The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 634 On the Rewards for Deeds

Chapter 634 On the Rewards for Deeds
At this time, a chief eunuch who was about 40 years old came over, hugged him kindly, taught him the rules patiently, and said, "Your Highness, you will call yourself my palace in the future, and you are already four and a half years old, you have to learn how to behave yourself." Eat and sleep by yourself, don't disturb the emperor and empress casually."

Xiao Moli looked at the old eunuch coldly, and said unhappily, "Hmph...that's really long-winded, I don't care, I'm going to find the empress."

It's okay to say that you just change your mouth, but don't let him go to that girl, why?
He doesn't know these people well, he just likes to eat with that girl, it's so boring to eat alone.

In the National Teacher's Mansion, he was used to eating with her.

Eunuch Hong held His Royal Highness in his arms, and continued patiently and happily, "Your Highness, you are really smart, but Your Highness still cannot disturb the Emperor."


Seeing that His Highness was still unhappy.

Eunuch Hong smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, do you want to add a little brother or sister to your mother?"

Hearing what he said, Xiao Moli suddenly understood, and then her head was full of black lines. It turned out that the girl was anxious to favor the queen, so she threw him to the old eunuch alone. Hmph, it is typical for a husband not to have a son woman.

But... give him a little princess?
Well, this can have.

Xiao Moli's eyes flickered, and the corners of her lips curled up, "Well, I know, I won't disturb my father and mother casually in the future."


Mu Wan has been traveling for several months and was already very tired. When she got home, she naturally didn't care about anything. She took a bath first, then had a big meal, and then had a good sleep. Even the celebration banquet was postponed for several days.

I didn't want to hold it at first, but in this battle, a lot of talents have emerged, and they have to be rewarded for their merits.

Coupled with the great victory of the monarchy this time, the territory has expanded a lot, and it seems to be the head of the four great powers. Naturally, it is necessary to celebrate and celebrate with the whole country.

Mu Wan waved her hand and ordered the celebration banquet to be held in three days. Now she has to take a three-day bath, and no one is allowed to disturb her.


It was night, and Mu Wan was about to go to bed after taking a bath. At this time, Chu Bei rushed back from the barracks, and went straight to the empress' bedroom after taking a bath.

Being hugged suddenly behind him, Mu Wan paused for a moment, then turned around and grabbed his neck with both hands, her red lips were slightly raised, and she said with a smile, "Why is the queen back? Didn't you say that you have a lot of military affairs to do?"

Chu Bei's big hands were tightly attached to her slender waist, and he looked at her with unusually bright eyes, "Nothing is as important as the emperor."

After the words fell, his breathing was a little rough, and he couldn't help kissing the woman.

Going to the border, so many things happened, although Rong Che was resurrected, but Xiao Lizi died, and he was unable to recover. After returning to the border from Xiqi, after learning that Xiao Lizi was buried, Mu Wan stood in front of his grave all night, She didn't cry, but she was very sad. She became seriously ill the next day, and even though she recovered two days later, she lost a lot of weight. Chu Bei felt distressed, so she kept holding back and didn't dare to touch her.

Recently, after Fu Si's recuperation, she slowly brought her back. More than half a month passed, no, it should be counted from the time she was imprisoned in the Xiqi State Master's Mansion, and the two of them had never been together. Until they returned to the palace, on this familiar dragon bed, the two of them were a little uncontrollable, uncontrollable, a little fierce, a little crazy, hugging each other tightly, kissing, taking off their clothes, interlocking their fingers, being night Chunxiao, the next day I indulged in sleeping until the sky was dark.


During these three days, the emperor and empress almost stayed in the Xuanwu Hall, or the Suzaku Hall, not going to court, not going to the imperial study, not going to the military camp, just enjoying the two-person world of the two, occasionally accompanying the eldest prince to visit the imperial garden, teaching The child plays chess, but the eldest prince is extremely intelligent and doesn't need to be taught. He directly plays chess with his father and starts fighting. Chess is like a battlefield, quite fierce.

