Phoenix Dance

Chapter 154 The Smith Family

Chapter 154 The Smith Family (3)

In the past few days, except for the first day where Feng Range studied various ways of using computers, and another day where she learned hacking techniques, she spent the rest of the time doing one thing.

She created an account on an international forum, built a building to practice medicine, and specialized in treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases at high prices.

In the past two days, many people have followed the post, some people doubt her ability, some people ridicule her for cheating, and some people ask her if she can cure some diseases?
For those posts that suspected her of satirizing her, Ran Yu would delete them for her in the past few days.As for those who practiced medicine seriously and asked for medicine, Feng Range replied one by one by himself.Because of this incident, the master and apprentice have been holding the computer in their hands for the past few days.

Seeing dozens of hundreds of people seeking medical treatment every day, and thousands of people suspecting and mocking her, she and Ran Yu are already too busy.

Just now, Feng Range wrote in the notes of her account that only one person will be treated in a month, and the price will range from 500 million to 5000 million.When she seeks a doctor, she will follow up, and she will choose someone to come to her for treatment.

She also wrote in the remarks that she will be in the United States in the next few days, so her first patient will be selected in the United States this month.

As soon as she wrote the note, she immediately received a private message.

"Hello! Can you treat a comatose patient with brain trauma and revive her? We are in XX City in the United States now, can you come?"

After reading a private message sent by a strange user, Feng Range replied immediately.

"Yes! Give me the specific address, leave someone at home, prepare the reward, and I will go there sometime in the next two days!"

After receiving Feng Range's reply, the user immediately gave Feng Range an address, thanked her a lot, and then went offline.

Now that the task for this month has been set, Feng Range logged off after writing down the address.

In the next few days, she will be busy with a lot of things and won't have time to deal with the forum affairs, so this setting is also quite good.

After putting away the computer, Feng Range found that Cole, Kos and Kayina were still standing beside her bed.

She frowned a little uncomfortable, "Go out!"

This room is a high-end presidential suite with a living room outside.Because Kayina was a woman before, Feng Range brought her into the room.

Now that Cole and Kos are two big men, what's the matter with them standing here together?

Hearing that Fengrange chased people away, Cole and Kos also had some reactions.

However, not only were they ready to go out immediately, they were also ready to leave.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Feng, we didn't notice this! I'm sorry! Now we brothers have something to do, so let's take our leave first!" After speaking, Cole pulled Cos and turned around and walked out of the room, leaving directly.

Seeing Cole and Kos leave, because Fengrange didn't tell her to stay, Kayina also walked out of the room and went to sit in the living room.

After everyone left the room, Feng Range saw Ran Yu walking out of the bathroom in a little red dress.

Because Ran Yu's skin is very fair and of good quality, her eyes are still watery, big and bright, and the little red dress she wears makes her extremely cute.

Feng Range waved to Ran Yu and asked her to come to her side.

"Master, does it look good?" Ran Yu asked with a sweet smile at Feng Range.

Feng Range nodded slightly, and replied, "It looks good! It's beautiful!"

Hearing Feng Range's words, Ran Yu burst into laughter.

Seeing her own Ran Yu like this, Feng Range felt that she almost forgot how Ran Yun and Ran Yu brothers and sisters looked like when they first met.

They are now very different from before.Both appearance and temperament have changed drastically.

Seeing them like this, Feng Range suddenly felt warm in his heart, they were like his relatives...

(End of this chapter)

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