Phoenix Dance

Chapter 153 The Smith Family

Chapter 153 The Smith Family (2)

After Cole and Cos left, Ouyang Huang in the room made a phone call and left.

Not long after Ouyang Huang left, the doors of Feng Range and Ran Yu's rooms were knocked open.

Ran Yu who opened the door, saw a brown-haired, blue-eyed, capable woman standing at the door, Ran Yu turned around and ran into the room.

Ran Yu didn't have as strong a language ability as Feng Range. After seeing a typical American woman standing at the door, Ran Yu ran into the house and asked Feng Range for help.

"Master, there is a woman from the United States outside, you go!" After finishing speaking, she hugged her computer and started playing, and handed over the rest to her master.

Feng Range heard the knock on the door before, and thought it was Ouyang Huang.Now when she heard Ran Yu say that a woman from the United States came to knock on the door, she was very curious about what the other party was looking for her for.

Since coming here, she has been in contact with only a few people the most, but she doesn't know any women from the United States.

So, she put down the computer in her hand and walked to the door.

"Hello, Ms. Feng! My name is Kayina, and I am the special assistant of BOSS in the United States. BOSS has something to go out now. He asked me to come here to inform you. At the same time, let me stay here and watch Is there anything you need me to do?" Kayina is a rigorous and capable woman.

She is different from the general women around Ouyang Huang. When she introduced herself to Feng Range, she acted like she was doing business. s eyes.

Seeing Kayina like herself, Feng Range frowned because she was Ouyang Huang's special assistant, but now she has no special dislike for her.

"I'm fine now, come in!" Feng Range said, then turned and walked into the room.

The door didn't close, and Kayina who was standing at the door saw Feng Range walk in, so she walked in unhurriedly.

Entering the room, Ka Yina saw that Master Feng Range was sitting cross-legged on the bed playing with the computer, and no one spoke, so he sat on the sofa beside him, and also took out his portable computer and started to do business.

There was only the sound of tapping on the keyboard in the room, until someone knocked on the door again, the three raised their heads.

"You two continue, I'll open the door!" Kayina said, put down the computer in her hand, and went out to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Kayina saw Cole and Kos standing at the door with several bags in their hands.

Although Kayina didn't follow Ouyang Huang for a long time, because they are both from the United States, and Cole and Coase are the direct descendants of the big American chaebol family, Kayina is quite familiar with them.

So, she let the door open and let the two of them walk in.

"Miss Feng! Miss Ran! This is a sympathy from our Smith family, for Miss Ran." Cole and Kos were very polite when they saw Feng Range and Ran Yu, and handed several bags to Ran Language and Fengran song.

Feng Range reached out to take it, and Ran Yu followed suit.When I opened the bag, I saw a bunch of colorful little dresses and princess dresses, very beautiful!
Seeing these little skirts, Feng Range didn't have much reaction, but Ran Yu liked them very much, and couldn't put them down.

"It's so beautiful! Master, can I wear these beautiful skirts?" Ran Yu turned to Feng Range and asked expectantly.

Seeing the flickering eyes, the lovely Ran Yu, Feng Range had no reason to refuse, but just asked.

"Xiaoyu, these beautiful skirts, which one do you think is more beautiful than the golden silkworm dress that Master gave you?" Feng Range asked lightly, but the little guy Ran Yu was stunned.

After a long time, Ran Yu held his mouth, and said with some grievances, "Of course the golden silkworm dress that Master gave is beautiful! I won't wear these skirts anymore..."

Seeing Ran Yu's pitiful look, he suddenly laughed a little.

Shaking his head, he said, "Go change your clothes!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden opening, Ran Yu stared blankly at Feng Range, unable to react for a while.

However, after he realized it, he jumped up and cheered, "Oh yes! Master is so kind!"

Then, after hugging Feng Range fiercely, she quickly got out of bed with those big and small bags, and ran into the bathroom to try on clothes.

Seeing Ran Yu with such a temperament, Feng Range laughed again and shook his head, then continued to play with his computer.

(End of this chapter)

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