Mu Wan was eating melon seeds and watching the show, but in the end she didn't bother to talk to them and went back to sleep by herself.


Three days later, the celebration banquet arrived as scheduled.

At the celebration banquet, many princes from aristocratic families were rewarded for meritorious deeds, including Lu Fei, Lou Yu, Gu Qingze, Shen Qing, Ning Jue, Ning Yue, Chu Lan, Chu Yan, Xiao Heng, and others. He became a well-known little general due to his military rank.

The four major families, Prince Rong's Mansion, etc. are of course indispensable, but apart from rewards, there is really nothing to be promoted. They are already extremely human ministers, and no one can match them, so they only gave gold and silver. The monetary rewards of jewels.

Like Prince Li, there is nothing to be promoted other than giving money and rewards. Now he is the only prince in the kingdom, and there is no such noble person as his status.

The other generals were rewarded for their merits, and the civil servants who supported them in the rear naturally also gave them a lot of rewards.

It seems fair, everyone is happy, everyone is happy.

The remaining one who is more regrettable is Fan Qingfeng. He has made a lot of military exploits, and he was expected to be promoted to the position of second-rank general. He committed the treasonous crime of beheading and set fire to Jinzhou. Fortunately, he was not in Jinzhou. In the end, he was captured by Situ strange, and now he is imprisoned in death row.

Fan's family was arrested and imprisoned. The crime of rebellion was to punish the nine clans.

Now only Fan Qingfeng and his younger sister, the married daughter Princess Li, were left, and Fan Zhenzhen was spared the crime of beheading.

At the celebration banquet, the two brothers and sisters knelt in the hall to intercede for the Fan family.

Fan Qingfeng is willing to exchange all his military achievements, not to be promoted to rank, not to be rewarded, he would rather start as a soldier again, and only beg the Empress to pardon the Fan family for their capital crimes.

Concubine Li knelt down to intercede, and Lord Li naturally couldn't stay out of the matter, so he had to stand up and intercede for the Fan family.

Mu Wan looked at Fan Qingfeng and felt it was a pity that his stupid father had suffered for such a good general.

However, the state has state laws, and the family has family rules. The Fan family will always have to pay for their mistakes. Fan Qingfeng, as the eldest son of Fan, cannot stand alone.

He has always been filial, with all his military merits, and Prince Li's intercession, Mu Wan pardoned the Fan family's capital crime, ransacked the family's home and exiled him. Fan Qingfeng was demoted four ranks in a row, and became a ninth-rank soldier commander.

The boy cupped his fists and knelt down in the main hall, grateful, and said, "Thank you, Lord Ron!"

Except for Fan Qingfeng and Fan Zhenzhen, all the Fan family members were exiled to the northwest the next day, under the care of King Zhenxi.

As for Empress Dowager Fan and Concubine Xu, who could not bear the blow because of the death of their son, they all fell ill one after another. Concubine Xu was weak and passed away half a month later.

Qiwangfu, Lingwangfu, and Lingwangfu were all ransacked, because they had no children, so it was easier to handle affairs. The death penalty was pardoned, but the traitor was imprisoned for life. Maybe one day, there will be some happy event in the kingdom, and the empress will be happy to order amnesty for the world to have a chance come out…

After the death of Concubine Xu, Empress Dowager Fan became ill. A lonely old man, the empress didn't bother to deal with it, so she was enshrined in Yong'an Palace for a good life. Three months later, the eldest princess asked to return to Beijing, and the empress gave her approval. See her daughter for the last time, Fan Taihou went there and died at the age of 40.

The Empress ordered a generous burial. After attending the funeral, the Eldest Princess returned to the fief obediently. It seems that she has completely lost her memory. She chose a husband in her fief. , the health is not well maintained, and they have no children after many years of marriage...

(End of this chapter)

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