Phoenix Dance

Chapter 131 Detoxification

Chapter 131 Detoxification (1)

Feng Range went back to her room, neither practicing nor resting.She was reading "Medical Code" before, but now she took out a "Pharmacopia".

Previously, she diagnosed old Mr. Ouyang with two common toxins, a toxin called Baizizi that paralyzes the nerves, and a toxin called Willow Camphor, which makes people drowsy.

Of these two poisons, compared to willow camphor grass, hundred persimmons are much more dangerous.People's nerves are extremely fragile. If they are poisoned by the toxin that paralyzes the nerves, even if the poison is detoxified, it will still leave more or less sequelae on the human body.

Willow camphor grass is like a drug, it can only make people drowsy, and a small amount will not cause danger.Willow camphor grass is a kind of flower with a faint fragrance. Its leaves are like willow leaves and it has a small brown flower, so it is named willow camphor grass.

The smell of willow camphor grass is the faint fragrance that Feng Range smelled in that room before.

Feng Range wants to detoxify old Mr. Ouyang, because willow camphor grass itself is not very harmful, so she intends to ignore it, and focus on the dangerous persimmons and the toxins produced by synthesis.

The poison of Baizizi is also easy to detox, but it is still troublesome to deal with the sequelae left by it.As for the comprehensive toxin, Feng Range called it Baizhang poison for the time being.Baizhang poison is more corrosive than that of Baizhezi. It not only erodes human nerves, but also erodes the vitality of internal organs.

Also because of this situation, Feng Range concluded that the toxin could erode Mr. Ouyang's life within seven days.

After treating Mr. Ouyang this time, I was afraid that he would have to be raised for several years before he recovered.

In fact, as long as Feng Range gave Mr. Ouyang a Yuanling Pill after detoxification, it would take less than a night for him to fully recover.

But in order not to expose his alchemy skills, Feng Range still planned to let old Mr. Ouyang take a few years to raise it by himself.

It is good that she can refine some potions for healing and strengthening the body for him, and there is no need to expect too much for the rest.

Feng Range was flipping through the Pharmacopoeia, planning to learn more about some common medicinal materials before evening.

Although Feng Range had thoroughly read the "Medical Code" when he was on the Jishen Continent.But the focus is still on the high-level medicinal materials, and only a general understanding of the low-level medicinal materials.

If it wasn't for Mr. Ouyang's poisoning at this moment, I'm afraid Fengrange wouldn't want to learn about those low-level medicinal materials.

She flipped through the "Pharmacopia", page by page, her eyes kept shining.

In the past, she always looked down on these low-level medicinal materials, but after looking at them now, she really didn't expect that the low-level medicinal materials are not insignificant, and there are so many ways to use them.

If an alchemist or pharmacist is capable enough, he can mix different medicinal materials and refine a low-level medicinal material into a high-level medicinal pill or potion.

Seeing this, Feng Range felt that his eyes were covered with shit before, but he didn't realize that there was such a secret in this "Pharmacopia".

This discovery not only greatly improved Feng Range's medical skills and alchemy skills, but also brought about a considerable change in her vision of things.

From now on, she will never underestimate any medicinal material again, and she firmly believes that no matter how low the medicinal material is, it has great effect.

This belief made Feng Range continue to use the medicinal materials to pluck the wild goose's hair along the way until she returned to the Continent of God.

When she looked at it, she didn't stop until evening when Ouyang Huang came looking for her...

 Ask for benefits! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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