Phoenix Dance

Chapter 186 Sweeping the Smith Family

Chapter 186 Sweeping the Smith Family (2)

Seeing the man who spoke suddenly, Ouyang Huang's eyes narrowed, and a vague smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke.

"Sir, the patriarch of your Smith family, Hammad, is in my hands. Don't you want to be in my hands?"

Ouyang Huang's voice was full of coldness. Except for Feng Range who was sitting, the rest of the people were terrified after hearing his question.

The man's breath that suddenly flowed in and out was terrifying!
The man who spoke shook his body when Ouyang Huang asked a sudden question, and immediately silenced himself.

This man is so scary, he doesn't think he has the strength of the patriarch Hammad and can deal with him!

Besides, Sheikh Hammad is in the hands of this man.Then, what else can he do to compete with it?

The man was timid, and timidly sat back in his seat, not daring to say anything...

Seeing this man who had suddenly uttered a voice, Ouyang Huang was frightened into silence by his few words.

The few men who had patted the table with this man before and stood up, also sat down timidly at this time, not daring to continue making noise.

Things related to life, as for face and so on, can be temporarily discarded!

Only then did Ouyang Huang glance at the group of people at the table again, and put away the coldness emanating from his body.

He said coldly again, "You guys decide whether to sign this transfer letter or not! But in the end, you will naturally be responsible!"

Hearing him threaten again, no one present here dared to challenge him, nor did they dare to disobey him.

So, one by one, they flipped through the transfer contracts in front of each other, and signed their own names in several places where their signatures were required.

After finishing these things, everyone put down their pens and sat there, waiting for Ouyang Huang's next instructions.

Although this is still the manor of the Smith family, they, as the core members of the Smith family, just want to escape here quickly.

The man they are facing now is really terrifying!
And looking at the woman sitting next to him, although she hasn't said a word yet, she can tell at a glance that she is not good.

Everyone sat in their seats with anxiety, and no one dared to make a sound.

At this moment, Kai Qi and Kai Feng beside Ouyang Huang looked at all the signed documents, then walked around the meeting room and put away the documents.

The two received the document, and each checked it to see if there were any mistakes or omissions.

After everything was checked and there was no problem, he pushed it in front of Ouyang Huang.

"Boss, everything is OK!" Kaifeng said.

Hearing Kai Feng's answer, Ouyang Huang glanced at the pile of documents in front of him, and then pushed them in front of Feng Range.

Ingratiatingly, he said, "Little Geer, these are for you! Next, you have to form your own power, and you can't do without financial resources. Although the Smith family is not as good as the Huang's Group, it can barely be your wallet. .”

Seeing the pile of documents that Ouyang Huang pushed in front of her, and hearing him speak, Feng Range looked up at him.

"Give these to me?" Feng Range asked in surprise.

She knew that Ouyang Huang had already made a move on the Smith family before, but she didn't expect that he would give her such a heavy spoil, Feng Range was puzzled.

Hearing Feng Range's question, Ouyang Huang twitched the corner of his mouth, nodded and said, "I will transfer all the transferred funds back, and you don't need to handle the next thing yourself, Cage and Kaifeng will all Done! I can go now!"

As Ouyang Huang said, he stretched out his hand and pulled Feng Range up from his seat.

Feng Range stood up obediently, but still had some doubts.But then, she heard Ouyang Huang speak again.

"Xiao Ge'er, let's go back and have a good rest now! It's been a busy night, and we still have things to do tomorrow night!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, at the same time, there was a bit of malice on his face.Feng Range guessed that this man must have some bad idea again.

So, she didn't even take away the documents on the table, and she was pulled by Ouyang Huang and left the Smith family's manor.

Cage and Kaifeng will handle the rest of the matter.Originally, Kaifeng was still being punished, but now because of this incident, another punishment method has been changed, so Kaifeng is extra dedicated when doing these things.

After leaving the Smith family's manor, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range seemed to have just gone through the motions.

But during these three or four hours, they took all the assets of the Smith family, including personnel, into their pockets.

This is just a small gift from Ouyang Huang to Feng Range for the time being, and that big gift will not be seen until returning to Yanhuang Kingdom...

(End of this chapter)

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