Phoenix Dance

Chapter 119 The Coma Old Mr. Ouyang

Chapter 119 The Coma Old Mr. Ouyang

When Feng Range followed Ouyang Huang into the room that was originally arranged for Mr. Ouyang's treatment, she smelled a vague fragrance in this room.

Facing the appearance of this fragrance, Feng Range's expression turned a little ugly.

She frowned but didn't speak, followed Ouyang Huang to the bed in that room, and then saw Mr. Ouyang lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

"You two go out!" Ouyang Huang said to the two nurses who were accompanying Mr. Ouyang.

The two doctors are family doctors of Ouyang's family. After hearing his words, they walked out of the room without hesitation.

When the two left the room, only Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were left in the room, as well as the old Mr. Ouyang lying in a coma on the hospital bed.

Ouyang Huang looked at his grandfather lying on the hospital bed, he didn't react at all, his breath was so weak that he could hardly notice it, and he was very concerned.

He looked at Feng Range beside him, and said, "Look at my grandfather? If you need anything, just tell me, if I can do it, I'll let someone do it right away!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range didn't answer for a while, and bent down to roll over Mr. Ouyang's eyelids, then checked his tongue coating, felt his pulse, etc., and did some routine checks.

After some inspections, she rested her chin on her hand and became silent and thoughtful.

Seeing her like this, Ouyang Huang knew that she must be thinking of a solution after checking his grandfather's physical condition, so he didn't urge to disturb him.

After a while, Feng Range still didn't speak, but took a silver needle from the table to prick Mr. Ouyang's arm to check the color of his blood.

After the silver needle was pulled out, a small blood stain appeared on Mr. Ouyang's arm, and the color turned out to be purple-black!

Seeing this briskness, Ouyang Huang's expression turned ugly.

Everyone knows that only the blood of poisoned people will be purple, black and purple-black.

Seeing the color of the blood protruding from Mr. Ouyang's arm, Ouyang Huang knew that his grandfather was poisoned, which made him unconscious!

Who did it!At this time, Ouyang Huang's face was very gloomy.When he finds the person who poisoned him, he must make that person look good!
Compared with Ouyang Huang's ugly face, Feng Range already showed a clear look.

After several inspections by her, she already had some understanding of Mr. Ouyang's situation.Although the solution to the poison is relatively simple, the subsequent situation is a bit tricky.

The murderer gave Mr. Ouyang two kinds of poisons, both of which were relatively mild.However, when these two poisons are mixed together, a new poison will be produced, which will paralyze people's nerves, swallow people's consciousness, make people fall into a coma, and then pass away in a deep sleep seven days later.

The solution to a single poison is relatively simple, but the mixed poison is more difficult to cure, especially Ouyang's body is now overwhelmed.

The danger of poisoning is on the seventh day, and it is only the third day, Feng Range is not in a hurry to detoxify.

Before detoxification, she still needs some preparations.Immediately, he took out a pen and paper, and wrote a sheet of medicinal materials for Ouyang Huang to prepare.

"Bring me a lot of the medicinal materials above, and they will be in my hands by tomorrow evening. Now, take me to the place where I will live for the next few days!" Feng Range threw the paper into Ouyang Huang's arms , just go outside.

Ouyang Huang took the paper Feng Range threw to him, immediately followed, and summoned the butler at the door to take Feng Range to rest.

Although Ouyang Huang really wanted to take Feng Range there by himself, but because he missed his grandfather, he should go to work first!
Anyway, the little girl has been living here for the past few days, so he has plenty of time to get in touch with her more.

 Ask for benefits! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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