Phoenix Dance

Chapter 130 The Black Hand

Chapter 130 The Black Hand (4)

"Junior Brother Ouyang, if you dare to help this bitch hurt me, Elder Meng and Junior Sister Xian'er will definitely not let her go!" Wei Zong knew that persuading Ouyang Huang would be futile, so he changed the threat.

Since Ouyang Huang cares so much about this bitch, then he can use this bitch as a threat!
When Wei Zong was captured, Ouyang Huang knew who was behind him, so it didn't matter whether he asked or not.Seeing that Wei Zong was actually threatening him with Feng Range, Ouyang Huang's face was covered with a layer of coldness.

"You won't let her go, will you?" Ouyang Huang sneered, and raised Wei Zong, "You think Elder Meng and Meng Xian'er are the only ones who can hurt her? You can't control yourself!"

Ouyang Huang threw Wei Zong to the ground again, cast a disdainful glance and sat back on the sofa.

As for small characters like Wei Zong, Elder Meng, and Meng Xian'er, I'm afraid that little woman hasn't taken them seriously!
Sure enough, he looked at Feng Range, the little woman's expression was indifferent, as if Wei Zong's words hadn't affected her at all.The fact is also the same, as far as Wei Zong's threat is concerned, in Feng Range's view, it is just a child's play, childish and ruthless!

From Wei Zong's mention of Elder Meng and Junior Sister Xian'er, Feng Range knew that the person behind him was Meng Xian'er, and that Elder Meng was probably her elder.To the fact that Meng Xian'er has already attacked her, it means that no matter whether she spares Wei Zong or not, she and Meng Xian'er are already hostile.
That woman's current situation must be very miserable, so she sent someone else to trouble her!

Although Wei Zong didn't show any killing intent towards her, it was because he couldn't break into her formation, and couldn't do anything wrong.She will never forget that he poisoned Mr. Ouyang very viciously!
Wei Zong is not a good person, so Feng Range also gave him a more sinister insect-eating potion.

People who have been poisoned by the insect-eating potion, if they cannot withstand the erosion of the toxin, will become inhuman and ghost-like!

Feng Range was not so kind to remind this person who wanted to harm her, she was already a little impatient to see this scum.

She looked at Ouyang Huang and waved her hands impatiently, "Take him down! The answer is clear, it's an eyesore to keep him here!"

In Ouyang Huang's eyes, Feng Range's impatience and dislike for Wei Zong made him very satisfied.

It seems that this little woman wants to be alone with him, it seems that Wei Zong is really an eyesore here!
Ouyang Huang waved his hand and let Cage behind him take Wei Zong who was already in a mess.

Once Cage and Wei Zong left, they were the only two left in Ouyang Huang's study, and they were relatively speechless for a while.

After a while, Feng Range said leisurely, "Where did Meng Xian'er go? What's her situation now?"

Regarding Meng Xian'er's situation, although Feng Range knew it well, she still asked Ouyang Huang.

With Wei Zong's appearance this time, it seems that Meng Xian'er is not stopping, jumping around very much!
Hearing Feng Range's question, Ouyang Huang replied very straightforwardly, "It's already sent back to the sect, I heard that his face is rotten."

He answered lightly, but when talking about Meng Xian'er's situation, Feng Range seemed to hear the smile in Ouyang Huang's tone.

This man was very happy to see his junior sister being so unlucky?Feng Range had to think that he was a weirdo!

Hearing that Meng Xian'er's face was rotten, Feng Range's mouth turned up and he smiled.

She is not the one who suffers, when Meng Xian'er whipped her in the face, the whip was still tainted with poison, she just returned it!Let her know what tit for tat is!

Now that he knew the situation, Feng Range stood up, going back to the room to take a rest, and preparing to detoxify Mr. Ouyang at night.

"It's over, then I'm leaving!" Feng Range left Ouyang Huang's study step by step after finishing speaking.

Seeing this, Ouyang Huang didn't stop him, and stayed alone in the study, ready to deal with the next thing!

 It's finally over! ! !Very sleepy! ! !Wash and go to sleep! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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