Phoenix Dance

Chapter 134 Detoxification

Chapter 134 Detoxification (4)

After Feng Range returned to the room, she didn't rest immediately, but entered the Shihuang space.

She hasn't come in for two days. I don't know how Xiao Shi and Ran Yu are doing?

Thinking of Ran Yu, Feng Range couldn't help thinking of Ran Yun.She hasn't seen Ran Yun since she came to Ouyang's house. It seems that Ouyang Huang sent him to another place for training.

Seeing Ouyang Huang's subordinates Kaiqi and Kaifeng brothers, Feng Range also knew that he had a way of training people, but he was afraid that he would suffer some hardships if he trained under him.If you suffer, you will suffer!As a boy, if Ran Yun suffers more now, it will only benefit him in the future!

The road ahead will be much more bumpy than it is now!

Feng Range restrained his mind and stopped thinking about Ran Yun. With a sweep of his consciousness, he saw Shihuang teaching Ran Yu sword skills.

In order to be able to teach Ran Yu swordsmanship more vividly, Shi Huang's beast-like mimicry made it very inconvenient, so it turned into a little girl like Ran Yu.

That appearance is probably as old as Ran Yu's, with big watery eyes, even Ran Yu has been cut off.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, especially when Shi Huang turned into the same girl, and Ran Yu became a pair of little sisters.

Shi Huang was serious about teaching, and Ran Yu was serious about learning. Both of them remembered what Feng Range said before, and they both worked hard to improve their strength.

Seeing this scene, Feng Range raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction, revealing a smile.

Before leaving the Shihuang space, she took a pill from the alchemy room before leaving.

What she took from Shihuang Space was a god-level Yuanling Pill, and she swallowed it as soon as she got out of the space, and then began to sit cross-legged.

Even if her strength won't improve to a great extent in the past few days, Feng Range is still used to absorbing some spiritual power every once in a while to practice.

There is a lack of spiritual power in this world, and Feng Range didn't want to guide spiritual power out from the Shihuang space, so she chose to take Yuanling Pill to absorb spiritual power.

She sat cross-legged and practiced for a whole night.

When he woke up the next day, Feng Range felt refreshed and in good spirits.

She went to the treatment room before Ouyang Huang came.

Arriving at the treatment room, Ouyang Huang and Kaiqi Kaifeng brothers were not there, but Ouyang Huang's father Ouyang Chi and a doctor stood by the bathtub.

Seeing Feng Range come in, Ouyang Chi said, "Miss Feng, you are here! Come and see, the water has become clear, why hasn't my father woke up yet?"

Ouyang Chi's expression was full of worry, and he called Feng Range to the bathtub.

Feng Range walked to his side and looked at the situation in the bathtub.

The medicine has been almost absorbed by Mr. Ouyang, leaving only a thin layer of light green, which may not be absorbed anymore.Looking back at Mr. Ouyang's face and breath, his face became more rosy, and his breath was more stable than last night.

Feng Range asked Ouyang Chi and the doctor to help Mr. Ouyang out.

"You help him to the bed, don't let him lie down, sit, I still need to give needles!"

The two nodded when they heard Feng Range's words.Reaching out his hand carefully, he helped Mr. Ouyang out of the bathtub, and helped him to sit on the bed.

Seeing that they had done what she said, Feng Range took out five more silver needles this time, and injected them on the five life points on Mr. Ouyang's head.

Seeing where Fengrange dropped the needle, the nurse at the side was shocked and wanted to question, but stared and silenced.

As the family doctors of Ouyang's family, they will not interfere with things that the master's family does not allow.Seeing the current situation of Mr. Ouyang, why do they have any reason to question the doctor who treated Mr. Ouyang!

Although Feng Range was concentrating on administering the needles, the nurse's expression changed, but she also noticed it.

Feng Range is still very satisfied with the other party's performance!She doesn't like others to question her medical skills, she is a majestic medical god!

This time, it only takes 5 minutes to apply the needles, and no spiritual power is needed to release the silver needles.Feng Range pulled out the needle and waited for Mr. Ouyang to wake up.

"Let old Mr. Ouyang lie down now! Get someone to scrub him and change his clothes. Don't catch a cold. After half an hour, old Mr. Ouyang will wake up!"

Seeing Ouyang Chi looking at Mr. Ouyang with his eyes tightly closed, Feng Range felt a little anxious.Seeing that Feng Range hadn't woken up after the injection, she became even more anxious.If he hadn't seen that his father's condition was better than before, he would have been more worried.

Hearing Feng Range's words, Ouyang Chi realized that his father was completely soaked, and quickly arranged for someone to deal with it.

Feng Range saw that she had nothing to do at this moment, so she also walked out of the treatment room.

 Ask for all kinds of benefits! ! !Pudding has been a bit flustered recently, and I can't spare my hands to type, so tired...

(End of this chapter)

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