Phoenix Dance

Chapter 136 Sober, Healing

Chapter 136 Sober, Healing (2)

When Mr. Ouyang saw these two troublesome women, he felt a little uncomfortable.Standing up weakly, he urged Ouyang Huang to catch up with Feng Range and apologize to her!

"You two! Oh! Ah Huang, hurry up and catch up with Divine Doctor Feng, and apologize to Divine Doctor Feng instead of grandpa and these two ignorant women! Let her not be as knowledgeable as their two women with long hair but short knowledge! go!"

Mr. Ouyang kept urging Ouyang Huang, and kept belittling Han Qin and Ouyang Min in his words, praising Gao Fengrange, and even used the title of 'miracle doctor', which shows that he attaches great importance to Fengrange.

Hearing his grandfather's urging, Ouyang Huang didn't care about the stunned eyes of his mother Han Qin and aunt Ouyang Wen, so he immediately turned around and went out to chase Feng Range.

However, he chased after her until he reached the door of Feng Range's room, but he didn't catch up with her.

Could it be that she walked so fast and entered the room already?Ouyang Huang knocked on the door immediately, but after waiting for a while, Feng Range did not come out to open the door.

Isn't she in the room?Where did she go?Doubts arose in Ouyang Huang's heart.

Since Feng Range lived in Ouyang's house for the past few days, she has never walked around other places in Ouyang's house.Where have you been?

Could it be that he went back to his home?Ouyang Huang guessed like this, and immediately wanted to chase after him, but suddenly thought that Feng Range said that she would come back to treat her grandfather when she was four hours old, so she would definitely come back!Thinking of this, Ouyang Huang was not in a hurry to chase after him.

After Feng Range left the treatment room, she set up a small new hidden formation on her body.She saw Ouyang Huang walking past her in a hurry, but she didn't stop him.Instead, after Ouyang Huang passed by, she went to Ouyang Huang's study room bored. She remembered that she saw a lot of books when she went to Ouyang Huang's study room last time.

No matter what, she will stay in this world for a long period of time, and she only learned about this world with the remaining memories of her original body.That's just a small part, not comprehensive.There are still many things she needs to know, so after going to Ouyang Huang's study last time, she started to type the books in Ouyang Huang's study.

Ouyang Huang is a man different from ordinary people. She believes that the books that can be placed in Ouyang Huang's study will definitely be of great help to her understanding of the world.

Because Ouyang Huang had brought her here last time, she walked to the door knowing the way.

Seeing that the door of the study room was closed but not locked, Feng Ran easily opened the door and walked in.

After walking in, he closed the door casually, and there was no sign of anyone entering.

Walking inside, Feng Range didn't take off the hidden array on her body, but walked directly to the rows of bookshelves, and began to look for the books she needed.

She searched the past one by one, and found that there are many books on finance and business on these bookshelves.

These books were useful to Ouyang Huang, but not to her at all, so she didn't even take them down, let alone read two pages.

She continued to search all the way, and finally found a copy of "General History of the World" on the third row of bookshelves.

She took it off and was going to read it. She sat cross-legged on the ground and started to read ten lines at a glance.This history book is much more transparent than "Medical Code" and "Pharmacopia". After reading it, Feng Range has a general understanding of the evolution of this world.

After seeing this one, she looked for the next one.Her reading speed is like a photocopier, she can read a book in a dozen or twenty minutes, and understand everything in the book by analogy.

When she found the last bookshelf, she found a yellow leather book.

Based on her feeling as a cultivator, she felt that there was a faint fluctuation of spiritual power in this book, which was sealed by something like a seal, making it impossible for her to open it for a while.

Feng Range struggled to find a way to break the seal on it.But when he thought that the four hours that he agreed to treat Mr. Ouyang had arrived, he had to put down the books in his hands regretfully and left Ouyang Huang's study.

Anyway, she was going to stay at Ouyang's house during this period of time. It seemed that she wanted to break the seal and read the contents. She had to find time next time.

Because she sneaked into Ouyang Huang's study, she went back to her own room before going to the treatment room, and then went to the treatment room after removing the magic formation on her body.

(End of this chapter)

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