Phoenix Dance

Chapter 191 Heading to Nanyun City

Chapter 191 Heading to Nanyun City (1)

When they arrived at the airport, it was almost time, so the three of them went through the check-in procedures directly and got on the plane.

After less than 10 minutes in the cabin, the plane took off directly.

After the plane took off, Feng Range dozed off with his hands on his head just like the previous few times on the plane.

After the plane flew for three hours, Feng Range opened his eyes halfway, only to find that the plane hadn't yet arrived at Jingbei City. This is not right!
Where is this plane going to?Feng Range is sure that this plane is definitely not going to Jingbei City!
Feng Range was puzzled, so she didn't continue to take a nap, but turned to look at Ouyang Huang.

Ouyang Huang was holding a glass of red wine gracefully at the moment, and after receiving Feng Range's gaze, he also turned his head to look at her.

"Xiao Geer, would you like a drink?" Ouyang Huang raised the wine glass in his hand and asked.

Feng Range's facial features are much more sensitive than ordinary people, and the distance between her and Ouyang Huang is not far.With such a short distance, she clearly asked about the taste of the red wine in the glass.

She pinched her nose with a little distaste, Feng Range felt that the taste of the wine must not be as good as the spirit fruit wine she brewed herself.

So, instead of drinking his wine, she took out a small jar of spirit fruit wine from her space bracelet.

After asking the flight attendant for two wine glasses, she poured two glasses, kept one for herself, and handed the other to Ran Yu who was sitting next to her.

"Xiaoyu, you should drink this!"

Hearing what Feng Range said, Ran Yu obediently took the hand, and then took a sip.It doesn't have the spicy taste like wine, but has the fragrance of fruit, and there is a warm feeling in the stomach after drinking it. It's delicious!

Ran Yu suddenly wanted to raise his hand and gulp down his stomach, but was stopped by Feng Range's hand.

"Xiaoyu, drink slowly, you will get drunk if you drink too fast!"

Hearing Feng Range say that he would get drunk, Ran Yu put down his hand again.Looking at Fengrange, learning to be like her, taking a sip of a drink slowly and gracefully.

Ouyang Huang was holding the red wine glass in his hand, and when he saw the small wine jar that Feng Range took out, he gave his hand a meal.When Feng Range opened the lid of the wine jar to pour the wine, from a distance, he smelled the aroma of the altar of spirit fruit wine that Feng Range took out, and felt that the concept contained a strong aura.

Ouyang Huang saw that Fengrange only poured two glasses, and handed another one to the little girl Ran Yu, which immediately made Ouyang Huang sulk in his heart who wanted to try something new.

So, he pretended to be wronged and said to Fengrange, "Little Geer, I want to drink too..."

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden voice, Feng Range turned to look at him again.Seeing his coquettish posture pretending to be aggrieved, Feng Range suddenly frowned.

Ouyang Huang made such a coquettish gesture, it was really... um... enchanting...

Feng Range was a little speechless about Ouyang Huang's behavior, she couldn't figure out why this man would make such a charming gesture in order to ask her for a glass of spirit fruit wine.It surprised her so much!
Feng Range wanted to make Ouyang Huang put away this expression that made hairs stand up all over his body as soon as possible.Immediately recruited a flight attendant and asked the flight attendant to bring another cup.

After the flight attendant brought the cup, Feng Range directly poured one and asked Ran Yu to pass it to Ouyang Huang.

Ouyang Huang took the wine glass and took a sip like Feng Range did before.However, after taking a sip of spirit fruit wine, the expression on Ouyang Huang's entire face froze.

(End of this chapter)

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