Phoenix Dance

Chapter 137 Sober, Healing

Chapter 137 Sober, Healing (3)

After Feng Range returned to the treatment room, everyone was waiting there.

All of them included Mr. Ouyang, Ouyang Huang's family of three, Ouyang Huang's aunt Ouyang Wen and Ouyang Butler.

When Feng Range saw these people, he glanced at their faces one by one, with a calm expression.

She saw that Han Qin and Ouyang Wen's complexions were not good, probably because they had been taught a lesson by Mr. Ouyang and Ouyang Chi, and they stood quietly aside.

Feng Range ignored them, walked up to the old Mr. Ouyang, and said, "The next treatment will be combined with acupuncture and medicated bath, and three bottles of medicine will be taken at the same time! You two go to prepare a bucket of warm water. After drinking these three bottles of medicine, I will give you another injection."

Feng Range is a narrow-minded woman, she will avenge her revenge and thank her for her kindness.For Han Qin and Ouyang Wen's doubts about her before, she would not let it go for anyone's sake, but returned it unceremoniously when she got the chance!

Without even blinking her eyes, she directed the two of them to prepare warm water for Mr. Ouyang's medicine bath without hesitation, and handed three bottles of medicine to Mr. Ouyang at the same time.

The two women felt a little dissatisfied when they heard a little girl ordering them.

Ouyang Wen is an impulsive person, so she said immediately, "Why do you ask me and my sister-in-law to fetch water? You are the one who treated my father, shouldn't you go?"

Hearing Ouyang Wen's capricious opening, Feng Range raised his head to look at her, and raised his eyebrows casually.

"Mr., it seems that other than your son and grandson being more filial, this daughter and daughter-in-law are really not good! You are not even willing to ask them to prepare some bath water for you. What do you expect from them in the future? Ouyang Huang, let Kai Qi Kaifeng is here to help!"

Feng Range lashed out at Mr. Ouyang, but after finishing speaking, he didn't even look at the two of them, and directed Ouyang Huang very politely.

Compared with these people, brothers Cage and Kaifeng are better at handling them.For those who questioned her medical skills and disturbed her when she was treating patients, she would not show them much favor.

Being a doctor is not a lowly profession, which makes people doubtful.There is an old saying that it is better to offend Yan Luo than to offend the doctor, otherwise you will not know how you died.

Although Feng Range has a little affection for Ouyang Huang, it doesn't mean that she has to tolerate all the things that Ouyang's family make things difficult for her because of this affection.

One must know that in her previous life she was the god of alchemy, the god of medicine, the god of dual materials, and the proud daughter of the Feng family, so she was very proud!Show her face, who is afraid of whom!
Ouyang Huang saw that Feng Range was just directing him, but he didn't even look at him.Seeing her serious face again, after grandpa swallowed the congestion, she began to seriously prepare for the injection, and knew that this little woman was completely irritated by his mother and aunt.

In order not to offend this little woman anymore, he obeyed her, called Cage and Kaifeng, told them to come over immediately, and told Feng Range what he had ordered.

The two brothers have been doing things around Feng Range's affairs recently, so when they heard that they were called by the BOSS because of Feng Range's matter, they quickly rolled to Ouyang's house, and after entering the treatment room, under everyone's eyelids Underneath, buckets of warm water were poured into the bathtub.

After Feng Range finished giving Mr. Ouyang the needle, the two brothers also filled up the water in the tub.

Feng Range took three more bottles of potion from the table and poured them into the bathtub, and then let the two brothers Kaiqi and Kaifeng help Mr. Ouyang to sit in the bathtub.

Mr. Ouyang, who was sitting in the bathtub, looked at his daughter and daughter-in-law who were still standing aside, and felt a little displeased, so he started to chase people away, "Get out!"

Old Mr. Ouyang chased people away very rudely in front of everyone, which made the two sisters-in-law very embarrassed.

"Father, I..." Ouyang Wen wanted to argue, but was stopped by Ouyang Chi.

"Shut up! Get out of here, and don't disturb the old man's treatment!"

"Brother, you!" Ouyang Wen was annoyed by Ouyang Chi's attitude, but she retorted speechlessly.Stamping her feet, she glared at Feng Range who was at the side, turned around and left in a huff.

As soon as Ouyang Wen left, Han Qin couldn't stay, so he followed.

The two people who were an eyesore left, Feng Range didn't plan to stay here anymore, and was going to leave.

"Come out after the medicated bath becomes clear. I will continue to apply the acupuncture and medicated bath tomorrow. I will go first!"

After Feng Range finished speaking, she turned around and left.Seeing her leave, Ouyang Huang immediately chased after her, but unexpectedly, when he just left the door, he lost Feng Range's trace again.

After realizing this, Ouyang Huang looked at the empty corridor and narrowed his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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