Phoenix Dance

Chapter 133 Detoxification

Chapter 133 Detoxification (3)

Feng Range and Ouyang Huang came to the treatment room and dismissed the two accompanying doctors, but they didn't let Ouyang Huang and the others leave.

She wanted to treat Mr. Ouyang, and she didn't intend to avoid anyone.Except for acupuncture, her other treatments are very simple.

At the same time, she also had a purpose for the three people who stayed behind.Her healing needs someone to help her, so she unceremoniously summoned three of them.

"Kaifeng, go and fill this tub with warm water! Cage, pull off all these things from Mr. Ouyang's body, and feed this bottle of medicine into his mouth! Ouyang Huang, help Cage, lift you up grandfather!"

Feng Range directed the three of them together, and took out a bottle of potion from the space bracelet and handed it to Cage.

What I threw to Cage was a bottle of potion that guaranteed that Mr. Ouyang's vitality would not be lost during the detoxification process.

The effect of this potion is somewhat similar to that of Yuan Ling Pill. Yuan Ling Pill is to replenish the spiritual power lost by the practitioner, and this potion is to replenish the vitality lost by the human body.

The three of them attached great importance to Mr. Ouyang's treatment and recovery, so even though they felt that Fengrange's command to them was inappropriate, the three of them obediently followed suit.

The three obediently did what she ordered, and Feng Range was not idle.

She took the silver needles on the table to the bed and disinfected them with alcohol.After Ouyang Huang and Cage helped Mr. Ouyang sit up, she took out eight needles and injected them on Mr. Ouyang's eight acupoints respectively.

Seeing how she used the needle, Ouyang Huang's expression didn't change at all, but Cage, who was supporting him together, made a sound.

"Boss, Miss Feng's acupuncture point for the old man is..."

However, before Cage finished speaking, he was stopped by Ouyang Huang with a glare.

Hearing Cage's words, Feng Range glanced at him as soon as the eight needles were dropped, and continued to flick the end of the silver needle twice.

If Ouyang Huang hadn't seen Feng Range's bold injection, he would definitely treat her as a villain who wanted to assassinate his grandfather.But because he had seen Feng Range apply needles to his grandfather's life point before, not only was his grandfather fine, but his health improved a lot, so he took it lightly when he saw Feng Range apply needles this time.

If it is his trust in Feng Range's medical skills, it is better to say that he believes in Feng Range!

After the needle was applied, the needle had to stay in Mr. Ouyang's body for a quarter of an hour.During this quarter of an hour, Ouyang Huang and Cage supported Mr. Ouyang, and Feng Range fed Mr. Ouyang medicine every 5 minutes, and flicked the end of the silver needle twice from time to time.

During these 15 minutes, Kaifeng also cleaned the tub and filled it with enough hot water.

Before pulling out the needle for Mr. Ouyang, Feng Range took out three more bottles of medicine, and also took five bottles of medicine from the table and poured them into the bathtub.

As the medicine was poured in, a whole bucket of clear water turned into a bucket of emerald green medicinal bath.

Seeing that the medicinal bath was prepared, Feng Range went to Mr. Ouyang's side again and began to take the needles.

Feng Range took the needles differently this time. She put the palm of her right hand on Mr. Ouyang's back, injected a burst of spiritual energy, and ejected the silver needles from the eight acupuncture points.

With the ejection of the silver needle, Mr. Ouyang spat out a mouthful of black blood in a 'poof...'.

"Put Mr. Ouyang into the tub!" Feng Range said hastily.

Hearing her speak, Ouyang Huang and Cage hurriedly followed suit.As the old Mr. Ouyang sat in the bathtub and leaned against the bathtub, Ouyang Huang had already let go of his hand, and only Cage was still supporting him.

Feng Range took out two more bottles of medicine and poured them into Mr. Ouyang's body.After the two bottles of medicine were poured in, it was obvious that Mr. Ouyang's breath had stabilized a lot.

Ouyang Huang was a little worried before, but after watching this scene, he gradually felt relieved.

"This night, I'm afraid I can't finish absorbing the barrel of medicine bath, so you can arrange someone to take turns to take care of it! I'll come back tomorrow morning!"

Feng Range saw that she was busy with all the things for the time being, because when she was giving the needle, her mental power was also highly concentrated, and she also used her spiritual power when taking the needle. She felt a little tired, so she wanted to rest.

After speaking to Ouyang Huang, he stepped up and left the treatment room.

Ouyang Huang didn't say anything when he saw her leave, and was going to make arrangements as she said!
 Ask for benefits! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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