Phoenix Dance

Chapter 144

Chapter 144
Kaifeng unhurriedly followed behind the two, walked in, and the three found a seat by the window and sat down.

As soon as the three sat down, a waiter came over with the menu.

"Three guests, what do you want to order? We have all the dishes on this menu here, please tell us what you need!" After the waiter finished speaking, he left the menu and stood there waiting.

Feng Range didn't look at the menu, she brought Ran Yu out for a big meal today, so she handed the menu to Ran Yu and Kai Feng.

"Order whatever you want!" After she finished speaking, she ignored the two of them, took out the computer from the space bracelet and put it on the table while not paying attention.

Seeing Feng Range's behavior, Kai Feng, who was sitting opposite her, somewhat understood Feng Range's meaning.

Ms. Feng said before that he would teach her how to use the computer later, and now she said wait later.

After understanding Feng Range's meaning, Kai Feng didn't procrastinate, and directly invited the waiter, and ordered some signature dishes on the menu.

Ran Yu also kept paying attention to the handsome uncle sitting opposite his master. After seeing that he ordered a lot of things, he stopped ordering.

When Kaifeng handed back the menu to the waiter, he also handed over the menu in his hand.

"Little girl, don't you order your favorite dishes?" Kaifeng asked her when he saw Ran Yu's movements.

Ran Yu grew up in an orphanage and has a restrained personality.She is not very familiar with Kaifeng, so she just shook her head when Kaifeng asked her something.

When Kaifeng saw Ran Yu's reaction, he also knew that the little girl was a bit of a baby girl, so he smiled softly, and stopped talking.

Kaifeng knows Ran Yu's identity quite well, so for Miss Feng's sake, he will have a good attitude towards this little guy.

After the waiter took the menu and left, Feng Range pushed the computer in front of Kai Feng, and said, "Show me!"

Feng Range's memory is outstanding, and he is extremely intelligent.She doesn't need to be taught, as long as others demonstrate it to her.

When Kaifeng taught her how to use a mobile phone before, she just read it once and learned it.It should not be too difficult for learners to use computers now.

Seeing Feng Range eager to learn how to use a computer, Kaifeng glanced at her.

He saw strong interest in Feng Range's twinkling eyes, so in order to achieve the goal of the boss as soon as possible, he moved the computer to the middle of the table and began to demonstrate it to Feng Range.

Kai Feng's identity is not only Ouyang Huang's assistant, but also a master hacker.

His attainments on the computer are extremely high. While he was demonstrating to Feng Range, Ran Yu on the side was fine and just stared at them.

Kaifeng's hands were tapping and moving quickly on the keyboard, but although the speed was fast, they couldn't hide from Feng Range's eyes at all, and even Ran Yu who was on the side watched it with relish.

Occasionally distractedly peeking at Feng Range and Ran Yu's Kai Feng, seeing the two people's eyes fixed on each other, but their faces are not confused but full of interest, it's amazing!

If it is said that Miss Feng can understand, but what is the situation with the little guy?
Kai Feng was terrified, and the genius was not so talented, he remembered that this little guy seemed to be only five years old!
Feng Range, who had been staring at Kaifeng, also noticed Kaifeng's expression.She squinted her eyes and glanced at Ran Yu beside her. After seeing her expression, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Although Ran Yu is young, she is getting more and more satisfied with this little apprentice!

After taking it to Kaifeng for a demonstration, it was all finished.Feng Range didn't think about it for the time being, but put it into the space bracelet and started eating.

Feng Range didn't like to talk when eating, and Ran Yu was the same with her, so Kai Feng had to eat in silence.

However, after seeing the genius reaction of the master-student pair in front of him, Kai Feng ate this meal a little absent-mindedly, during which he would sneak glances at Feng Range and Ran Yu from time to time.

Until the meal was over, Kai Feng was still feeling emotional!

 Ask for benefits! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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