Phoenix Dance

Chapter 132 Detoxification

Chapter 132 Detoxification (2)

Ouyang Huang walked into Feng Range's room, followed by Kai Feng and Cage.

The two carried five large boxes in their hands. After entering the room, the two put the five boxes in front of Feng Range.

Feng Range glanced at the five boxes in front of her, and she knew that these were the medicinal materials she asked Ouyang Huang to send.

Earlier, she asked Ouyang Huang to find a lot of medicinal materials, and at that time she took the opportunity to extort a sum of medicinal materials as a reward. Those medicinal materials she refined were originally used for the treatment of Mr. Ouyang.

But it just didn't expect that someone would poison Mr. Ouyang, and some of those medicines would be useless.She needs to re-refine some healing potions and detoxification potions.

Because Mr. Ouyang is not young anymore, his body is already weak due to illness and toxin erosion, and he may die at any time.For this reason, in order to ensure that Mr. Ouyang will not have any major accidents during her detoxification and healing process, she also needs to refine some life-saving medicine for him.

Feng Range opened the box, checked the medicinal materials inside, and started to drive away people after ensuring that they were complete.

"Leave first! Come to me in three hours, I have to deal with these herbs first!"

Hearing Feng Range's rude dismissal, and following the wishes of his grandfather's health, although Ouyang Huang wanted to see how Feng Range handled the medicinal materials, he obediently left to prevent Feng Range from being unwilling and refusing.

He nodded slightly, "Then you go ahead, I'll come back in three hours!" After speaking, he left with Kai Feng and Cage.

After seeing the three people leave, Feng Range opened the formation in the room, and carried five boxes containing medicinal materials to the bedroom.

Ouyang's house is big and the rooms are empty.Feng Range casually put the box on the ground and opened it, and took out the Divine Phoenix Cauldron and several medicine bottles from the space bracelet.

It is not difficult to refine the potion that preserves vitality and the potion that detoxifies. Feng Range sorted and sorted the medicinal materials in the five boxes, and began to clear the tripod and warm it up.

With her proficient alchemy technique, making her refining medicine is like playing.Because the medicinal materials are low-grade medicinal materials, it is very easy to process and refine them.

She controlled the mental power and consciousness to release the medicinal materials with ease, refining, fusing, and bottling them.Repeating this step over and over again, after just over two hours, there were more than a dozen medicine bottles by her side.

She labels the vials individually and puts them away.

After putting away the medicinal materials, she put away the Divine Phoenix Cauldron and other things.After finishing these finishing tasks, she walked out of the bedroom, ready to go to Ouyang Huang.

However, just as he opened the door, he saw Ouyang Huang and Kaifeng Kaiqi standing at the door.After they went out, they didn't leave, but stayed at the door all the time.

As soon as Feng Range opened the door, a faint scent of medicine came out from inside.Smelling the fragrance of this medicine, all three of them turned their heads to look at Feng Range.

The corners of Ouyang Huang's mouth hooked slightly, revealing a slight smile.Kai Feng and Cage at the side saw Feng Range, and her body was tainted with a medicinal fragrance that was stronger than the medicinal fragrance in the room.

Because Kai Feng and Feng Range have met many times, they can be regarded as old acquaintances.Seeing Feng Range's expression of admiration, he said, "Miss Feng, have you practiced the potion yet?"

Compared with Cage's rigor, Kaifeng is much more casual.Hearing Kai Feng's question, Feng Range nodded to her.

"It's getting late now, let's go and give Mr. Ouyang the first step of treatment!"

As Feng Range said, without waiting for the reaction of the three of Ouyang Huang, he walked towards the room where Mr. Ouyang was!

She is the god of medicine, and she also promised to heal Mr. Ouyang.It was delayed because the medicinal materials hadn't arrived yet.Now that the medicinal materials have arrived and the potion has been refined, she is ready to treat Mr. Ouyang without any delay.

Because Mr. Ouyang's physical decline is really serious, Feng Range also treats this patient very seriously!

 Ask for benefits! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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