Phoenix Dance

Chapter 187 Going to the Holy See Branch

Chapter 187 A trip to the Holy See branch (1)

After Ouyang Huang and Feng Range returned to the hotel this time, they went back to their rooms to rest.

After returning to the room, Feng Range untied the imprisoned Kayina's formation.Fortunately, Kayina hasn't woken up yet, she is still asleep.

Before Kayina woke up, Feng Range went into Shihuang space.After I went in and took a look at the two little guys, I got rid of Shihuang Space and went straight to sleep.

After a busy night, there is only an hour or two left before dawn, and she still needs to get ready for a good night's sleep.

Occasional sleep is still needed for practitioners!After enough sleep, the brain's judgment of things will be more accurate.

After sleeping like this, Feng Range slept for more than ten hours for no reason...

When Feng Range woke up again, she saw Ouyang Huang and Kayina lying beside her bed with worried faces.

Seeing Feng Range finally opened his eyes, Ouyang Huang threw himself in front of her, and hugged the one who was still lying on the bed into his arms worriedly.

Feng Range suddenly fell into a deep sleep before, and her breath became weak.Ka Yina, who woke up early, didn't see any sign of waking up no matter what she called her, so she called Ouyang Huang worriedly.

Ouyang Huang is also a cultivator. He knows that after a cultivator's cultivation reaches a certain level, he basically doesn't need to sleep. He only needs to practice and meditate for a while.

However, when he came to Feng Range's room, he saw that Feng Range seemed to have fallen into a deep coma, and there was no sign of waking up, so he couldn't help but feel worried.

However, just because he knew that Feng Range was not out of breath, but that his breath was weak, he eased his inner worries a little.At the same time, he also checked Feng Range's body with spiritual power, and found that there was no internal injury, although he was still a little worried, he felt more at ease.

Feng Range opened his eyes slightly, but his mental state was still a little confused. When he saw Ouyang Huang's sudden movement, he was a little stunned.

She raised her hand to push Ouyang Huang, but Ouyang Huang was pushed by her, not only did not let go, but hugged him even tighter.

"Ouyang Huang...I'm going to suffocate..." Feng Range was stuffy in Ouyang Huang's arms, and suddenly said with difficulty.

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Huang immediately pushed Feng Range away from his embrace, and then looked at her in a daze.

As soon as Feng Range left Ouyang Huang's arms, she finally got a chance to breathe.Panting heavily, she glared at Ouyang Huang. Is this man trying to smother her to death?

Seeing Feng Range stare at him reproachfully, Ouyang Huang was not only not unhappy, but was extraordinarily happy in his heart.He grinned, showing a goofy expression.

"Little Geer, it's getting dark! We should go do something bad!" Ouyang Huang suddenly changed his expression and said.

Suddenly hearing Ouyang Huang's serious speech, Feng Range looked up at him.

Feng Range saw the cunning in his deep eyes. Could it be that this man is really going to do bad things?
Before, when she came back from the Smith family's manor, she seemed to remember him saying that there was still something to do at night.Is he going to take her to do that now?What is it?
Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang with a puzzled expression.However, Ouyang Huang didn't answer her, but stood up and looked down at Feng Range.

"Little Ge'er, wash your face, Kayina and I will wait for you outside!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and left Feng Range's room.

Seeing Ouyang Huang leave, Ka Yina immediately stood up, nodded to Feng Range, and followed her out.

Once Ouyang Huang and Ka Yina left, Feng Range was left alone in her room.

Her current mental state has not eased, and she is a little dazed.

Feng Range squeezed the space between her eyebrows, then got up and got out of bed, went to the bathroom and washed her face with cold water.

After washing her face with cold water, Feng Range was fully awake.

She shook her head vigorously, then frowned slightly.

After waking up, she felt that something was wrong with her previous state.

Her usual consciousness is definitely in a clear state, but just now she seemed to feel that she was very confused and couldn't concentrate.

So, Feng Range used his divine sense to scan his whole body.She doesn't want anything bad to happen to her, and similar things will happen in the future.

For practitioners, it is very necessary to stay awake in an absolutely unfamiliar place.

You must know that the world of cultivators is very cruel, the strong are respected, killing people and seizing treasures, every minute and every second is extremely thrilling.

Although Feng Range is not very clear about the current situation in this world, judging from what happened yesterday, this world is also extremely dangerous.

Even if Feng Range is here, she still has to be extremely careful to prevent herself from being targeted by some guys with ulterior motives.

After Feng Range sorted out her emotions, she went to the living room.

When she came to the living room, Kayina was no longer there.Feng Range saw Ouyang Huang sitting comfortably on the sofa with his legs crossed.

When seeing Feng Range come out, Ouyang Huang stood up from the sofa and walked to Feng Range.

Smiling at her, she asked, "Little Geer, can we go out? I'll take you to eat first!"

As Ouyang Huang said, he stretched out his hand to hold Feng Range.

But when his hand was about to touch her own, Feng Range waved slightly, avoiding his touch.

Then, pursing his lips, he walked directly to the door.

Seeing Fengrange like this, Ouyang Huang was just slightly taken aback, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

However, he didn't stay in a daze for a long time, then he came back to his senses and followed Feng Range out of her room.

After leaving Feng Range's room, Ouyang Huang took her to eat something before driving to another place.

But this time the place he was going to was a bit remote, Ouyang Huang drove at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, and arrived after a full hour and a half.

This place is a bit out of the city, in a valley that few people visit.

Their car stopped at the door of a five-story church, and then the two got off one after the other.

After Feng Range got off the car, she looked at the church first, then at Ouyang Huang with doubts.

"Where is this?" Feng Range asked curiously.

When Ouyang Huang heard her question, he turned to look at her and said, "This is the branch of the Holy See in XX City."

Hearing Ouyang Huang's answer, Feng Range understood what Ouyang Huang meant without asking.At the same time, she was very clear about what the two of them were going to do next.

Ouyang Huang had been staring at Feng Range all the time, and after seeing the clear expression on her face, he hooked the corners of his mouth and revealed a faint smile.

"Let's go, little Ge'er! Hammad, Mosand, and Galare are all from the Holy See. If they dare to attack us, we have to reciprocate!"

(End of this chapter)

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