Phoenix Dance

Chapter 135 Sober, Healing

Chapter 135 Sober, Healing (1)

When Ouyang Huang came to find Feng Range again, she learned that Mr. Ouyang was awake and in a very good state of mind.

Ouyang Huang came to her to ask her to check Mr. Ouyang's condition again and learn about the follow-up treatment.

Feng Range didn't hesitate, and simply prepared, and followed him to the treatment room.

He saw that Mr. Ouyang was able to walk on the ground now, and he was sitting in a newly moved rattan chair with a radiant face.He was surrounded by Ouyang Chi, Ouyang Steward, and two fashionable women.

The five were chatting and laughing, and when they saw Ouyang Huang and Feng Range walk in, the five of them silenced.

Feng Range looked at the two fashionable women whom he had never seen before. They were about 40 years old. They both had some similarities with Ouyang Huang, so Feng Range guessed that the two were probably Ouyang Huang's Two relatives!

Just when she followed Ouyang Huang and approached them silently, the conversation between the two gave her confirmation.

"Sister-in-law, do you think A Huang and this Feng girl walk together? They look pretty good for each other! If you say that A Huang doesn't usually get along with other opposite sexes, he seems to have a good relationship with this Feng girl. Sister-in-law, Do you think our A Huang has taken a fancy to this girl Feng?" Among the two women, one of them was obviously two or three years younger and said to the older one.

The older woman glared at the younger woman, and said, "Ah Min, don't talk nonsense! Miss Feng is here, don't let other girls see our Ouyang family's jokes, thinking that there is something wrong with our A Huang family. I can't find a girlfriend!"

The conversation between the two was so soft that Ouyang Huang and Feng Range couldn't hear it.

But both of them are cultivators, and their five senses of hearing and so on are many times stronger than ordinary people.

After hearing their conversation, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range had different expressions.

Ouyang Huang secretly looked at Feng Range, but saw Feng Range in a daze.

After hearing this, Feng Range had a general understanding of the identities of these two women.

The older woman was Ouyang Huang's mother who was traveling abroad, Han Qin.The younger woman is Ouyang Huang's aunt and Ouyang Chi's younger sister, Ouyang Wen.

Ouyang Wen was a joker when he was young, and he liked to tease Ouyang Huang when he was young.

When I saw Ouyang Huang and Feng Range walking in just now, I unconsciously started teasing, and then said those words to my sister-in-law.

While the two women were whispering secretly, Ouyang Huang and Feng Ran came in front of them.

This time Feng Range came to check Mr. Ouyang, so she started to check Mr. Ouyang before anyone spoke.

She put her hand on Mr. Ouyang's wrist, seeming to be feeling the pulse, but she was actually using her spiritual power to check the recovery status of Mr. Ouyang's body and the residual poison in his body.

Because the two women didn't see Fengrange's treatment for Mr. Ouyang, they became suspicious when they saw that she was simply feeling the pulse and looking at her face.

They expressed doubts that she was able to check the old man's physical condition just by feeling her pulse because of her advanced medical skills at a young age.

For this reason, Ouyang Huang's aunt Ouyang Wen said at this time, "Miss Feng, how is my old man's health?"

Hearing Ouyang Wen's question, Feng Range's inspection of Mr. Ouyang was almost completed, so he let go of Mr. Ouyang's wrist and looked at her.

"He's recovering well, and he can enter the treatment stage in another four hours." Feng Range replied.

Hearing Feng Range's answer, both Ouyang Chi and Mr. Ouyang showed joy on their faces, Ouyang Huang's expression was calm, but Han Qin and Ouyang Wen's faces showed disbelief.

"I heard that Ms. Ouyang's medical skills are very good. My old man was poisoned before. Did you cure it?" Han Qin asked suddenly at this time, looking at Fengrange sharply.

When Feng Range saw Ouyang Huang's mother suddenly showing some 'care' towards her, she raised her eyebrows and remained expressionless, but her displeasure was clearly revealed in her words.She really hates people questioning her medical skills!

"Mrs. Ouyang, please ask old Mr. Ouyang himself! I'll come back in four hours!" After speaking, he turned and left.

Seeing Feng Range turn around and leave resolutely, old Mr. Ouyang saw the faces of his wife and daughter at this time, instead of the initial joy, he showed displeasure.

These two meddlesome women!How did you make Little Miracle Doctor Feng go away in anger!

 I ask for welfare and you don't give it, so I don't ask for it anymore, you can figure it out for yourself!

(End of this chapter)

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