Phoenix Dance

Chapter 143

Chapter 143
After going outside, because Feng Range erased part of Ran Yu's memory, there was a fragment of her memory layer.However, Feng Range bluffed her away with a few words.

Maybe it's subconsciously feeling that I haven't come out to play for a long time, and Ran Yu is very happy when he goes outside!
Feng Range was going to take Ran Yu to a big meal this time, so she took Ran Yu downstairs.

There are several restaurants at the entrance of the community downstairs. Feng Range is also used to eating three meals now, so he has paid attention to places to eat.

However, when she was at the elevator door on the floor just now, she saw Kai Feng walking towards her.

As soon as she saw Kai Feng, Feng Range knew that he must be looking for her because of Ouyang Huang.She simply stood where she was, holding Ran Yu's hand, and did not leave, waiting for Kai Feng to come over.

"Miss Feng, hello!" Seeing Feng Range, Kai Feng bowed politely, and then straightened up again.

Sure enough, this guy came to find her!

"What's the matter?" Feng Range doesn't want to have too much contact with Ouyang Huang now, and naturally he doesn't want to have too much contact with his people.Besides, she is going out with Ran Yu now, so her attitude towards Kai Feng is not particularly good.

However, seeing her cold attitude, Kaifeng did not change his expression, and remained respectful.

He raised his hand and handed the thing in front of Feng Range.

"Miss Feng, this is what the BOSS asked me to give you. It is said to be a thank you gift for the ring last time!"

Feng Range was a little puzzled when he saw a mobile phone and a computer bag that Kaifeng handed to him.

When the original body was still alive, due to economic reasons, some things were not available.Although Feng Range has inherited her identity, she hasn't used these things until now, and some don't know why she is here?

When Kaifeng saw Feng Range looked at the things he handed over with some doubts, but didn't take them, he knew that Miss Feng didn't know how to use these things.

So, using his mobile phone, he followed the technique taught to him by the boss, and demonstrated it in front of Feng Range.

Because Fengrange is a cultivator, her memory is definitely outstanding.After Kaifeng demonstrated it once, she understood the boxy lump that Kaifeng handed her.

Feng Range saw the magic of the mobile phone, and was quite curious about it.Although she wanted to get rid of the relationship with Ouyang Huang, but that guy actually used the excuse of returning the gift, so she accepted it bluntly.

After accepting the mobile phone, Feng Range also accepted the computer.Accepting the same is accepting, accepting both is also accepting, she might as well accept it together!
After putting the things into the space bracelet, Feng Range said to Kaifeng, "I want to take Xiaoyu to dinner, you can come too!"

Feng Range's sudden politeness to Kai Feng made Kai Feng stunned.Has Miss Feng changed her gender?Didn't wait to see him just now!

But soon, Feng Range added a sentence to clear up his confusion.

"Teach me to use the things in that bag later, and I'll treat you to dinner in return!" After speaking, Feng Range pulled Ran Yu and continued walking.

After hearing Fengrange's words, Kaifeng was stunned!
However, he soon came back to his senses, and hurriedly chased after Feng Range.

"Miss Feng, the boss asked me to follow you in the future and listen to you!" Kaifeng suddenly said after catching up.

When Feng Range heard what Kai Feng said suddenly, he paused, glanced at him, and continued walking.

"Master Ouyang not only gave me something, but also you?" Feng Range raised his eyebrows and asked.

Hearing Feng Range's question, Kai Feng was a little embarrassed.But thinking back to the way his boss told him to let him follow Miss Feng, it seemed that he really wanted to give him to Miss Feng.

Thinking of this, Kai Feng nodded helplessly, although he was a little speechless at the behavior of his own boss who emphasized sex and neglected his subordinates.

The sky is big and the earth is big, who makes the life event of his boss the biggest!He will sacrifice himself to fulfill the boss's desire to please Miss Feng!

Seeing Kai Feng nodding, Feng Range just glanced at him and had no other reaction, and dragged Ran Yu into a mid-range restaurant!
 Ask for benefits!The pudding has gone down the fever, but it is very sticky~
(End of this chapter)

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