Phoenix Dance

Chapter 139 The Art of Sealing, Zhang Family

Chapter 139 Sealing technique, go home

In the next few days, the only thing Feng Range did at Ouyang's house was to give Mr. Ouyang repeated injections and baths.

During the period, no one came to provoke her too much, because the potion was not enough, she also asked Ouyang Huang to send someone to get some medicinal materials, and refine it into potion for later use.

After doing this, Feng Range spent the rest of his day in his room reading scrolls, and occasionally studying the sealed book, except for the usual treatment for Mr. Ouyang.

During the period, she also occasionally entered the Shihuang space two or three times, thinking that Ran Yu was still young, and it was not a problem to always use pills, so she picked two spiritual fruits with the attribute of fire wood for her to eat.

Because she was thinking about teaching her alchemy in the future, the aura in her body now only has the water attribute because her physique relationship has been activated, and other attributes have not been activated. She swallowed two spirit fruits to activate her!
Swallowing attribute spiritual fruit is a very dangerous thing. If the conditions are not allowed, someone will disturb you while swallowing, causing the attribute aura to run wild in the body.Just like the fire spirit fruit, it will be engulfed by the spewing fire spirit power, and burned to death, not even the scum of the soul will be left.

But it is different in the Shihuang space. Although Ran Yu is still young, it is relatively safer and easier because he is devouring in the Shihuang space, and there are Shihuang's guards on the side.

The power of the five elements generates and restrains each other, wood generates water, and water restrains fire. It is easier for Ran Yu, who has activated the water attribute in his body, to swallow these two spiritual fruits than ordinary people.

Feng Range easily entrusted Shi Huang with the task of devouring the spiritual fruit to the little apprentice. She believed that with Shi Huang's guidance, she would be able to devour it completely in a few days, and her strength would greatly increase.

After she finishes her work here, she should be able to teach Ran Yu how to make simple pills and potions when she goes back.

After taking care of the little apprentice, Feng Range went into the study room and the practice room to search for the scrolls about the seal.

She has read most of the scrolls in the Primordial Space, but she has never touched the scrolls piled aside, and knows everything else.

She didn't know if there were any books about seals among those unorthodox books. She thought it was useless and unnecessary if she didn't read them before, but now she has no other way to learn about seals, so she can only pin her hopes on these books.

However, fortunately, Huangtian paid off. In this pile of two or three thousand scrolls, she found two scrolls about sealing.

I didn't learn seals before, and felt that the art of sealing was very remote, but now when I need it, I can't see that it is biased.

There were too few people who used it on the Continent of Gods in the previous life!Since the Great War between Gods and Demons, when the entrance of the demons to the human world was sealed, all the gods felt that the sealing technique was useless, so they stopped learning it.It was also because of this reason that Feng Range knew little about the art of sealing, and felt that sealing was a partial practice.

Seeing the power of the seal once again, and she who always likes to have a variety of skills, she can't be wrong.

Holding the two volumes in her hands, she still read them carefully.

The theory of the art of sealing is relatively general, and more practice is needed to understand it deeply.

There are two ways to set a seal, one is to seal with a magic weapon, and the other is to draw a seal symbol.

People who use magic tools to perform seals are generally super powerful, and with Fengrange's current strength, it is impossible to do so.Another way to draw the seal symbol, which also requires some conditions, needs to be ready to draw the utensils for the seal symbol.

The tools needed to draw the seal talisman are also mentioned in the scroll. Three things are needed, spiritual ink, crystal pen and talisman paper.

Seeing the three things mentioned, Feng Range frowned slightly.

It seems that she still has a long way to go to learn the art of sealing!There is no place in this world to buy these things. It seems that she still needs to study and find time to learn and make it herself.

But there is no rush right now, let's find time to do it after she goes back!

Feng Range stayed at Ouyang's house for more than 20 days before finally returning to her own home!
 Ask for the first order!

(End of this chapter)

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