiaofeng to reincarnate well and reunite with the one he loves, this is the last love he can give her.

Mo Li looked at the girl in a happy dress, she was so bright and dazzling, her eyes seemed to be stabbed by that ray of light, she suddenly felt sore and painful, she even shed a tear, why did he ever cry?When were you cowardly?

But at this moment, I just want to cry.

At this time, the sound of fighting was already heard outside, and Chu Bei led his men into the woods to the gate of the Divine Phoenix Hall.

The black eagle in front of the gate is guarding with people, and no one is allowed to enter without the order of the national teacher.

People from both sides turned red-eyed.

In the hall, the sound of needle dropping can be heard quietly.

Mo Li wept.

Mu Wan was stunned and stunned. Would a man as cruel and ruthless as him cry?
He walked over and just leaned on her shoulder and cried, then raised his arms and hugged her, leaned on her, closed his eyes and let scorching tears fall.

"If I had met you at the beginning, maybe it wouldn't have ended like this."

"There are no ifs in this world, the reincarnation of the heavens, and the destiny of the heavens. Don't you believe in these the most in your world?"

He couldn't help laughing, "That's what you gods believe, we demons never believe it."

"I said, I'm not a god."


Mo Li stopped talking, and wiped away tears on her body, raised his face and returned to that indifferent and proud demeanor, but his eyes were still a little red.

Mu Wan glanced at the snot on his shoulder and couldn't help feeling disgusted, but at this moment, he suddenly grabbed his hand holding the dagger and stabbed him in the chest.

(End of this chapter)

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