Phoenix Dance

Chapter 157 Nympho Miss Salier

Chapter 157 Nympho Miss Salier (2)

Ouyang Huang dragged Feng Range and Ran Yu straight in, this scene caught the eyes of many people.

Many of the people present were of status and status. The women all knew Ouyang Huang, knew his identity, and looked at him with expressions of admiration.

There are many men who are lustful, and when they see Feng Range's beauty, their eyes can't help but light up.But when they saw that the person holding her hand was Ouyang Huang, they all shrank their necks.

Ouyang Huang is a man, no one who rolls around in the business world does not know who he is.

This man is single, rich, and capable. His wealth has surpassed that of the world's richest man by too many, and this title is no longer rare.In addition to his identity as the president of the Global Huangshi Group, he is also the boss of the Qinglong Gang, the largest terrorist force in the Yanhuang Kingdom. This is the third largest terrorist organization after the European and American mafia and the Japanese Yamaguchi-gumi .

These situations are also information on the surface that people from the outside world have learned through some channels.As for his other identities, no one knows.

All eyes were on Ouyang Huang and the three of them, but apart from Feng Range's uneasiness, Ouyang Huang's whole person seemed to be more comfortable than leisurely.

Just after the three of them passed through the entire banquet hall, they saw Cole and the Kos brothers in a corner inside, and beside them stood an American girl who was somewhat similar to them.

Seeing Ouyang Huang walking towards them, Cole immediately whispered a few words in Kos's ear, and walked quickly towards Ouyang Huang and Feng Range.At the same time, behind him was the American girl who looked somewhat similar to him.

"Mr. Ouyang, you are finally here! And Feng..."

"Ah...Huang, you are finally here. When the dance starts, can you invite me to choose the first dance? Do you think my dress looks good today? Yes, yes, and this makeup, Our family's stylist specially tailored the match for me, doesn't it look good?"

Before Karl could finish his sentence, the girl behind him rushed to Ouyang Huang, grabbed his hand, and said something crackling.

She spoke with a very excited expression, completely immersed in her own world, she didn't even see that Ouyang Huang was holding Feng Range with one hand, and rushed towards Ouyang Huang in front of Feng Range.

Seeing this scene happening, Ouyang Huang's expression remained calm, he just gently pulled his arm out of the girl's hand, and took a step back.

Compared to Ouyang Huang's indifference, Karl was so frightened that his forehead was sweating.

This Salier is really a pretty but brainless guy who has more success than failure!Didn't she see that Mr. Ouyang has a female companion with him this time?If she messes up like this, don't mess up the cooperation between their family and Mr. Ouyang!
Cole pulled Salier with some displeasure, and reprimanded, "Saril, stop making trouble. Didn't you see that Mr. Ouyang brought a female companion? This is Miss Feng!"

Cole pulled Salier and introduced the existence of Fengrange to her.

Salier had seen the existence of Feng Range at first, but who made her fancy Huang, the woman she deliberately ignored!
There is no other woman allowed to exist beside the man she fancy.She had heard people say before that Huang would bring a woman by his side to attend the banquet this time, but she did not expect to bring one with her. This woman is still a beautiful beauty!
After seeing Feng Range's appearance, Salier, who always thought she was extremely beautiful, couldn't help being attracted by her exquisite appearance and became jealous.

"You are that shameless woman who pesters Huang? You are really shameless, get out!"

As soon as Salier broke free from Cole's restraint, she rushed in front of Feng Range, and was about to stretch out her hand to push.

(End of this chapter)

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