Phoenix Dance

Chapter 120 Someone in the dark

Chapter 120 Someone in the dark (1)

It was the big housekeeper of Ouyang's family who took Feng Range to the room arranged for her by Ouyang's house. When the big housekeeper came last time, Feng Range didn't see him, and this was the first time he saw him.

"Miss Feng, please! The room arranged for you is over there!"

Butler Ouyang is a polite old man. He has been the housekeeper of Ouyang's family for more than ten years.He knew that the little girl beside him was here to heal the old Patriarch this time, and her medical skills were also extremely good, so he respected her very much.

Feng Range nodded and followed Steward Ouyang.Passed through a passage, turned the corner and arrived.

"Miss Feng, this is your room. Please go in and have a look. If you have any dissatisfaction or need anything, you can tell me, and I will send someone to arrange it right away!"

This room is not far from the room where old Mr. Ouyang is being treated. Whenever there is a situation over there, you can hear the movement right away, which is not bad!

Feng Range stepped into the room, and Steward Ouyang followed behind her.

The room is newly furnished, all white, neat and clean, Feng Range is quite satisfied with this room.

Feng Range walked around the room, nodding frequently.Seeing Feng Range's reaction, Steward Ouyang knew that she was very satisfied.

It has to be said that Ouyang Steward has seen countless people, and he still has a high regard for Feng Range, a girl.

The size of Ouyang's house shows how rich it is, but the girl in front of him has a flat face and no waves after entering Ouyang's house.It's not like ordinary girls, or girls from rich families, who immediately pounce on Ouyang's family when they see their financial resources.

Before, Ouyang Steward saw that his young master looked at Miss Feng with admiration and doting in his eyes, but Miss Feng didn't feel it at all.

Based on two points, Steward Ouyang is interested in Feng Range's character. If Miss Feng is allowed to become the young wife of Ouyang's family in the future, he is quite satisfied.

Whether it's for Mr. Ouyang's sake or Ouyang Huang's, Steward Ouyang is more polite to Feng Range than the female guests who come to Ouyang's house in the past, even far better than Ouyang Huang's junior sister Meng Xianer .

"Miss Feng, if you're fine, I'll be busy with other things first. Everything for food and clothing will be delivered on time, so I'll leave first!" Seeing that he is no longer needed here, Ouyang Butler said, Just ready to leave.

Seeing that he was going to leave, Feng Range just nodded and let him go.

As soon as Director Ouyang left, Feng Range continued to wander around the room.

Speaking of which, the room that Ouyang's family arranged for her was about the same size as her house, and they all had their own living room, bedroom, bathroom, toilet, study and other facilities.

Since she was going to live here during this time, it was naturally her territory.Feng Range's sense of territory has always been very strong. She doesn't like anyone intruding into her territory, especially since this is not her original owner's territory, which makes her feel very insecure.

She found four positions in this room, one center, and prepared to set up a defensive formation.

The defensive array she wants to set up is relatively simple, like a surveillance camera, which can make her feel it when people approach it, just like the array she set up in a large area at home.

This formation will not attack the approaching characters, it just blocks and reminds the people in the formation that someone is approaching.

Because the formation method is relatively simple, the design method is also relatively simple.

She took out a few spirit stones from the space bracelet, first arranged a few formations, then arranged the center of the formation, and activated the formation at the same time.

As soon as the formation was set up, Feng Range hooked the corners of her lips, showing a satisfied look.

Once the formation is activated, she can do her own thing in the house with peace of mind.

 Ask for benefits! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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