Chapter 633 Triumph
Half a month later, the empress led the army of the monarchy back to the court, and returned triumphantly, the whole country celebrated with joy.

On this day, the spring was warm and the peach blossoms were in full bloom. Mu Wan was wearing a purple and gold embroidered dragon robe armor and riding a horse, holding a four or five-year-old child in her arms, and led the army of the monarchy into the city.

Everyone was curious about who that child was, with silver hair all over his head. Could it be the child of the Empress and the Imperial Master Xiqi?
But the Empress was imprisoned in the State Teacher's Mansion for just over a month, so it was impossible for her to have such a big son.

That is to say, this child was born by Xiqi Guoshi and another woman, and now the empress has brought it back?
Everyone had a lot of speculation, but Mu Wan didn't explain much, she got off the horse with Xiao Moli in her arms, led him, and planned to go back to the palace with Chu Bei.

At the gate of the capital, the old prince of Chu, the prime minister, Zheng Guogong and others wrestled with all civil and military officials to welcome them.

When the emperor and empress came together, all the people in the city and all civil and military officials knelt down and shouted, "Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

Mu Wan raised her eyes, her brows were cold and majestic, and she smiled lightly, "Be flat."

Old Prince Chu, Prince Rong and the others looked at the child that the Empress was leading, and asked involuntarily, "Your Majesty, who is this child?"

King Rong and the others returned to the capital ahead of time, so they haven't met little Moli yet. They only know that Moli sacrificed himself to save Rong Che, and the empress recognized a adopted son in Xichu.

Mu Wan didn't want too many people to know Mo Li's secret, so she ordered the people who were in the Divine Phoenix Palace to bury this secret in their hearts long ago, and no one was allowed to reveal a word.

Mo Li revived Rong Che, so naturally Chu Bei, Rong Che, Rong Qin and the others would not reveal his secret.

But Mu Wan always had to give a reason to adopt Xiao Moli.

Mu Wan had already thought about all these things. She took Xiao Moli, patted his head fondly, and said with a smile, "Actually, all of this is the conspiracy of Xue Qinghuan, the Lord of Beiming. It was she who almost killed Rong Che when she assassinated me. She also controlled Mo Li and let him launch a four-nation war. The purpose was to destroy the monarchy and rule the world. It was Mo Li who saved Rong Che and Rong Che. Seriously injured and dying, after Mo Li killed Xue Qinghuan, he had to take Zhen and Rong Che back to the National Teacher's Mansion for medical treatment. Mo Li exhausted all his skills to save Rong Che, all he did was because he was suffering from a heart disease , I know my fate is not long, and I want to entrust my son to me..."

Mu Wan dumped the blame on Xue Qinghuan, clearing Mo Li up.

Everyone was surprised for a while, but they didn't expect the real fact to be like this?

Although I find it unbelievable, I don't really dare to believe it, but what the Empress said was orderly, plus Rong Che was indeed killed by Xue Qinghuan herself, once the Empress said it, she suddenly felt that everything was a conspiracy by Xue Qinghuan, Even if they knew that it was the Empress who washed the white ink glass deliberately for the sake of her adopted son, it was difficult for everyone to say anything.

Because she is the emperor, the king of a country, she can completely dominate this country and even the world now.

The Three Kingdoms Alliance did not defeat her. As the emperor's personal conquest, she was deeply involved in the enemy's country, commanded well, and finally defeated the Three Kingdoms, expanded the territory of the monarchy, quelled the civil war, built iron armored guards, and designed and created an infinitely powerful monster. The cannon made the monarchy the strongest leader of the four kingdoms. All kinds of great achievements have won the hearts of the whole country and the people.

She stepped on the road of a king step by step, stood on the supreme peak, overcame obstacles all the way, washed away her innocence, and became a strong emperor of a generation. Now she has a firm foothold, and no one can shake her position.

Everyone bowed their hands and lowered their eyes, respectful and sincere, not daring to say more.

At this time Rong Che stepped forward intact, clasped his fists and said, "Father, what the emperor said is true, it was indeed Mo Li who saved my son."

Other grievances aside, his life was indeed saved by Mo Li.

Seeing that his son was really alive, King Rong was so happy that he couldn't restrain his excitement, stepped forward and held his hand tightly, and said, "Okay, okay, since he is the benefactor's son, then he will be the benefactor of our Rong family from now on. "

Mu Wan glanced at Rong Che, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "I have adopted this child as a foster son, and he will be the eldest prince of Junguo, named Junmo. I will teach him well, and I hope all my lovers Don't be prejudiced against the child because of his father."

All the ministers hurriedly said, "I dare not wait."

"The minister waits to kowtow to the First Prince."

Seeing the courtiers being so knowledgeable, Mu Wan's rather cold and stern brows relaxed, and said with a smile, "Well, all lovers are welcome."

Xiao Moli was wearing a snow-blue shirt, and just arrived at Mu Wan's waist. She was carved with powdered jade, as white as jade, and had two cute bags tied on her head. She had dark and bright eyes like black jade, and looked up. It is the first time he has seen a woman who is talking nonsense, wiping sweat secretly, with black lines all over her head, who can speak big words without changing her face. In the future, he will have to call her Queen Mother. Some wanted to run away, but this woman held his little hand tightly, and his internal martial arts strength was temporarily sealed, so he couldn't escape from her palm.

Mu Wan looked down at his discouraged expression, his incompetent expression, his eyebrows bent, and secretly warned that he would not cause trouble for me in the future, otherwise he would beat you.

Little Moli: "..."

Chu Bei was displeased when he saw the man holding his wife's hand, immediately picked him up, and said with a smile, "Mo'er, come here, father hugs you."

He really wanted to throw away this cheap son halfway, but Mu Wan refused, so he had to reluctantly accept it.

But if this boy dares to pester his wife again, he will definitely throw him into Mingyue Villa and imprison him.

Xiao Moli looked at the smiling but gloomy man, and was very annoyed in her heart, but he couldn't move in Chu Bei's arms at all, so she could only put her arms around his neck obediently, and said obediently, "Thank you, father."

Chu Bei raised his eyebrows slightly, holding the child in one hand and holding the woman in the other, like a family of three, without any sense of disobedience, everyone was stunned, if it wasn't for the child's silver hair, they would have thought it was the two of them.


Back in the palace, little Moli was arranged to live in Moxuan Palace.

There is a special person to wait on him, pick a day to enter Jun's family tree, and then hold a son-recognition banquet to announce to the world that Jun Mo has since become the adopted son of the Empress of the Kingdom of Jun, a veritable grand prince of the Kingdom of Jun.

Xiao Moli didn't care about his identity at all, but he felt a little happy in his heart. The empress valued himself so much, which instantly made the faint uneasiness in his heart feel at ease. He suddenly felt that being her son was not bad, at least he wouldn't be alone in the future. Man, who has been alone for more than 300 years, finally has the feeling of returning home, and realizes that having relatives is a happy and beautiful thing, and he may have brothers and sisters in the future...

Xiao Moli followed the palace servants back to the Moxuan Hall, looking thoughtful. When they arrived at the Moxuan Palace, the palace servants stopped and saluted, "Your Highness, do you want to take a bath first, or eat first?"

The little prince said in a milky voice, "My lord, I want to have dinner with the empress."

Although he is a demon king who has lived in the world for hundreds of years, once he becomes a child, except for his mind, he is no different from ordinary children in other aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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