Phoenix Dance

Chapter 125 His friend calls her sister-in-law

Chapter 125 His friend calls her sister-in-law (3)

Seeing that Dale took the initiative to talk to Feng Range, Zuo Qianqian, who also admired Ouyang Huang in her heart, handed Feng Range a business card not to be outdone.

"Hello! This is my business card, please contact me more in the future!"

Compared with Dale's coquettish actions, Zuo Qianqian is much more casual.Feng Range took her business card and glanced at it. There were only three Chinese characters on it, three letters and eleven digits, name, TEL and phone number. Feng Range also put it in her pocket.

After that, no one gave her a business card anymore.Originally, Yi Shaoyang wanted to block, but after seeing Ouyang Huang's warning eyes, he gave up this idea.

With him being warned by Huang Shao at the beginning, the rest of the people naturally did not dare to bump into it again.

Seeing Huang Shao's cold and cold look, I really can't see that once he has a woman, he will be so possessive!
All the men present looked at Ouyang Huang with some amusement at this time, Huang Shaoxing!

Ignoring the gazes of these partners, Ouyang Huang picked up chopsticks to pick up food for Feng Range.

He brought this little woman out to eat, and he met these guys by the way.From the first time he saw this little woman, he felt that she was too thin, and he should get fatter!
He gave Feng Range a variety of vegetables, both meat and vegetables.Feng Range didn't shy away from it, picked up the chopsticks, and ate slowly.

Everyone present was dumbfounded when they saw this scene, Huang Shao is really considerate!They have known Huang Shaoke for many years, and they have never seen him so gentle and considerate!Especially to a woman!
Oh oh!Huang Shao really loves it!

When a group of men saw this scene, they were all happy for Ouyang Huang!This diamond single man has finally set his sights on a woman, so don't worry about him being beaten for the rest of his life!
However, the eyes of the other two women were so jealous that they glared at Feng Range angrily.

Feng Range didn't notice this because she lowered her head and concentrated on eating.

When she was full and put down her chopsticks, she looked up and saw that everyone hadn't eaten, staring at her and Ouyang Huang.

How is this going?Feng Range didn't understand the current situation, she looked at Ouyang Huang with doubts in her eyes.

Ouyang Huang didn't answer her, but pulled her to stand up.

After eating, he went home to rest, "Let's go first!" Ouyang Huang said, and pulled Feng Range out of the box.

After coming and going for 10 minutes, after Ouyang Huang pulled Feng Range out of the box, everyone in the box broke out.

"I didn't expect that! Young Master Huang would be so considerate!"

"I really didn't expect Young Master Huang to find a woman!"

"That's right! I thought Young Master Huang would be a bachelor all his life!"


A group of people started talking, but Ouyang Huang and Feng Range who had already left didn't know about it.

What Feng Range didn't know was that after she finished her meal, she was given the title of "Ouyang Huang's Woman" by Ouyang Huang's friends.

Ouyang Huang took Feng Range away and sent her home.

Because Feng Range will detoxify his grandfather tomorrow, so he wants her to have a good rest.

After sending Feng Range back to her room, Ouyang Huang went to do his own business.

Regarding the matter of grandpa's poisoning and what Feng Range said during the day, in his opinion, it is still necessary to investigate.

He wanted to see who had sneaked into his Ouyang's house and played tricks on his Ouyang's house.If he finds out, let's see how he deals with that person!

Ouyang Huang's eyes were cold and cold...

(End of this chapter)

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