Phoenix Dance

Chapter 156 Nympho Miss Salier

Chapter 156 Nympho Miss Salier (1)

After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang arrived at the manor of the Smith family, when Feng Range saw this large family base, she suddenly lost her mind.

The scale of the Smith family's estate is too similar to the scale of her Feng family in her previous life.

A family covers an area of ​​ten hectares. In addition to the small courtyards of the members of the family, there are thousands of guest rooms.Half of it is for the servants of the family to live in, and the other half is for the overnight visitors.

Seeing this family that seemed like the Feng family in the previous life, Feng Range's memory could not help but be brought back.

She found that the only person she cared about in the family before was only one grandpa.She didn't even pay much attention to the disappearance of her parents.And since all this happened, after coming here, she often thinks about the past, and even besides her grandfather, she also misses her missing parents.

Seeing Feng Range standing there in a daze after getting off the car.Ouyang Huang and Ran Yu at the side looked at her, a little confused.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Ran Yu detoured to the other side of Feng Range's side, took her hand and shook it, waking her up in a daze.

Feng Range came back to her senses, seeing Ouyang Huang and Ran Yu looking at her with worried expressions, she felt a little warmth in her heart for a while.

Feng Range couldn't help but said, "I'm fine! Ouyang Huang, when I go back, can you help me get a piece of land, I also want to build a manor like this? It doesn't matter if the place is remote, what I want is far away from the city .Also, help me choose a dozen orphans with better talents, and I will teach them medical skills."

It was the first time he heard that Feng Range asked him to help her with something, and it was not by means of a transaction. Ouyang Huang was very happy when he heard it.

This little woman finally knew how to rely on him, and he was very satisfied!

So, he agreed immediately, "Okay, when we go back, I'll show you the land."

Seeing that Ouyang Huang readily agreed, a rare soft smile appeared on Feng Range's face.

She wasn't out of control at first, but with this smile, she was even more beautiful than a fairy, and Ouyang Huang's eyes were blurred.

"Don't laugh like that!" Ouyang Huang suddenly said domineeringly, which made Feng Range jump by his surprise.

With a stiff smile on his face, he stared at Ouyang Huang, "You must be sick!"

Hearing Feng Range's sweet voice accusing him, Ouyang Huang twitched the corner of his mouth, but didn't answer, so he dragged Feng Range and Ran Yu into the Smith family's manor together.

The place for the Smith family's dinner party was in a large banquet hall.This is not the first time for Ouyang Huang to come to the Smith family's manor, so he is no longer familiar with the place he is already familiar with, and found the banquet hall very easily.

Ouyang Huang walked in with Feng Range and Ran Yu, and handed a red invitation card to the receptionist at the door, and then walked inside.

Ouyang Huang and Feng Range were a little late, so there were already many people in the hall.Feasting, gourmet platters, handsome men and beautiful women, seeing this scene made Feng Range, who usually does not participate in such activities, feel a little embarrassed.

Even Ran Yu, who was holding hands with Feng Range, appeared in such a scene for the first time, and seemed a little cramped, leaning on Feng Range's body.

Sensing Feng Range's nervousness, Ouyang Huang glanced at her, took her hand, and pressed her palm.

"Don't be nervous, little Geer, just follow me!" Ouyang Huang softly comforted Feng Range, and then led her and Ran Yu to continue walking inside.

I met many people who greeted Ouyang Huang, but this guy just spared them and ignored them.

Those people are all the top executives of medium-sized enterprises, and they greeted Ouyang Huang just to get on his line, so that they can have more opportunities in the business field in the future.However, these people's level is too low to catch Ouyang Huang's eyes at all.

Ouyang Huang bypassed them and went directly inside.

(End of this chapter)

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