Phoenix Dance

Chapter 124 His friend calls her sister-in-law

Chapter 124 His friend calls her sister-in-law (2)

It seems that this little woman's medical skills are even better than he imagined!

During the silence between the two, Ouyang Huang brought Feng Range to the entrance of a hotel under the Huangshi Group.After handing over the car to the security guard, he took Feng Range inside.

When he returned to Ouyang's house earlier, he planned to take Feng Range out for dinner, so he booked a box early in the morning.

At the same time, he also called some friends, intending to introduce this little woman to them, and also wanted to formally encircle her by his side.

However, Feng Range had absolutely no idea about Ouyang Huang's secret actions, especially what he thought in his heart.

She followed Ouyang Huang, and he led her into a box.

After entering the box, Feng Range frowned slightly when he saw a circle of people sitting around the table.When Ouyang Huang brought her out, he only said that he wanted to eat, but he didn't say that he brought her to meet so many people, all of whom he didn't know, which made her repulsed!

"Young Master Huang is here! Is the beautiful woman next to you a sister-in-law?" Someone among the people at the table saw Ouyang Huang and Feng Range come in, so they opened their mouths.

Feng Range looked at that person, who was smiling brightly, and winking at her with a pair of peach blossom eyes.

Feng Range was deeply disgusted by the winking eyes thrown by this man, she was another flirt, the same flirt as that Yi Shaojun.

Thinking of Yi Shaojun, Feng Range saw that this person was somewhat similar to that guy, could it be his brother?

Seeing that Feng Range looked at that person with a puzzled expression, Ouyang Huang pulled her to sit down on two empty seats and introduced them to her at the same time, "That person is Ah Jun's brother Ayang, and Yi Shao Yang. The rest of the people, starting from the one next to you, are Dale, Cage, Kaifeng's brother, An Qirui, Shao Ximing and Zuo Qianqian. You have known Achen and Ajun for a long time, so you don't need to introduce them Bar!"

Feng Range sat down, besides Feng Range, there were two other women at the table, namely Dale and Zuo Qianqian.Seeing Ouyang Huang's special treatment of Feng Range, the two women couldn't help but look at this woman whom Huang Shao treated specially, and at the same time, there was a hint of hostility in their eyes.

Ouyang Huang is a handsome, wealthy, and powerful man who can easily attract the attention of all the opposite sex.As the opposite sex who has been around him for a long time, Dale and Zuo Qianqian will naturally have a good impression of him.But because of Ouyang Huang's usual indifference and ruthlessness, they could only keep their daring towards him in their hearts and not show it.

Seeing how Huang Shao treats a young girl who is a few years younger than them in such a special way, although she is somewhat beautiful, but not as charming and beautiful as them, it makes their jealousy sprout in the bottom of their hearts stand up.

However, the two women did not show the slightest sign on the face.

Among them, Dale is a beauty of mixed race. She talked with Feng Range with a friendly attitude.

"I don't know the name of this sister, how old is she?" Dale's question was neither serious nor light, and somewhat irrelevant.

However, as soon as she spoke, Feng Range looked at her.

Feng Range saw that the tone of voice of this beauty was the same as that of Feng Ranyue in her previous life. Although she looked kind and friendly on the surface, she couldn't help but reject her.

However, she did not show her repulsion on the face, and said lightly, "Fengrange."

He only said his name, but didn't say anything else.As for whether they want to check later, that's up to them!
"Feng Range? My sister's name is really nice! This is my sister's business card. If my sister is busy, please contact me more often!"

Dale handed a business card to Feng Range, Feng Range reached out to take it.

She glanced at the words on the business card, movie star, supermodel?There was a series of numbers on it, she didn't look carefully, so she stuffed the business card into her pocket casually.

(End of this chapter)

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