Phoenix Dance

Chapter 138 Sober, Healing

Chapter 138 Sober, Healing (4)

After Feng Range walked out of the door of the treatment room, she set up a hidden formation on her body as before, and then went directly to Ouyang Huang's office.

Because he was concerned about the mysterious sealed book in Ouyang Huang's office, Feng Range didn't even notice Ouyang Huang who was chasing after him.

After she came to Ouyang Huang's office, she found the book on the last shelf very familiarly, and she held it in her hand to examine it.

She still doesn't know how to unseal the seal on this book, so she can only watch and dare not move it.She was afraid that if she accidentally moved it, if the seal was broken and the book was destroyed, then she would not be able to learn the information in the book.

Feng Range is very cautious, she is very familiar with formations, but unfamiliar with seals.

In her previous life, she didn't have many opportunities to come into contact with the seal, so even though she was born in a big family like the Feng family, and had a secret treasure like the Shihuang Divine Orb in her hands, she didn't know everything in this world.

It was because she didn't know about the seal that she was interested.

She is now more interested in the seal on the book than in the contents of the book.

She not only flipped through it, but also tried to input some spiritual power, only to find that the input spiritual power was absorbed by the seal.And the seal, after absorbing her spiritual power, actually strengthened the seal.After discovering this, Feng Range was even more surprised.

The seals she had encountered before, under the input of spiritual power, would only show the pattern of the seal.But this time, this time, it was actually sealed to absorb the spiritual power.

Based on this phenomenon, Feng Range saw that the seal was not simple this time.I'm afraid that with her current strength, it is temporarily impossible to break the seal.

She put the book back to its original place with some reluctance, and the whole person fell into meditation...

She didn't have to open this seal at first, but she just thought it was not easy and wanted to study it.However, after inputting some spiritual power just now, she saw that the spiritual power was absorbed, not only was she shocked, but she also felt a kind of power from the book inside the seal resonate with her.

This feeling is like... the power in the primordial space!
After Feng Range figured this out, he was stunned.

The Divine Orb of Shihuang originated from the prehistoric era. Could it be that the books in this seal also originated from that era?

With this conjecture, Feng Range decided not to keep the book here, but to take it away secretly.

Anyway, she hid her figure when she entered here. It is expected that Ouyang Huang is extremely intelligent and capable, but no matter how powerful he is, he would never have guessed that she had entered here secretly and took his belongings.

Things that originated from the prehistoric era were brought into the primordial space. Sooner or later, Fengrange would be able to break its seal and take a look at the truth inside.

After she took the book off the shelf again, she threw it directly into the Shihuang space, and then left Ouyang Huang's study.

After leaving this time, because she took away Ouyang Huang's things, she planned not to come here again in the next period of time.

And for the next period of time, after she finished treating Mr. Ouyang, she hoped that she would never have too much contact with Ouyang Huang again.

From her point of view, Ouyang's family is a trouble now!Big trouble!
After returning to her room, she withdrew the formation, then half-lyed on the bed as if nothing had happened, and began to read the "Pharmacopia" until the next day...

 Oh yes, it will be on the shelves tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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