Phoenix Dance

Chapter 123 His friend calls her sister-in-law

Chapter 123 His friend calls her sister-in-law (1)

This meditation lasted until the evening, when Ouyang Huang came to find Feng Range, and Feng Range quit the state.

As soon as she saw Ouyang Huang, she told him what happened during the day.

"You mean, someone wanted to sneak into your room, but because you set up a formation, he couldn't enter and attacked the formation. This person's behavior is very subtle, he has a purpose, but he didn't achieve it? You suspect Who is that person?" After listening to Feng Range's words, Ouyang Huang thought about this question for a rare time.

Because of the accidental poisoning of his grandfather before, and now someone wants to get close to the little woman quietly, for some reason, he has to be cautious.

Seeing that Ouyang Huang also paid attention to it, Feng Range expressed his thoughts, "I suspect that this person must be very familiar with your Ouyang family, and from the reason he came for me, he must also know me. Yes. Because I don’t know his purpose, I can’t judge whether this person is an enemy or a friend, but it seems that I don’t have many friends here, but there are quite a few enemies!”

Speaking of this, Feng Range will stop talking.The only person in Ouyang's family who had a conflict with her was Meng Xian'er, but she dared not say that it was Meng Xian'er, after all, she couldn't be so sure.

After hearing what she said, Ouyang Huang understood a little bit.

Those who can attack the formation must be cultivators, and as Ouyang Huang's junior sister, they must also be cultivators!What's more, as Feng Range said, the only person in Ouyang's family who has conflicts with her is Meng Xian'er, if there is anything but her, there is no one else.

The rest of Ouyang's family would not approach Fengrange secretly at all, and even approached with a purpose.

It's just... After that incident happened last time, he asked Ah Chen to send Meng Xian'er back, it's impossible for her to do it herself!

If it's her, it's hard... Ouyang Huang couldn't help but have a guess.

He narrowed his eyes, revealing a hint of danger, if Grandpa's poisoning coma had something to do with that idiot, let's see how he dealt with her!

He, Ouyang Huang, has never been a kind person. He always retaliated against those who attacked his closest relatives!

Feng Range, who was standing next to Ouyang Huang, could tell from his pensive look and the expression on his face that he already had some guesses in his heart.He didn't tell her, and she didn't ask.Next, she will be busy detoxifying and treating Mr. Ouyang. She doesn't have so much time and energy to worry about other things.

Ouyang Huang came back to his senses and looked at Feng Range, "Haven't you eaten yet? I'll take you out to eat!"

As Ouyang Huang said, he pulled Feng Range away, hey, why does this man like to reach out and pull her so much!Be sick!

Feng Range didn't like being dragged by him like this, so she shook her arm and broke free.Fortunately, Ouyang Huang didn't pull too hard this time, and let her shake it off.

Ouyang Huang was not annoyed by her behavior, so he walked side by side with her.

Because I ate the lunch cooked by Ouyang's chef before, now Feng Range doesn't dislike vulgar food too much, but likes it very much.As for the impurities in common food, she is a god of alchemy, and it will be fine to refine a few purification pills and take them to remove impurities.

After following Ouyang Huang out, the occasional conversation between the two revolved around Mr. Ouyang's situation.

"You can find all the medicinal materials you want tomorrow afternoon. When will you be able to detoxify my grandfather?" Ouyang Huang never doubted Feng Range's medical skills from the first time he saw her. He absolutely believed in Feng Range!This sense of trust arises spontaneously from the depths of his soul, and he doesn't know why.

"I can find all the medicinal materials tomorrow afternoon? That's great! Then I can detoxify Mr. Ouyang in the evening." Feng Range was surprised by Ouyang Huang's ability to handle affairs.

However, Feng Range regarded all these as Ouyang Huang's concern for Mr. Ouyang, and he was trying his best to find them, so he could find them so quickly.

Hearing Feng Range's answer, Ouyang Huang just glanced at her and was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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