Phoenix Dance

Chapter 147 The woman who came to find fault

Chapter 147 The woman who came to find fault (1)

For the next two days, Kai Feng stayed by Feng Range's side, helping her with daily affairs.

As for Feng Range and Ran Yu, they didn't practice in the past two days, but were buried in the computer.After three or four days of fighting, although Feng Range and Ran Yu were many years younger than Kai Feng, their master and apprentice's hacking skills far surpassed Kai Feng's by analogy.

In the past few days, besides taking care of Feng Range's daily affairs, Kaifeng also stood beside the two masters and apprentices watching them play computer games, all kinds of charge, and his good skills made his eyes widen.

Seeing the skills of the master and apprentice, Kai Feng was envious and jealous besides envy.

But on the morning when Ouyang Huang came to pick up Feng Range, Ouyang Huang asked him to send their master and apprentice directly to the airport because of a temporary emergency, and they would meet again at the airport.

Only then did Feng Range's master and apprentice put away the computer, and obediently followed him to the airport.

Along the way, because Kaifeng gave Ran Yu a computer, Ran Yu was very friendly to him and talked to him from time to time.

"Uncle Kaifeng, why do you work with that big villain? He is so bad, why do you want to be with him?" Although Ran Yu will not mention his brother Ran Yun now, he knows that Kaifeng belongs to Ouyang Huang After becoming a subordinate, when seeing Ouyang Huang from time to time, he would often think that his brother was taken away by that big villain.

She didn't want to see Ouyang Huang very much, and when she talked about Ouyang Huang with Kai Feng, she called him a big villain.

Hearing her name, Feng Range didn't react at all, and she also felt that Ouyang Huang was really not a good person!
But Kaifeng is different, he is Ouyang Huang's subordinate, so he can't discredit his boss in front of others!Therefore, every time he heard Ran Yu call Ouyang Huang a big villain, he just laughed and let it go.

Feng Range didn't even look at Kai Feng's slapstick, while Ran Yu, who was a big kid, despised him very much, but she still called it her own way.

When Kaifeng heard Ran Yu's question, he just smiled and didn't answer. He, a clever little guy, was helpless, so he didn't accept the move, and she couldn't do it either.

After waiting for a long time, when Kai Feng didn't speak, Ran Yu pouted and said displeasedly, "Uncle Kai Feng ignores me, Master, so don't bother with him either! He is the subordinate of the villain, so he must be too." Big bastard!"

Ran Yu pulled Feng Range's arm and acted like a baby, Feng Range looked at her and smiled, "Okay!"

Fengrange's word 'good' made Ran Yu's pouting mouth turn into a smile.

Just when the three of them were saying a few words from time to time, the airport arrived.

Because neither of them saluted, even if they saluted, they would all be placed in the space artifact, and the three of them walked into the waiting hall empty-handed.

Just as the three of them walked in, they heard a female voice coming from the front.

Feng Range, the owner of this female voice, also knew Dale who had dinner together when she was still at Ouyang's house.

Feng Range looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and saw Dale walking over with a twisted and enchanting figure.

When Feng Range saw Dale, Dale had already seen her, especially recognized that the man beside her was Kai Feng, Ouyang Huang's golden assistant.

When she first saw these two standing together, Dale felt like she was going crazy!
What is the origin of this woman, so Huang Shao arranged for Kai Feng to bring her to participate in the large auction in the United States.Even she has never enjoyed this kind of preferential treatment from Young Master Huang, and Dale felt that she was going crazy with jealousy.

Because of jealousy, she lost her calm and reason, and Dale rushed over regardless.When she walked to Kaifeng's side, she glared at him, and then walked in front of Fengrange, her face was full of jealousy, and her eyes were full of madness, making her so jealous that she wanted to slap the little fairy in front of her!
However, just when Dale raised her hand to hit her, Feng Range caught her arm, and then threw it away.

For a woman like Dale, Feng Range is not even interested in taking a second look.

After throwing away Dell, Feng Range took Ran Yu to find two empty seats in the waiting room and sat down. He and Ran Yu took out their computers and started playing.

 Ask for benefits! ! !Repeat chapter changed!

(End of this chapter)

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