Phoenix Dance

Chapter 148 The woman who came to find fault

Chapter 148 The woman who came to find fault (2)

When Kaifeng saw Dale attack Fengrange before, Kaifeng was stunned.Just when he wanted to stop it, it was already too late.

Just when she saw that Del's slap was about to hit Feng Range's face, she saw that Feng Range raised her right arm lightly, and stopped Del's movement.Seeing this scene, Kaifeng was in a mess!Miss Feng is so fierce!
Dale is notoriously savage and ruthless in their circle, but he didn't expect to fall into the hands of Miss Feng today, which really surprised him!
However, Miss Feng's mentor and apprentice have amazed him more than once now, and he has been beaten enough in the past few days.Therefore, his anti-strike ability is absolutely top-notch now.

Seeing that after Feng Range blocked Dale, he found a seat in the waiting room and sat down as if nothing happened, and then took out the computer with Ran Yu to play, Kaifeng was speechless.

He hurriedly walked to the side of the master and apprentice, and sat down together.

When Dale was intercepted by Feng Range, she was taken aback for a moment, and then reflected her anger afterward.She looked at Feng Range with a look of resentment, especially when she saw that Kai Feng ran towards Feng Range without even looking at her.As if Feng Range was his mistress, Dale's glamorous face was distorted even more.

Dale stood still, his whole body was surrounded by anger, and he was about to explode!

But when she saw Fengrange took out a laptop of the same model as Ouyang Huang, Dale exploded.

"You bitch! Who allows you to rob Huang Shao from me! What do you think you are! Just because you are an orphan, you want to grab Huang Shao from me, you bitch!" Dale roared in his mouth, like Like a shrew, she rushed towards Fengrange.

When seeing this scene happening, due to the certain distance between the two, Kaifeng's reaction was quick this time.He immediately stood up, and with a dodge, he stood between Dale and Feng Range, blocking them!
"Miss Dale, you can't hurt Miss Feng, or the boss will be angry! You know that the consequences of getting angry with the boss will be serious, please stop!" Kaifeng was not polite in order to prevent Dale from accidentally hurting Feng Range A warning to Dale.

As if he didn't take Dale seriously, Dale became even crazier when he heard his warning, "Kaifeng, you actually helped this little bitch! You think I can't touch her if you stop her You see how I deal with her! No bitch who robs me of Huang Shao will end well!"

As Dale spoke, she assumed a fighting posture, pushed away Kai Feng who was blocking her, and rushed towards Fengrange quickly.

Seeing this scene happening, Kai Feng was shocked.He didn't even have time to react, one of Dale's jade legs had already kicked Feng Range's head.

Dale was specially trained by the BOSS, and her strength is definitely very strong.If she was hit by her blow, Miss Feng would definitely be seriously injured.

Thinking of Feng Range being seriously injured, Kai Feng could even predict how furious the boss would be.Although he wanted to stop it, he found that he was powerless to act any more, so he could only stand there and watch this scene happen.
Just when Kaifeng thought that Del was about to kick Feng Range, Feng Range turned over with Ran Yu in his arms and left the seat.

After standing still, Feng Range threw Ran Yu to Kai Feng.Before Kaifeng could even react, he stretched out his hand subconsciously and caught Ran Yu who was thrown by Feng Range.

After handing over Ran Yu to Kai Feng, Feng Range no longer has any worries.She stared at Dale, and the cold light in her eyes was as if it could freeze people into ice cubes, which made people feel a chill in their hearts.

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(End of this chapter)

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