The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 631 Mo Li's Biggest Secret

Chapter 631 Mo Li's Biggest Secret
Suddenly, Mu Wan was really caught off guard.


At the same time, the gate of the Divine Phoenix Hall was kicked open.

Chu Bei, Zhou Yunting, Fu Si, Xia Houjin, even Zhao Rui, Bei Mingzhao, Li Jinyan, all rushed in together.

But what they saw was the scene where the Empress stabbed Mo Li with a dagger.

When he held her hand, Mu Wan still reacted in time, but she couldn't resist his strength, so she could only use her other hand to hold half of the knife edge in time, so the dagger didn't go all the way in.

Her hand was injured, and the blood was dripping, dripping with Moli's blood on the formation on the ground, and then gradually fused together, the bright red blood slowly flowing in those complicated and interlaced groove lines, bit by bit throughout the formation


Chu Bei and the others were frightened and wanted to rush over. Mu Wan turned pale and hurriedly stopped them from approaching, "Don't come over!!"

Because at this time, her blood and Mo Li's blood dripped on the altar formation together, and the entire altar was flickered and vibrated with a strong air current and aura.

Mo Li's face was a little pale. Looking at the familiar fire and phoenix lights, his eyes were shocked. He didn't seem to expect that his blood and Mu Wan's blood could be fused together. Maybe he could get back the true Phoenix blood smoothly.

His eyes flickered quickly, and he stared closely at a ball of flames gradually appearing above the altar, gradually forming the shape of a divine bird phoenix.

A cry resounded through the sky, and then it flew directly into Mo Li's body, and a ball of fire enveloped him instantly.

"Come on..."

Mo Li violently pushed her away, she is only a mortal body, it is impossible to resist the fire of the divine phoenix.

Mu Wan was pushed away by her and almost fell off the altar, but fortunately Chu Bei flew over to catch her in time.

At this time, Mo Li got up and walked to the ice coffin, took out a drop of heart blood and dripped it on Rong Che.

The dagger fell, and the wound on his body gradually healed.

He clutched his chest and walked towards Mu Wan step by step, and the flame gradually disappeared from his body.

He laughed, "Girl, I will never break my promise to you..."

Mu Wan watched him go over, Chu Bei held her back and said, "It's dangerous, don't go over."

Mu Wan glanced at him and shook her head, "Don't worry, he won't harm me."

As Mu Wan walked over, Chu Bei had no choice but to follow Mo Li who was gradually weakening.

After the flame disappeared, Mo Li fell down, and Mu Wan just caught him.

Next, it was unbelievable that the juvenile version of Mo Li was gradually shrinking, and finally turned into a shrunken Mo Li, who fell asleep in Mu Wan's arms.


Everyone looked at this scene, looked at the child in the empress's arms, and couldn't help but widen their eyes. This... this is really a long life! !

Prince Xiqi and others surrounded him, looked at the miniature version of Moli, and seemed to suddenly understand why the head of the Mohist family had white hair and a childlike face. .

This is Mo Li's biggest secret.

When he lived to a certain age, he could choose to "die", turn into an infant and then grow up slowly. This secret was unknown to everyone in the Mo family except Mo Li and his confidant Black Eagle.

The current Mo Li looks only four or five years old, carved with jade, pure and innocent, very cute, arousing people's liking, with a peaceful sleeping face, like a little fairy boy who has fallen into the world.

Prince Xiqi couldn't help pinching his fair and tender cheeks, trying to vent the pain of being oppressed by the big devil for so many years.

Pei Han, Xiao Shizi couldn't help pinching him.

Mu Wan's eyes darkened, and she immediately scratched her head one by one, and said angrily, "What are you doing, get the hell out of here!!"

At this time, Xiao Moli was woken up by them, opened her eyes, loosened Song Mengmeng's eyes, looked up at Mu Wan, then stared at Prince Xiqi with a fierce look in her eyes, jumped up, and bit his finger Grinning his head, baring his teeth, he said angrily, "Boy, are you tired of working!!"

Although it has become smaller and weaker, but the essence is still the big devil Moli.

After he became a child, he was very fragile. Just like an ordinary child, he needed someone to protect and take good care of him. The martial arts internal force in his body was temporarily sealed and could not be used.

However, he recovered the true blood of the phoenix, and he recovered from his heart disease. Although he lost a lot of blood, he was much more energetic.

Prince Xiqi's face was livid, he yelled, his eyes showed murderous looks, he raised his hand to grab Xiao Moli's head, wishing he could crush his head.


Mu Wan slapped him again, snatched Xiao Moli into her arms to protect her, and looked at him coldly, "What is it that the dignified Prince Xiqi bullies the child!?"

Prince Xiqi looked at the woman and the child and was almost furious. His eyes were gloomy and he said, "Don't forget, he will grow up in the future, and he will still be the devil who kills without batting an eye!!"

No matter what he becomes, his essence remains the same.

He must take the opportunity to get rid of him to avoid future troubles.

Looking at Li Jinyan and Bei Mingzhao, Mu Wan couldn't help but frowned and said, "I will bring him back to the kingdom. You don't have to worry that he will harm you Xiqi in the future. I will adopt him and recognize him as my adopted son, so I will raise him well."

Mo Li actually controls Xiqi and Beiming at the same time, and secretly controls the imperial powers of the two countries.

So both Bei Mingzhao and Li Jinyan wanted to get rid of him.

But Mo Li sacrificed himself and revived Rong Che.

She wants to repay this kindness.

The most important thing is that this child is very cute, it would be cruel to kill her, why not bring her back and "teach" her well.

Wouldn't it be good to correct his brutal temperament?Why bother to kill in vain.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, Mo Li looked up at the woman, with a complicated expression on his face, and said with some displeasure, "Just because you still want to recognize me as your son, you think so well!!"

How can he recognize a little girl as his mother?Might as well kill him.

Mu Wan's eyes turned cold, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes. He grabbed his little ears and said with a smile, "Try to say it again? Huh?!"

Xiao Moli immediately yelled, "Ahh! Let go, damned woman, I'm going to kill you!!"

Mu Wan hugged him, slapped the back of his butt twice, smiled and continued to grab his ear and said, "Mother!"

Little Moli burst into tears, became a super weak child, and met this shameless and treacherous woman, he had no choice but to nod obediently, and said unwillingly, "Mother..."

Everyone: "..."

Prince Xiqi silently looked at Prince Li beside him, his face turned blue, "Your family is indeed violent, you are not allowed to imitate her in the future, do you hear me!!"

Prince Li stared at him coldly, his veins twitched violently, and he kicked him, "Get lost!"

The crown prince held his thigh and said, "Jun Mubai, you wait for me."

The crowd had no time to talk to the two men about their flirting and cursing, and their eyes were all on Xiao Moli. Chu Bei, Zhao Rui, and Bei Mingzhao couldn't help but take the opportunity to bully him, either pinching the corners of his mouth or rubbing him hard Heads, all of them had gloomy eyes, and their smiles were a little hideous and terrifying, and they were going to beat him up.

Little Moli clenched his fists with black lines all over his head, wishing someone could cut them all down, but now he can only think about it, his body is still a little weak, the only way is to rely on the protection of the empress, and put a hand in her arms Zhuan, with fear in his eyes, said, "Mother, these uncles are so fierce, Mo'er, be afraid..."

(End of this chapter)

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